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Chapter 38

Stunned by the calmness in his voice, Lia could not help herself from falling for him again. Luther is everything a woman could ever want in a man. Handsome, calm, intimidating aura and simply picture perfect.

All of a sudden she remembered why she came and quickly kicked herself back to her senses.

“Oh spare me the greetings and tell me what that was all about!” she summoned the courage to let it all out at once.

“Would you prefer to talk this out while standing? Well it's entirely up to you. I'm fine either way,” Luther said and crossed his legs.

Lia stared at him intensely for a few seconds studying the room and reading the hidden intention behind his calm charade before dragging her legs to the chair opposite Luther.

As Lia walked closer to where Luther was sitting, her eyes caught Ava who had been sitting behind the other desk all this while. Lia felt anger welled up within her. How could she not have seen her? Realizing she had been clouded by anger, she spoke immediately.

“What is she doing here!” she yelled louder than she intended to.

“That is none of your business, is it?” Luther shot back.

“How is that none of my business? We will be getting married for goodness sake!” Lia couldn't withstand the ridiculousness laid out in the room.

Ava pretended like she didn't hear what Lia had just said but deep in her heart, she felt jealous. She gripped the helm of her shirt tightly trying not to show it.

Luther looked in her direction and smiled inwardly.

“I thought I made it clear to you that it will not happen, not even in your wildest dreams. Now sit down and let's talk about why you are here.”

Lia wanted to speak again but something tells her that now is not the time for it. First, she must hear what Luther has to say to the message she received and then she can now let out the anger she's bottling up.

“Fine! But I want her out of this room. I can't bear to see her wretched slutty look,” Liz finally said.

“That is not possible. She's my personal assistant and she has every right to stay and note down everything that will be said between us. Besides, she plays a major role in this matter so leaving is out of the option,” Luther explained while looking at Ava affectionately.

Lia noticed the atmosphere and the look Luther wore as he spoke. She knew it was only a matter of time before she let it all loose and bounced on the shameless woman in front of her whose sole purpose was to make her life bitter.

“Is that how you wanna play? Let's play…”

“Good. I'm glad you understand,” Luther smiled and rested his back on the chair.

“Now tell me why you are here.”

“What do you mean? Don't you know that already,” Lia felt ridiculed. Luther was hell bent on making her look stupid and she's not going to have any of it.

“Of course I do but where is the fun in that if you don't really explain why you'd come here instead of giving a call?”

“If I had called, would you have picked?” Lia asked in anger.

“Well, that's a good point.”Luther scoffed. “So what part of the message do you not understand?”

“Really Luther? Do you really want to play this game with me? I may be a woman but don't test me!” Lia gritted her teeth.

“I see this conversation is not going anywhere so I'll spare you the drama and go into business.” Luther sat uprightly and wore a serious look.

“In simple terms, if you plan to continue to be unreasonable, I'll make sure your father's company crumbles to the ground. Is that clear.!” Luther said with a cold stoic expression.

Ava who was standing in the background smiled. She always loves it when Luther makes those threats. They make him look handsome and hotter. The expression on Lia’s face even gave her a strange kind of satisfaction.

In her mind she knows she shouldn't be here. She’d hate it if she gets caught on the web. She hasn't even been totally free from the last trouble she got herself into but she still wanted to know what Lia had come for. It was either this or that. Making the decision looked like a lot of work.

“Mr Herald, would you like me to make coffee?” She asked hoping she'd get to leave the duo alone if for some moment to catch some fresh air.

“No that would not be needed. I want you to stay,” Luther said in an authoritative yet comfortable manner.

Ava knew that even if she wanted to leave, she couldn't leave now that Luther bid her not to.

Lia was even more pissed looking at both of them pretending They were both hiding under the veil of boss-worker relationship but she'd be a fool to believe that. She knew it was more than that. It was part of the reason she found herself sitting in front of both of them.

“Get me a cup of coffee, will you?” Lia said in an oppressive tone in an attempt to taunt her.

“No!” Luther yelled.

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