Mission 1
The night gradually unfurled its inky tendrils, casting an obsidian shroud upon the sky. Amidst this celestial canvas, delicate starlight descended like ethereal confetti, embellishing the firmament. The moon, a luminous orb akin to a crystalline masterpiece, bathed the surroundings in its silvery glow, weaving an enchanting tapestry of tranquility and serenity for those fortunate enough to behold its celestial spectacle.
Within the heart of a dense forest, a clandestine quintet, adorned in meticulously designed military gear, executed silent maneuvers that surpassed the capabilities of mere mortals in the cloak of darkness. Abruptly, a thunderous VOUUSHHHH resonated through the woodland, injecting an electric pulse of tension into the atmosphere.
"Did you hear that sound?" John's voice pierced the night, a symphony of alarm resonating in its timbre.
"Yeah, I heard it. We are being watched; get your weapons ready," Zine commanded with authoritative urgency. From his back, Zine extracted two long swords, their handles adorned with a mysterious yellow orb, prompting Alex to speculate about their potential status as emerald tier weapons.
The arcane potency of weapons rested in the embedded crystal, extracted from the beating heart of mutated or unmutated beasts. This arsenal hierarchy ranged from the rudimentary Basic tier to the celestial realms of Demon and beyond.
Returning to the present moment, the sinuous cadence of something skittering with remarkable celerity seized their collective senses. Emerging from the obscurity of shadows, a creature of grotesque majesty manifested before them. Its proportions mirrored that of a large dog, bereft of eyes but possessing a cavernous maw sporting razor-edged teeth. A tongue, adorned with viscous silver droplets, extended from its mouth. Alex's initial perception likened it to a tiger, yet the illusion shattered upon closer scrutiny, revealing sinewy musculature and a startlingly gaunt physique, ribs etched like ghostly runes upon its frame. The creature's red eyes glowed with an intensity that bespoke a feral malevolence.
"It's a Ravage Dog; we don't have to worry too much about it. We can take care of it," Zine declared with an exhale that carried the weight of a seasoned warrior, betraying an expectation for a more formidable adversary.
The Ravage Dog, an emerald tier beast, bore a sinister genesis—a metamorphosis from ordinary canines infected by a virulent contagion, transmuting them into bloodthirsty predators.
Alex, drawing from his knowledge gleaned from prior reports, harbored suspicions of a trap, but his unvoiced caution fell on oblivious ears. Abruptly, four additional Ravage Dogs materialized from the arboreal canopy, orchestrating a predatory ballet that encircled the party in a meticulous 180-degree formation. The lead creature, a macabre choreographer of impending doom, launched its assault. Utilizing powerful hind legs, it soared into the air, claws unfurling from its forelimbs like malevolent talons poised to rend flesh and sinew. The impending confrontation hung in the ephemeral balance of anticipation.
Zine, positioned at the forefront, executed a fluid motion, swinging his right arm. The orb embedded in his sword emitted a crimson radiance as he harnessed his fire ability to enshroud the blade, amplifying its sharpness. Upon impact, the sword collided with the Ravage Dog's head, propelling the creature backward. It stumbled and crashed against a tree, leaving a conspicuous dent. The dog's visage bore the scars of a scorching ordeal, revealing a melted line down its skull—a testament to the sheer potency of Zine's attack.
Witnessing this display of power, the onlookers were taken aback by Zine's prowess. As the leader and a rank 4 ability user, he stood as a formidable force among them.
However, for Alex, this spectacle stirred a tinge of jealousy. His own abilities paled in comparison, hindered by a lower rank and a perceived weakness due to his genetic makeup. Frustration bubbled within him as he yearned for the day when he could demonstrate his strength and earn the respect that eluded him.
In the cyclic dance with the Ravage Dogs, Alex, determined to prove himself, unleashed his fire ability. Covering his short sword in flames, he executed a slashing motion, sending a fiery arc toward the approaching beast. Yet, with an almost disdainful grace, the Ravage Dog sidestepped the attack, evading effortlessly.
"Am I that weak? Dammit, and with this basic tier weapon... my teammate tricked me. I'm in trouble now," Alex lamented, his thoughts echoing his frustration.
The imminent danger unfolded as the Ravage Dog closed in. Despite attempting to dodge, the creature's claws found their mark, slashing into Alex's abdomen. Summoning every ounce of strength, he rolled away, seeking refuge beside a tree, breathing heavily.
Fury ignited within Alex as he cast a furious gaze at his comrades, who watched with smiles plastered on their faces. They seemed oblivious to his struggle, having apparently dispatched the other Ravage Dogs, leaving him to face the last one alone.
"Aren't you guys gonna help a little?" Alex's plea fell on deaf ears, met with indifference from his companions.
"I think you got this, and if you die, at least you won't be a burden on us anymore," Brook remarked, laughter accompanying his words.
Alex, a concoction of anger and exhaustion, realized he had to rely on himself. Determination flickered in his eyes as he reached into his suit pocket, revealing a small bottle with a green liquid. Downing its contents, a surge of scorching red-hot flames enveloped his body, elevating the ambient temperature.
Moving with unprecedented speed, Alex, now a blazing force, advanced toward the Ravage Dog. With flames cloaking his blade, he delivered a swift slash. The dog, caught off guard, only comprehended its demise as its head separated from its body, succumbing to a swift demise.
Collapsing to the ground, gasping for breath, Alex's earlier concoction, a rank 3 enhancer, proved both a salvation and a squandered opportunity. The battlefield lay silent, a canvas of triumph and exhaustion.
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