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Chapter 16 - Don't tell him


I was bewildered as I observed Kevin and Carla chatting amicably in the living room of the mansion. It had been a while since I last visited, and I couldn't comprehend the sudden change in dynamics. Kevin had been quite adamant about not liking Carla, and the last time I intervened in his personal matters, it didn't end well.

As Kevin excused himself to make a call, Carla turned to me with a polite smile. "Mr. Thomson, would you mind if we had a moment to talk privately? There are some things I'd like to discuss with you."

I hesitated for a moment, studying Carla's demeanor. There was a sincerity in her eyes that caught my attention. "Of course, Carla. Let's head to my office," I replied, leading the way.

Once inside the spacious office, Carla took a seat across from me, her expression a mix of determination and vulnerability. I leaned back in my chair, waiting for her to speak.

Carla's tearful eyes met mine as she implored, "Mr. Thomson, please, you mustn't tell Kevin the truth. I lied about being the woman he had a one-night stand with."

I sighed, leaning back in my chair, and folded my hands. "Carla, why did you feel the need to lie to Kevin? You're well aware that he abhors dishonesty."

In between sobs, Carla confessed, "I love Kevin. When he started searching for the woman from that night, I panicked. I didn't want to lose him, so I claimed to be that woman, and he believed me."

The complexity of the situation began to unfold before me. A woman driven by love, fearing the loss of the man she cared deeply for, had chosen to tread the path of deception. I shook my head, grappling with conflicting emotions. "Carla, honesty is the bedrock of any relationship. Kevin values truth, and sooner or later, he'll discover the reality. What prompted you to take such drastic measures?"

Carla's tear-stained face bore the weight of her emotions as she replied, "I couldn't bear the thought of Kevin rejecting me if he found out the truth. I wanted a chance to be with him, and I was afraid that chance would slip away if he discovered I wasn't the one from that night."

I weighed her words carefully, contemplating the complexities of matters of the heart. "Carla, I won't divulge your lie to Kevin. However, you must understand that relationships built on deceit are fragile. You can't keep such a secret indefinitely."

Gratitude flickered in Carla's eyes as she nodded, her voice quivering. "Thank you, Mr. Thomson. I'm willing to face whatever consequences come my way. I just hope Kevin can see the depth of my feelings for him."

"Mr. Thomson, do you happen to know who the real woman is?" Carla's voice trembled as she sought answers to the lingering questions that shadowed her newfound connection with Kevin.

I shook my head, my expression reflecting genuine perplexity. "No, Carla, I have no idea who the real woman is. Kevin has been on a quest to find her, but the identity remains elusive. Perhaps she doesn't know about Kevin's efforts to unravel this mystery, or maybe she has her reasons for staying silent."

Carla's eyes, still moist with tears, flickered with a glimmer of hope. "I just hope she never returns to Kevin's life. I don't want anything to jeopardize what we have."

I contemplated her words for a moment, recognizing the sincerity in her sentiments. "Carla, sometimes life unfolds in unexpected ways. We cannot control every twist and turn. What's important is how we navigate those uncertainties."

She nodded, a silent acknowledgment of the complexities that love and relationships often entail. The room was filled with a palpable tension, a shared understanding of the fragile nature of the situation.

"I don't think the real woman knows Kevin's identity," I mused, trying to offer reassurance. "If she did, it's unlikely she would allow Kevin to be in the dark about the consequences of that night. People make choices, and sometimes those choices lead to unexpected outcomes."

Carla let out a sigh, a mixture of relief and lingering apprehension. "I just want Kevin to be happy. I hope he sees the depth of my feelings for him and understands why I did what I did."

I observed Carla's sudden shift in demeanor, her anger bubbling to the surface as we delved into the sensitive topic of Kevin's past. Her vehement denial regarding the possibility of another woman being involved in that fateful night caught me off guard.

"If Kevin and that mystery woman slept together, I don't know if she could possibly be pregnant," I remarked, my tone measured as I navigated the delicate territory.

Carla's eyes flashed with irritation, and she retorted firmly, "No way, Mr. Thomson. Kevin is only mine."

I arched an eyebrow, skeptical of her certainty. Her vehement response suggested a possessiveness that, in my experience, could either stem from genuine commitment or the fear of losing something dear.

I regarded Carla seriously, the weight of my scrutiny apparent in the air between us. Sensing the need to tread carefully, she seemed to realize the intensity of her outburst. Her embarrassment surfaced, and she offered a hasty apology, not wanting to portray herself as possessive or insecure.

"Sorry for shouting," Carla conceded, her voice now softer. "I just... I don't want Kevin to be with any other unworthy woman."

I couldn't help but grin at her honesty, appreciating the candor in her words. "Carla, do you believe you're worthy to be part of the Thomson family?" I posed the question, not as a challenge, but as a prompt for introspection.

Her gaze faltered, and she lowered her head, perhaps overwhelmed by the implications of the question. In a subdued tone, she murmured, "I will do my best."

I chuckled lightly, dispelling the tension that lingered in the room. "Carla, time has a way of revealing the true nature of things. Let's see how everything unfolds."

Kevin returned to the room, his eyes flickering between Karl and Carla. Sensing an air of seriousness, he couldn't help but inquire about the nature of their conversation.

"What's going on, Grandpa? You two looked like you were having a pretty intense discussion," Kevin remarked, his brow furrowed with curiosity.

I met Kevin's gaze, offering a reassuring smile. "Oh, it was nothing serious, just a little chat. I was giving Carla some advice about fitting in with the family, that's all."

Carla nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring my attempt to downplay the significance of our conversation. "Yes, Mr. Thomson, your grandfather has been very helpful and kind."

Kevin's curiosity lingered, but he decided not to press further. "Well, okay then. If you say so, Grandpa. Carla, everything good?"

Carla smiled warmly, appreciative of Kevin's concern. "Everything's fine, Kevin. Your grandfather has been wonderful."

"Good to hear," Kevin replied, his attention momentarily diverted. "Actually, Grandpa, do you mind if Carla and I take a walk around the garden? I want to show her the fountain I was telling her about."

I couldn't help but chuckle at Kevin's request, realizing the unspoken desire for some privacy. "Of course, Kevin. Enjoy your walk, both of you."

As they walked away, I observed the genuine connection between Kevin and Carla. It was heartening to see them getting to know each other, and I couldn't help but hope that this newfound companionship would bring joy and fulfillment to Kevin's life.

After Kevin and Carla strolled away, I decided it was time to take a more active role in resolving the mystery surrounding Kevin's one-night stand. Pulling out my cellphone, I dialed Gio's number, my trusted assistant.

"Gio, it's Karl. I need a favor," I said as he answered the call.

"Sure thing, Mr. Thomson. What do you need?" Gio replied promptly.

"I need you to find out who the woman is that Kevin had a one-night stand with. I want her name and any information you can gather. Background check, employment history, everything. And I need it done as soon as possible," I instructed.

There was a brief pause on the other end before Gio responded, "Understood, Mr. Thomson. I'll get right on it. Just to clarify, any specific details or just general information?"

"Start with the basics – name, address, employment. Once we have that, we can decide if we need more. But speed is crucial, Gio," I emphasized.

"Got it, sir. I'll prioritize this and keep you posted. Anything else you need?" Gio inquired.

"No, that's it for now. Just let me know as soon as you have something. Thank you, Gio," I concluded the call, contemplating the potential ramifications of uncovering the truth.

As I put away my phone, I couldn't help but wonder about the woman who shared an intimate encounter with my grandson. The urgency to protect Kevin's interests and the family's reputation prompted this investigation. However, a part of me feared what secrets might be revealed in the process.

With the wheels set in motion, I decided to focus on supporting Kevin's budding relationship with Carla. There were enough complexities in our lives without adding unnecessary complications. The sooner we navigated this delicate situation, the better for everyone involved.

As I observed Kevin and Carla through the window, their laughter and apparent happiness painted a picture of a blossoming connection. Yet, deep down, a sense of unease lingered. I couldn't deny my reservations about Carla – an uneasiness that stemmed from my genuine concern for Kevin's well-being.

Deciding it was time to address the matter, I made my way outside to where they were standing.

"Kevin, Carla," I began, wearing a polite smile to mask my inner conflict. "I've enjoyed our time together, but I should head back to my place now. I'll visit again soon."

Kevin nodded, looking a bit surprised at my sudden decision to leave. "Alright, Grandpa. We'll see you soon. Thanks for coming by."

I exchanged a brief glance with Carla, her eyes flickering with an expression I couldn't quite decipher. It was as if she sensed something beneath the surface.

Once back inside my own home, I couldn't shake the feeling that the truth had to surface sooner or later. If Gio discovered the real woman Kevin had been with that fateful night, I was prepared to face the consequences – even if it meant Kevin marrying someone else.

The idea of Carla becoming a permanent part of the Thomson family didn't sit well with me. Despite her friendly demeanor, I couldn't shake the suspicion that her intentions weren't entirely pure. The prospect of her being a gold digger or someone driven by ulterior motives troubled me.

As I settled into my home, I considered the delicate balance of managing family dynamics. The web of relationships and emotions was complex, and decisions made in haste could have lasting consequences. I hoped Kevin would understand my perspective and trust that I was looking out for his best interests.

The days ahead would likely bring revelations and, perhaps, more challenges. For now, I could only wait for Gio's investigation to unfold and hope that the truth, whatever it may be, would lead to a resolution that protected the Thomson family legacy.

I sat in my study, anxiously awaiting Gio's call regarding the progress of his investigation into the mysterious woman from Kevin's past. The tension in the air was palpable as I considered the potential implications of the information he might uncover.

Finally, the phone rang, and I swiftly answered it. "Gio, what have you found?"

Gio's voice came through the line, "Sir, I've been making inquiries about the woman Sir Kevin had a one night stand with. Unfortunately, the hotel where it happened, The Grand Gold Hotel, is known for its strict privacy policies. They won't disclose any information about their guests."

I furrowed my brow, frustrated by this roadblock. "I know who own that hotel.”

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