Chapter 4

Vinicius Sabino was at the spot where they were going to meet, of course, but there was no sign of the girl. For a moment, he imagined that she was already inside the café when he felt a cold breath on his neck. He didn't jump out of fright, but even so, he heard her cute laughs. Lumiria appeared with a slutty smile, wearing short beige shorts with a floral blouse, but dark and pink eyeliner, but leaving a strong look on him.

“What a pity. It’s so frustrating trying to scare you”

He narrowed his eyes.

“Aham. I can see your frustration, you naughty girl” - He flicked her forehead, leaving the poor thing bewildered for a moment.

“Hey, what-“ – she couldn’t complete her indignation.

Vinicius took her hand, e not just this, but clasping it with his capoeira fighter male fingers. She felt at the moment a flux run through her body. And this made her just follow him like she's not an aboveworld creature superior a human.

He releases her hand to sit across the table.

“So, what would you like?”

“I think an expresso is good”

He blinked.

“Really, with no cockroach sugar or rat blood?” he says, coldly.

“Are you serious?”

“You’re a d..”

She slapped his mouth, looking around. And then she felt a weird vibration o her hand, with him giggling for the first time, that shattered her fearful expression, captured by that unexpected and graceful moment.

“No, Vinicius. Just an Expresso”

“Nothing to eat?”

“You know what I really want to eat”

He flickered her forehead again before going to the counter.

She always dreamed meeting a k-pop boy, or a boy who could act like some dorama romance. But that brazilian skin with capoeira muscles couldn't get out of her mind. The way he makes her feel when he looks or challenges her is in another level from another dimension.

That is what she notices gazing him as he stands in a small line of executives, teachers and writes to be served. She wondered why just watching him was like beholding a masterpiece, and the answers were coming as she looked more at his broad-shouldered beneath that thermal shirt and brown coat, with muscles but slim. She giggled for that. Not to mention the tempting way his jeans hung off those hips.

His hair was something that made her hand wanting to run her fingers to that disorderly almost curly hair hiding part of the forehead. Oh, yes. She could do that, her nipples even hardened for a moment. Geez. What this man could make her feel.

How come he’s still a virgin and make all of this with a woman? How old is he, 18, 21?

She stared her red pointed nail when she felt that couldn't bear the flames taking over her cheeks. It was different than teasing him.

"I've never seen you shy without being a pervert" he said, startling her.

Her cheeks got even redder. I was just thinking the just running my finger through your almost curly disorderly hair could make my nipples hard. When he sats down, the waiter came setting down a tray on the coffee brown polished table. He hands her her favorite drink and the same for Vinicius, who was staring at the cup trying to understand how good could that be. Maybe Amapaenses weren't very used to drink that type of coffee, she thought. And the waiter also sets down a huge slice of chocolate cake. That was too much chocolate to eat without vomiting after that.

“This answers the condensed milk. I know where you could lick chocolate”

He picked up a piece with his fork and stuck it in his mouth, slowly sliding it out as he stared at her, and then he managed to let out a hollow laugh with her mouth open.

"I prefer to lick it with condensed milk, I told you"

When she looked to her coffee, it was bearing a surprisingly trident-pattern imprinted. Vinicius was intriguingly comfortable, nothing from the first time they met.

“Why are you shy?”

“I’ve always liked the heart shaped pattern imprinted on the milk. It was always my favorite”

“Really? Do you like romance? But you are a demon and pervert. So you have a boyfriend?”


She laughed for a moment, looking graciously at him.

“I don’t ever get used to the demon boys on my world, actually. I think I got so much influence on the korea industry.”

He frowns, intrigued, but ends up nodding respectfully.

Once again. he was focused at his chocolate cake. His long fingers taking on more slice with the fork and eating like it was nothing.

The boy ate it like magic, like an average-sized person stuffing a huge slice of food into his mouth, defying the laws of nature, because, well, it was like a cartoon.

“Can your throat bear bigger?” she asked, nonchalant.

But this time he coughed, beating his chest with the fist and drinking water desperately.

“That wasn’t what I… Wait. Are you gay?”

He blinked many times with his mouth full.

“I’m pretty sure I’m not”




He sighed.

“Couldn’t you be a little more patience?”

“Yes, I could, but why would I continue insisting, knowing you are gay”

“I’m not”

“I don’t know”

“Don’t you trust me?”

“I could, but the facts are stronger”

He places a tiny portion of the chocolate in his mouth, savoring each bite deliberately, all the while keeping a fixed gaze on her.

She was still studying what is going through his mind, but it is really hard to imagine.

“Ok, fine. But don’t wait too much”

She blinked, smiling widely and her hand flying in his directions, with he slapped.

“Ouch.” She wined.

He looked around for a moment, the place was no longer at its peak and there was only an elderly couple and a couple of executives in a meeting far away from the two of them. He got up and dragged the chair closer to her, all the while with Lumiria not understanding what he was about to do.

“So, what do your parents do?” he asked, continuing to eat his cake like there was never a proposal.

Confused, she sipped her coffee, looking to the café door.

“Parents on the Aboveworld aren’t really the same from this…” she stopped when a small piece of chocolate fell on her cleavage.

His innocent boy eyes triggered an unexpected feeling on her, like he really meant that, until he started to clean with a tissue e caressed his fingers on the right book, harder on his way to the nipples and brought to his lipes, sucking it without taking his eyes off her.

“So your mother is a veterinarian?” he asked.

“What, no my moth…” she felt a cold touch of rough hand with her skin, taking her hand and bringing under the table.

“An veterian, Lumiria?” this time his eyes wanted to say something, like to pretend a conversation to no one realizes he was taking her hand to a volume in his pants.

Oh my god, Vinicius Sabino is horny.

For a few seconds she can't bear to be in a trance. The virgin, reserved, possibly asexual boy in the minds of her classmates, presumably gay a few seconds ago to Lumiria, was sacrificing his principles as a chaste man to convince him, with his hard member from having touched her, that he wasn't gay. More out of determination than out of naughtiness.

“I am so emotional. You sacrificed your principles just to prove something for me. How cute” She grabbed hard “But now I will not let you scape.” Her voice was rough.

He tried to take her hand out of there with the unexpected behavior of hers.

“Stop it. It was just to answer you, it was not our deal”

“Oh, I know. But many mates tried hard to take your energy, one of the most valued energy from Aboveworld. It’s my chance to prove I am good at my job.

Her eyes glowed amber.

“Stop, you slut”

She took her trident out of her purse, in a small size to not call any attention.

“What are you going to do?” He has never seen her with so much strength, how did she got the force out of sudden?

She started trying to give him a handjob over his pants, which ended up making him unintentionally let out a moan, but he slapped both hands against his mouth to stop himself, unable to defend himself. Unfortunately, his member was getting out of control, as he was trying to escape carnal temptations for a long time, which he felt was bigger than usual.

“You like it, you are letting it. We never suck energy if the boys don’t like it’

“But it doesn’t mean I am not out of control. Ohhhh” he slapped his mouth again.

Oh, no, Vinicius thought. This was burning his body from inside to out. This was soo good. He wanted more and possibly this will not make him thought better. So his eyes got bigger.

He punched her boobs fast as a rat trying to run away from a crazy feared human, and she screamed out.

“Oh, not, baby, you must be careful, it’s still hot” she holded her face like to calm, but grabbed and looked her in the eyes. “Try this one more time and you will never be able to go back to the Above world again”

The waiter and the other clients looked at them, curious with de incident.

“It’s ok, she just burned her tongue a little. Right baby?”

With her eyes red in pain, she nodded smiling, holding the muscles of his arms, which he rolled his eyes.

She drinked a little of water and looked him, curious about the deal.

“Ok, I am sorry, I don’t really have control.” and started massaging her breasts, which were still sore from the punch. “How could you, I could have breast cancer, you idiot”

“I don’t really see you as a woman when it’s about strength”

“I am sorry”

“That is ok, you will have to use this impulse to get what you want”


“But in my terms”

“So, what do I have to do to get your energy?”

“First, you need an armour”

“An armour?”

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