The Fall
It was a long day in the Rivers, the Hoods were working tirelessly, trying to protect their city from the shadows, one of the deadliest beasts of the magical realms. Hood Kripson was an unlucky young trainee in the Ancient, a school that trains anyone on how to become a Wizard but not just anyone, only those who have passions for it and are willing to go through all the pains in the school since the school was not only for humans, different kind of creatures were present but over the years, technology took over the human world and they totally forgot about Ancient.
Since the Ancient was built with the help of the humans forefathers, they all decided to build the school in the human world, but as technology came into being, the creatures were no longer free to walk the human world because humans always freak out anytime they saw one of them thinking they would attack them but they are as scared as the humans. Going to school became hard for the creatures, producing more young wizards was not possible, the beast were not worried about this but they got worried when the technology moved at a very fast rate.
Within some few years, the humans already found a way to capture the night creatures, this was not good for the beast because they have seen so many humans capture animals with trap and what they do with the animals were really unspeakable, like cutting off it head then boiling it or roasting it and they were not ready to land in the belly of some humans. It's not like their belly would be clean since they eat too many disgusting things.
Hood Kripson and his friends just got admitted into Ancient as a young trainee as a wizard of Hoods, this means they got to enter the great city Rivers, the city was the most beautiful city Hood Kripson had ever seen, yeah he has not seen much cities because his mom would not let him out of their realms because she is over protective, she always yell at him once he comes home late from plucking the fruit, she would examine all the part of his body just to make sure he was ok, she kept on talking about the shadows, and people kept calling her crazy but she was not,
When the shadows hit Rivers then people believed her but she watched them perished despite the fact she knew how she could save them but she refused to lift the force field, Hood Kripson sat in the wide open field few steps from their front door as he watched the shadows devoured his fellow neighbors, everyday he pleaded with his mom to help them but she would always play dumb because she could not tell him No because she knew he was inquisitive, he would want to know why and she was not ready to tell him why. While she was sleeping, Hood Kripson sneaked to where she do keep this big book she is always looking at anytime he asked her to save their neighbors, according to the book, nowhere was saved except from Rivers but when he got to the middle of the book, the people would be save there if the gems of Alise was present but everyone knows that the gems died a long time ago while some said it's not real while some said it was real but left them because of the Wizard of Hoods while some believed that it was the Wizard of Hoods that messed with it,
When he got to the end of the book, there was an alternative for the gem of Alise, the last Wizard of Hoods, all the wizards of Hoods had to combine their powers in one gem, this means there would no longer be any wizard of Hoods left, only the gem would remaining of their legacy, Kripson knew it would not be easy since the wizards too had families to take care of, if they surrounded their life, who would take care of the human world? Their families? Who would balance the realm of the dark? Who would be the bridge between the dead and the living? Kripson already thought of those questions but the book already answered it. The gem can do it all except from taking care of their families, but the citizens of Rivers could do that, since we are all one big family. And the one question the book did not answer was which gem was going to hold all the powers of the Wizards of Hoods, even the gem of Alise can not hold all the powers of the Wizards of Hoods, apart from the fact that they were much, they each had over thousands of spirits, they were not just ordinary wizards, they were magic and dark magic it self, they were the spirits that guided the whole corner of the whole human world, they were also assigned to the humans world because that was where their school Ancient was, their world was indirectly in the human world. Kripson sneaked out of the house, taken it as his responsibility to find the gem that could hold their powers, it was a suicide mission and he knew it but he saw it as a chance to prove to the world that he could be great and he saw it as a chance not to live in the shadows of his father and since his father was one of the Wizards of Hoods which he still doubt if thats true but if he was, he should be a wizard too since the powers were hereditary. He was a hundred percent sure that the journey would be one of the most dangerous one so he decided to take some potatoes and some bread, as he stepped out of his house heading out,he decided to take a second glance at his mom then he noticed the mark, the Anyis. The Anyis was not really bad if it was still in it it first stage, it is a very dangerous disease, it kills people slowly, that was all Kripson knew because he hardly read about it, he only saw a glance of it in the book but still he still continued with his journey.
Williams dropped from the school bus, angrily, the big boys in his school had picked on him again and there were more bullies he was going to face since Alfred and his gang were playing outside, Alfred was like the best kid on the yard but he was the most naughty kid also, he would act like an angel when his parents were around but once they had gone to work, he turns to a demon, Williams was tired of reporting to his Aunt, because the more he complained, the more sad she gets, Alfred and his parents were the one who gave them the house since they could barely pay house rents, Williams accepted his fate as Alfred punching bag. The stressed guy faced down as he walked towards the big bad bullies, Alfred had three of his friends, they were all riding a bicycle, despite the fact that he was 16 sixteen, he had never touched a bicycle or riding it, but in his dream, he had a whole house filled with bicycles. Drake and Bella showed off their skills riding around Williams, as he walked towards the big bad boss, Alfred who just sat on his bicycle at the front waiting for him, he was still facing the ground when he noticed the change in weather, it was suddenly becoming cloudy and dark, Alfred and Drake rode off but Bella was having trouble because her glasses felt out of her pocket while she was showing off her moves on her bicycle, the weird thing was she could not see clearly without them and anytime she was with the boys, she do take them off like she did not need them, Williams picked it up, he wanted to crush it but he could not bare seeing her using her hands as antenna for her movement, she clashed into walls, he thought she was only trying to get his attention because she could navigate her way on her bicycle but once she is not it she is a mess. The clouds were getting darker as it was hard to see, he rushed to where she was, help her on her feet as he helped her into his house, they say far apart on the long sofa trying to ignore each other, suddenly there was a really loud thunder that shook the whole house, the two were surprised to see that they were hugging each other screaming at the top of their voice, when they noticed this, they separated in a hurry like they do not give a shit, they moved back to their sit, adjusting their clothes, while Bella was trying to get comfortable on the chair she was on, the bulb suddenly went off then it came back on within seconds then after few minutes of off and on, it finally off, the two teenagers remained on their sit waiting for the lights to come on but it never did.