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Chapter 16: Characteristics and Talents 1

Amelia's expression suddenly changed and she asked, "Is that true? He can become a Daylighter?"

Nyx nodded. Max, who's future had already been decided, said, "Um…guys, what's a Daylighter?"

Amelia said, "Daylighters are mutants. When a nocturnal creature overcomes its biological limits and evolves to overcome its weakness in the day, it can evolve into a Daylighter. Many nocturnal creatures are able to do that. But there is another condition for a Daylighter to appear.

Each race can only have one Daylighter. Although a creature may overcome its weakness and gain immunity to whatever forced them to become nocturnal, it can't become a Daylighter if its race already has one."

Max asked, "Then what is the difference between that creature and a Daylighter?"

This time, Nyx answered, "A Daylighter draws strength from both day and night i.e even though it has gained the ability to roam the day, it hasn't lost it's advantages in the night. For example, a Vampiric Bat King is a nocturnal creature that becomes much stronger during the night.

Conversely, it cannot endure sunlight. Sunlight literally burns their bodies. But sometimes, they are able to endure sunlight long enough and mutate into Solar Vampiric Bat Kings. They become much stronger during daytime but lose the bonus they had in the night.

A Daylighter doesn't have this limitation."

Amelia continued where Nyx left off, "Because your Anima is blood and bone marrow, your bloodline will also change. Not that you won't be an Ironheart anymore, your bloodline will just mutate into another subspecies.

So you will become a Daylighter. We still need to sort some details out but Nyx's plan is much better than ours. The only problem is that body tempering is not so easy."

Nyx smiled and said, "Leave that to me. I, Max, and Brandon will achieve Crystal Body. I will need some resources but not much. After all, the foundation of the body is life. Also, we will not be attending school."

Bella said, "That is non negotiable. You will go to school."

Nyx replied, "I've already completed the Anima User curriculum. You can check with the school if you want. And I can teach Max and Brandon. We need time to train and we can't waste it learning something we already know."

Xander said, "We'll talk about this later. Tell me, what do you need?"

Nyx replied, "I already have all the equipment that we need. I got the smithy to forge them.

What I need from you is simple. I need you to find a mountain where lightning often strikes."

At this moment, Max suddenly yawned. He had been through a lot today and needed to rest. Seeing this, Bella said, "It seems that we lost track of time. It's way past your bedtime. You should go to sleep now."

Both Nyx and Max nodded. They wished everyone good night and then went to Nyx's room. His room had an extra bed because he had sleepovers with Brandon very often whenever they had a holiday. Max could have slept in a different room but he didn't want to. They woke up the next morning and had breakfast with everyone. After that, Brandon came over. The trio went to Nyx's room.

They told Brandon what had happened the night before. Brandon was shocked. He looked at Max and then asked Nyx, "So he is your first cousin?"

Nyx replied, "Yup."

Brandon asked, "Then what's the plan now? Do we just start training?"

Nyx replied, "Before we do that, we need to carefully examine our Anima and determine their talents and characteristics and note them down. Then we customize our training schedule and increase efficiency. Let's begin with Max."

Nyx took out a sheet of paper and wrote

Name: Max Ironheart

Anima: Blood and Bone Marrow

Characteristics: ?

Talents: ?

Training Direction: ?

Anima Development Direction: Ancestral Vampire(Daylighter)

Seeing what he had written, Brandon and Max asked him, "What's an Ancestral Vampire?"

Nyx said, "That's the name of his subspecies. Max, summon your Anima and focus on it. Remember, your Anima is alive and that it is your incarnation. It is formed from your blood and soul. So try to communicate with it. Make your intent to communicate with them clear. Brandon, you do the same."

Both boys sat cross legged and summoned their Anima. They did as Nyx told them and started to focus on their Anima. They could feel their structures, their talents, characteristics, everything.

They woke up, only to find Nyx sleeping. They checked their watches and realized that four hours had passed by. They woke him up. Nyx saw them and said, "Good, you're awake. Were you successful?"

The boys nodded. Nyx circulated his Essence and got rid of his sleepiness. Then he looked at Max and said, "What did you find?"

Max said, "Well, I found two characteristics and one talent. Bloodline Tracking, Fast Recovery, and Blood Manipulation. I can sense people that share my bloodline in a 100 meter radius. With Blood Manipulation, I can control my blood."

He opened his hand and a drop of blood came out of his palm. He didn't have to create a cut to force the blood out. The drop hovered over his hand. He then absorbed the blood back. He said, "I can also combine them together and…"

He didn't finish what he was saying and closed his eyes. Both Nyx and Brandon felt their blood flowing faster before returning to its original pace. Max had used up his Essence and needed to recover it. Nyx took out Max's sheet and wrote:-

Name: Max Ironheart

Anima: Blood and Bone Marrow

Characteristics: Bloodline Detection, Fast Recovery

Talents: Blood Manipulation

Training Direction: Blood Manipulation

Anima Development Direction: Ancestral Vampire(Daylighter)

Then he looked at Brandon. Brandon said, "I also have two characteristics and one talent. They are pretty self explanatory. Digestion, Waste Discharge, and Rapid Digestion. I can digest pretty much anything and convert it to nutrients for my body. With Waste Discharge, I can remove all harmful substances from my body. And with Rapid Digestion, I can rapidly digest anything for a short burst of energy.There is another thing. I have a chance of gaining the properties of things that I devour, but it is a very low chance."

Nyx thought about it a little and took out another sheet. On it he wrote:-

Name: Brandon Ironheart

Anima: Digestive System

Characteristics: Assimilation, Extreme Digestion, Waste Discharge

Talents: Rapid Digestion

Training Direction: Eating

Anima Development Direction: World Devourer

Brandon asked, "What is a World Devourer? It kinda sounds ominous."

Nyx smiled mysteriously and said, "Let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, in a different world, there were two creatures. They had no form just like a slime. They survived on the atmospheric energy and didn't eat anything else. One day, a pair of humans started fighting near them. While they were fighting, their blood fell on the bodies of these creatures and was absorbed by them. That was the first time they had experienced hunger. When the humans died, they swallowed the bodies. One of the creatures devoured both heads and the other, both bodies.

The first one, became intelligent and wanted to increase its wisdom so it kept on devouring the brains of any sentient beings that it discovered. The second one could transform into whatever it ate and retain its previous forms abilities. So, it just devoured anything and everything in its path with wild abandon. After a long time, there was nothing left to devour. They had devoured everything. They were the only living beings left in that world. The first creature was sad that it couldn't increase its wisdom anymore.

But the second creature, it had already become a monster who just wanted to devour. So, it went after the first creature. They fought until they had devoured each other and evolved into something new. This new creature had the body of a human, the first creature that they had devoured. It had the wisdom of the first creature and the evolutionary potential of the second.

This creature could feel that it was still incomplete. So it devoured the only thing that was left. It devoured the world. Then it started traveling the void, devouring any worlds that it came across."

Brandon was completely enamored. He was a true foodie. The first thing that came to his mind after listening to this story wasn't disgust or anything like that. It was a question.

'Are worlds also edible?'

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