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Chapter 19: Hell Training

Nyx hit Brandon’s head, bringing him back to the real world. Brandon said, “Duude! What was that for?”

Nyx didn’t reply and just gave him a deadpan look. Brandon said, “Alright, alright. Just shake me next time.”

Nyx asked, “Next time?”

The three of them looked at each other for a minute before they burst into laughter. Nyx looked at the both of them and asked, “By the way, how were both so in sync before? Also how were you able to pinpoint the issue so clearly? You sounded a little different too. It was almost as if you were a ro-cough, emotionless.”

Brandon scratched his head for a moment and said, “I can’t explain it. It was as if something had come over me and before I knew it I had started speaking.”

Max chimed in, “It was the same for me. Or how else would I know about your Anima better than yourself?”

Nyx's expression became a bit serious and he asked, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Max replied, “Honestly, if you hadn’t asked us about this, I would have completely forgotten about it.”

Brandon nodded and said, “Me too.”

Nyx thought, ‘It’s just as I imagined. Thankfully, it won’t have any negative effect on them. But, why me?’

Nyx said, “It's probably nothing. I have some good news for you two.”

Brandon asked, “Good news? Did you create another dish? Or a new alloy?”

Max looked at Brandon strangely. Nyx, who was used to this, sighed and asked, “Are food and blacksmithing the only things that you think about?”

Brandon seriously thought about it and answered, “I think about other things but these make me the happiest.”

Max looked at Nyx and asked, “Is he always like this?”

Nyx replied, “Unfortunately, yes.”

Brandon had fake tears in his eyes as he said, “You guys are teaming up against me. That’s just not fair.”

Nyx: “...”

Max: “...”

Nyx looked at Max and said, “Let’s just ignore him for a while. That usually fixes him.”

Max nodded in agreement. He asked, “So, what was the good news?”

Nyx said, “Right, that. Originally, the plan was to feed you guys until you couldn’t eat anymore and then follow a training plan called Hell Training, designed by yours truly”

Nyx pointed at himself. Then he said, “But now, you won’t have to worry about eating too much. I can just absorb a few Demonic Beasts and turn them into Blood Wisterias for both of you. That means, we’ll be able to train non-stop without having to worry about hidden injuries and the like. But I should probably change the name of this training plan.”

Max was a bit afraid but still asked, “Why is it called Hell Training?”

Nyx gave the most innocent smile that he could and said, “Well, during this training schedule, you’d think that you’re in hell. But that was before. Now, the name, ‘I’d Rather Be in Hell Training’ is much more suitable.”

Max and Brandon looked at each other at the same time and yelled, “RUN!”

They started running away from Nyx. Nyx smiled and muttered, “These guys underestimate me too much.”

The vines of his Anima appeared in his hand, and rushed towards the two boys. They instantly caught them and picked them up from the ground. The boys tried to struggle out of them but the vines were too strong. They still kicked and screamed, “We want to go to school. Save us! Somebody, anybody…”

Nyx said, “If you shout one more time, I’ll double the training.”

Both boys instantly shut up. Max whispered, “I miss my mom.”

Nyx said, “Will you guys chill? We’ll begin tomorrow. And I gotta show you guys something. It's gonna be awesome.”

The trio walked back to Nyx’s house. Bella greeted them but looking at the depressed boys, she asked worriedly, “What happened? Is everything okay?”

Nyx replied, “It's nothing. They’re just overreacting.”

Bella said, “Let them speak.”

She looked at the boys and asked, “Is everything okay?”

The boys were about to say something but they felt a piercing glare at the back of their heads. They could almost hear the words, ‘Double intensity’. So they said, “It’s nothing. We just lost to Nyx in a game.”

Max nodded and said almost blankly, “And we couldn’t even resist.”

Brandon had dinner at Nyx’s house that night. When he was leaving, Nyx walked with him to the gate. Brandon said, “When I become the World Devourer, I’ll devour your tree.”

Nyx smiled, “I’ll take you on anytime. Get home safely, Doofus.”

Brandon replied, “I will. But before I go, have you decided if you will tell Max about…that?”

Nyx replied, “I won’t have a choice but to tell him.”

Brandon asked, “Have you made a report about it?”

Nyx said, “I have. Now go. Your dad will be worried.”

They said their goodbyes and Brandon left. Nyx went back inside. He went to Xander’s office and knocked on the door. Xander’s voice came from inside, “Who is it?”

Nyx replied, “Dad, it’s me.”

Xander’s voice came, “Come in.”

Nyx opened the door and went inside. He looked at Xander and said, “How was your day?”

Xander smiled and said, “It was productive. What about you? How was training?”

Nyx replied, “We didn’t exactly train but Brandon achieved Copper Skin today. We’ll begin training tomorrow. I actually came for that.”

Xander said, “What do you need?”

Nyx replied, “Class 2 Demonic Beasts. Alive and sedated. The bulkier the better. Preferably bovine.”

Xander was confused. He asked, “Why do you need living Demonic Beasts?”

Nyx brought out the report that he made and showed it to Xander. Then he explained the abilities. The more he heard, the more shocked he became. His expression became serious and he said, “Nyx, you can never use your abilities on humans. You must not become a Dushta.”

Nyx replied, “I know, Dad. I will never use these abilities on humans.”

‘not on innocent humans, anyway’ he thought. But Nyx kept that part to himself.

Nyx said, “Speaking of the Dushta, I heard something interesting today.”

Nyx knew that he had to be very careful with what he was going to say now. He said, “You know how all of my employees are very observant, right?”

Xander nodded and said, "You mean, they agents who collect information for you by spying on others? Yeah, I know."

Nyx was left speechless but still continued, “Well, one of these agents, a mercenary, was in a bar today and he heard something very interesting about an Alexa Fairchild. Apparently, she has been kidnapped by a Dushta. And she’s somewhere in the Outer Walls of Forrest City. I just found the name very familiar so I thought I should tell you. I think Grammy mentioned her, but I'm not sure.”

Xander stood up from his seat and said, “Are you sure that he heard the name Alexa Fairchild? And that she’s in the Outer City of Forrest City?”

Nyx feigned ignorance and said, “Yeah. But who is she?”

Xander replied, “The Young Mistress of the Place of Life.”

Nyx acted surprised. He said, “Well, if it is true, then keep my name out of it. I don’t want any attention on my employees.”

Xander nodded and rushed out of his office. He had to inform Amelia of this. Nyx returned to his room and felt like a burden had just been taken off his chest. The kidnapping of Alexa Fairchild was the biggest turning point in his previous life.

It was the reason his Clan had been exterminated. A Dushta had kidnapped Alexa, and killed her to devour her Daemon bloodline. This had enraged the Palace of Life. They swore to hunt him down no matter the cost. This caused the Dushta to flee.

With powerful enemies on his tail, the Dushta decided that he needed to increase his strength and slaughtered the Ironheart Clan. He contacted the assassin organization and asked them to smuggle him to safety. He offered Nyx as the price.

‘That heathen will wish for a peaceful death.’, thought Nyx. After all, he had now become an enemy of the Palace of Life. And the one thing those people knew how to do, was keeping someone alive, even if it was against their will.

His Clan would also get many benefits as the main contributor in finding her. With this obstacle gone, he could move on with the Phase 3 of his Grand Plan.

Phase 2 was garnering so much attention that it became his biggest disguise and alibi. Phase 3 of the Grand Plan was training. Not for himself, of course. He would train his present and past/future allies. As for himself, his days of resting were finally here. The next morning, when Brandon and Max reached the gym, they recieved the shock of a lifetime.

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