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Chapter 14 - Saw her


I drove in a haste, the chaotic whirlwind in my mind mirroring the rush of the city outside. The sight of Giselle – or someone who looked eerily like her – at the restaurant had left me unsettled. Elvie, too, seemed to have noticed, though she refrained from saying anything. My thoughts were a jumble of conflicting emotions – the love I still harbored for Giselle, the hurt from her betrayal, and the emerging connection with Elvie.

Needing a breather, I pulled into a quiet park, the serenity contrasting sharply with the tumult within me. I parked the car, leaned back in the seat, and took a deep breath. The cool breeze flowed through the open window, momentarily easing the chaos in my mind.

My phone rang, jolting me back to the present. It was my mother, Loida, and she was with Jasmine – Elvie's mother. They were undoubtedly scheming something, but my thoughts were too preoccupied to delve into their matchmaking antics.

"Hello, Mom," I answered, my voice carrying the weight of my internal turmoil.

"How's your date with Elvie, dear?" Loida's voice, sweet but assertive, cut through the airwaves.

"It's... okay," I replied, the uncertainty evident in my tone.

Loida chuckled on the other end. "Just okay? Andrew, dear, Elvie is a lovely girl. I think she's perfect for you."

I sighed, feeling the weight of my mother's expectations. "Mom, I appreciate your concern, but I can't help but feel conflicted. There's something about tonight that doesn't sit right with me."

Loida's tone softened, "Andrew, darling, love is complicated. You've been through a lot with Giselle, and it's natural to feel torn. But sometimes, new beginnings come in unexpected packages. Give Elvie a chance."

I ran a hand through my hair, a habit when I was stressed. "Mom, I need time to figure things out. It's not fair to Elvie if I'm still entangled in my past."

There was a brief pause on the line before Loida spoke again. "Take all the time you need, Andrew. But don't close yourself off to the possibility of happiness. Elvie cares about you, and maybe, just maybe, she could be the one to heal the wounds of your past."

I thanked my mother for her advice, though I couldn't shake the uncertainty that clung to my heart. As the call ended, I sat in the dimly lit car, the park's tranquility at odds with the storm raging within me.

Gazing out into the night, I wondered about Giselle's sudden reappearance. Was it a mere coincidence, or did it carry some hidden agenda? The prospect of confronting my unresolved feelings for her weighed heavily on my mind.

I arrived home, the events of the evening still swirling in my mind. As I stepped through the front door, I was greeted by the persistent voice of my mother, Loida. She was in the living room, a determined look on her face that signaled she had something important to discuss.

"Andrew, dear, come here," she beckoned me, patting the seat next to her on the couch. I obliged, settling in as she began what seemed like a well-rehearsed speech.

"I've been thinking," she began, a glint of excitement in her eyes, "Elvie is such a wonderful girl. She and Jasmine, her mother, have become dear friends of mine. I genuinely believe she would make a perfect match for you."

I sighed, anticipating the direction of the conversation. My mother had never been subtle about her preferences, especially when it came to my romantic choices. Giselle's name hung in the air, unspoken but omnipresent.

"Mom, I appreciate your concern, but I need time to figure things out. Tonight was... unexpected," I admitted, choosing my words carefully.

Loida fixed me with a scrutinizing gaze, her eyes searching for signs of agreement. "Andrew, you've been through so much with Giselle. Elvie is like a breath of fresh air, a chance at something new and stable. I don't want you to miss out on an opportunity for happiness."

Her words carried the weight of her conviction, but I couldn't shake the feeling that her eagerness stemmed more from a desire to see me move on from Giselle rather than a genuine understanding of my feelings.

"I just need time, Mom. I can't rush into things, especially after what happened with Giselle. I don't want to make the same mistakes," I explained, hoping she'd grasp the complexity of my emotions.

Loida sighed, her expression softening. "I know you've been hurt, Andrew, but sometimes you have to let go of the past to embrace the future. Elvie cares about you, and she could be the one to bring joy back into your life."

Her words struck a chord, and for a moment, I pondered the possibility of finding happiness with someone new. However, the unresolved feelings for Giselle lingered, complicating any attempt to leap into a new relationship.

"I hear you, Mom, and I'll consider it," I assured her, trying to placate her concerns while maintaining my own reservations.

As the conversation continued, Loida painted a vivid picture of Elvie's virtues, extolling her kindness, intelligence, and unwavering loyalty. It was evident that my mother had found an ally in Jasmine, Elvie's mother, and their friendship seemed to amplify their matchmaking efforts.

Despite the well-intentioned advice, I couldn't shake the feeling that my heart needed more time to heal. Giselle's sudden reappearance, combined with Elvie's growing interest, had left me in a state of emotional flux. The prospect of forging ahead into a new chapter of my life while still tethered to the past felt like an intricate dance with an uncertain rhythm.

As the night wore on, the conversation gradually shifted, but my mother's unwavering determination remained palpable. While I respected her concern, I knew that my heart needed time to reconcile with the echoes of a love that once was, and perhaps, find its own melody in the symphony of a hopeful future.

I glanced down at my phone, noting the numerous missed calls and text messages from Elvie. It seemed like she was eager to talk, and I felt a mix of curiosity and apprehension as I dialed her number.

"Hello?" Elvie's voice came through the phone, a hint of both excitement and nervousness in her tone.

"Hey, Elvie. I saw your messages and missed calls. Is everything okay?" I asked, trying to gauge the reason behind her flurry of attempts to reach me.

Elvie took a deep breath before responding, "I'm really sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. I hope I didn't make things awkward between us."

I leaned back against the couch, a small smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Elvie, there's no need to apologize. It caught me off guard, that's all. We're still getting to know each other, right?"

She sighed in relief. "Yeah, exactly. I just got carried away, and I didn't want you to think I'm rushing things."

I appreciated her honesty. "Elvie, we're both navigating this, and I appreciate your openness. Let's take things one step at a time."

There was a brief pause before Elvie responded, "Thank you, Andrew. I really enjoy spending time with you, and I didn't want to ruin it by being impulsive."

I chuckled lightly. "No harm done, Elvie. We're on this journey together, and it's okay to figure things out as we go."

Elvie's tone shifted, becoming more playful. "So, you're not mad at me?"

"Not at all," I assured her. "Actually, I was thinking about suggesting another date. How about we try that new coffee place downtown? It's casual, and we can chat without any surprises."

Elvie's enthusiasm radiated through the phone. "I'd love that! When should we go?"

"Tomorrow evening works for me. What do you think?" I proposed.

Elvie sounded delighted. "Perfect! Tomorrow it is. I'll be looking forward to it."

As we continued to discuss the details of our upcoming date, I couldn't help but appreciate Elvie's straightforwardness. It was refreshing to be with someone who was genuine and unafraid to express their feelings.

The conversation flowed easily between us, shifting from plans for the next day to lighthearted banter. Elvie shared stories from her life, and I found myself opening up more about mine. It was a pleasant exchange, devoid of pretense.

Before we ended the call, Elvie said, "Thanks for understanding, Andrew. I'm excited about our date tomorrow."

"I am too, Elvie. Take care, and I'll see you tomorrow," I replied, ending the call with a smile.

As I set my phone aside, a sense of optimism settled within me. Elvie's genuine nature and our shared laughter hinted at the potential for something special. Maybe, in the midst of uncertainty, a new beginning awaited us both.

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