Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 34

Before Ava slept, she made sure to set her alarm an hour before 6 so she could get up early to prepare. Now that her cast has been removed, she found no reason to still be in need of maids.

And she’s not even sure there will be maid services anymore. Gently, she put the quilt over herself and waited for sleep to come get her.

“Tomorrow is a big day.” She said and exhaled loudly. Looking past the window to look at the glowing sky, “I'm going to be Luther’s P.A from henceforth.” She whispered.

“Can you hear me, stars? Tomorrow, I'm going to work in his company as his P.A. Do you think it’s amazing?” she asked and imagined the stars talking back to her.

Back when she was young, her father and Her would always be outdoors to watch the moon move and the stars. Back then, she always somehow felt the stars talk back to them.

It’s always so shining. “Stars are shining and they emit radiance. It brings goodluck.” Her dad will always say whenever they watched the stars together.

“Dad, does it mean I'll be like the stars someday?” She’d ask her dad and he’d reply with a huge smile plastered on his face.

“Of course, my baby girl. You’re going to be like the stars someday. Sparkling and shiny.`` Thinking about her father’s words now, she wondered if she’s anywhere close to those stars in the sky.

“I’m nothing like them, right dad? You were wrong.” She said, smiling sadly. She kept looking out to the sky until sleep finally caught up with her and she fell into a dreamless dream.


The alarm kept ringing non-stop until Ava decided she had had enough of its ringing. She switched off her phone in anger and went back to sleep. But before she could get deep into it, the room door opened and her friends came inside.

“Wakey wakey.” Val said happily but she dismissed her with her hands asking her to keep quiet. Instead, Valerie got other plans for Ava. So she came to stand beside her bed and lean towards her ear.

“Wakey wakey yyyy.” She drawled

“Gosh! Get your annoying self off my face.” Ava said pissed at her for trying to disturb her peaceful sleep.

“We need to get set for work.” Valerie said again and that was when Ava finally remembered she’s starting her first work today.

“Omg why didn’t you tell me earlier?” Ava said, shouting as she jumped from the bed and ran frantically inside the bathtub.

“But I just did, “ a confused Val responded. “Well, you should have said that earlier.” She said again as she started stripping herself off her clothing. Cathy already prepared the bathtub for her.

Val shook her head at her sudden speed and how every ounce of sleep vanished from her eyes. Just few seconds she was shouting about how she was talking inside her ears.

And now, she’s the first to jump inside the bathtub and accuse her of not speaking earlier when she had done just that.

She had a quick shower and soon got out of the bathtub. Cathy helped dry her hair as Samamtha prepared the cloth, shoe and handbag she’d use. Valerie helped bring her food and helped in applying her make-up.

It wasn’t too much, the make up. “Perfect.” Valerie said as she was done with the make- up. Ava looked at herself in the mirror and felt like she was staring at herself yet another person.

Her hair was packed in a tight high bun with little strands of hair by the side and her face was flawless with the nude makeup Valerie had just finished. Her face wasn’t shouty. It was just the right amount of makeup needed on her face. It looked so light, simple and yet elegant.

“Thank you guys so much.” She said as she hugged the three of them tightly.

Samantha was the first to pull out. “I-it’s okay.” She said, “There’s not much time to waste.” quickly, she brought the toast bread and hot tea made for her.

She soon finished eating and wore the two piece grey suit prepared for her, a drop dangling plain shining earring, with matching necklace. She remembered the cloth was one of the few outfits she first tried on immediately when they got to the mall.

She, herself loved how it fitted her so well. Like it was her exact measurement. She loved how it hugged her curves perfectly.

Wearing the three inch covered heel with it, she was all set. She twirled in front of the girls. “What do you think?” She asked them with a smile on her face.

“Perfecto!” Valerie exclaimed. The girls couldn’t believe how beautiful Ava looked right now.

“Mr Herald bought all these for you?” Cathy asked as she couldn’t believe how perfect she looked right now. But before they could continue talking, there was a knock at the door interrupting their discussion.

“I’ll go get the door.” Samatha left to open the door. “Someone is here to pick you up.” She announced.

There, Ava felt herself panicking a little. Taking steady breaths, she calmed herself and bid the girls bye before walking out the door. Outside, John was there waiting for her. Bowing his head slightly to greet her, she bowed too.

He then led the way and out to where Luther was already standing, waiting for her. As Luther saw the woman coming out of his home, he was stunned. He couldn't believe how stunning she looked all dressed up.

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