
Williams couldn’t contain his excitement. He was eager to tell his best friend, Peter, about everything that had happened. The moment school let out, he rushed home, though something felt off on the way. The atmosphere was thick with unease, but Williams wasn’t scared—he had seen worse. As he approached his house, he noticed dark, ominous clouds hanging directly over it, casting a heavy shadow. People were running from his house, their eyes wide with fear, but Williams acted as though nothing was wrong.

He entered his house, tossed his school bag onto the wooden floor, and immediately rushed to the refrigerator. That’s when he noticed someone standing in the kitchen. A figure in a cape and hood, completely silent. Williams, unsure what to make of the person, decided to ignore them. He chewed his cereal loudly, hoping for some response. But the stranger remained still, not uttering a word.

Williams, frustrated by the silence, approached the figure. As he got closer, he realized the person was the same wizard he had seen the other day. This only confused him more. He dropped his spoon and broke the silence.

"What in God’s name did you do to me? I’ve been acting up ever since I met you," Williams demanded, but the man said nothing. He tried to touch the figure, but to his horror, the man's head fell off, rolling onto the floor. Williams froze, about to scream, but the scream was already coming from someone else.

It was Peter’s friend, Carly. She was standing in the doorway, eyes wide with shock. For some reason, the only question Williams could muster was, "Are you hungry? Want some cereal?" His smile was odd, but he was too rattled to care. Carly stood motionless, her fear palpable. Williams, interpreting her silence as a 'no,' looked back at the head on the floor. To his surprise, it wasn’t a human head, but a motorcycle helmet—his granddad’s helmet.

Underneath the cape, Williams found boxes containing files—his family’s files. The pieces started to fall into place. He was certain that the wizard was the only one who could move that fast and that the dark cloud was a sure sign of his presence. The cape left behind was all the proof Williams needed.

Carly, still shaken, wondered aloud what Hood Kripson was doing with the files. She began to suspect he might be after the same thing she was. As she lost herself in thought, Peter, still calm, tapped her on the shoulder, startling her. She screamed so loudly that the windows shattered around them. Williams and Peter covered their ears, wincing from the noise.

After a few moments, Carly composed herself, and Williams took the opportunity to ask, "What are you doing in my house? And why are you dressed like a thief?" He was taken aback by her all-black attire and the helmet she wore.

Peter, always the peacemaker, intervened, explaining, “She just wanted to hang out. The helmet’s for safety while riding her bike.”

Williams, though not entirely convinced, decided to go along with it, since Peter seemed cool with her presence. They helped him sort through the mysterious files, which had seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Together, they decided that they had to come up with a plan to catch whoever was snooping around Williams’ life, even if it was Hood Kripson.

The trio agreed that it would be best to confront him directly. Williams and Peter had always dreamed of being like the detectives they saw in movies, so this felt like their big break. They would need a base to operate from, somewhere safe, and they decided Williams’ house would be perfect. His grandmother wouldn’t be home until the next morning, so they had plenty of space to set up shop and plan their next move.

As the night dragged on, the trio remained awake, trying to finalize their strategy. Minutes before midnight, they heard an eerie howling outside their window. It was unsettling, the sound almost calling to them. Carly, visibly disturbed, paced around the room, trying to calm herself. Eventually, she made up her mind to go outside, but the boys, who had fallen asleep, were no help.

"I knew it. It’s too early for you to be fast asleep," Williams called out, half in jest.

Peter, rubbing his eyes, replied, "Yeah, I guess so."

Carly, her voice tinged with worry, added, "You guys don't want me on the team anymore, but you have to save those werewolves. They haven't done anything wrong to the bullies."

Williams, feeling like he had nothing to lose, was in. He needed to test his powers and see how strong he was. Peter, though hesitant, decided to join in. He figured that since Williams had been taking all the risks, he should back him up. The plan was set.

Williams would be the one to approach the bullies. He would demand that they release the werewolves. If they refused, which he assumed they would, he would do what he had to. Peter would record the entire thing, while Carly, the self-proclaimed queen, would sit back and watch. Afterward, they’d decide whether Carly would remain on the team.

The mission seemed simple enough, but things took a bizarre turn. Williams walked up to the group of bullies, ready to demand they release the werewolves. But as he got closer, he realized they weren’t bullies at all—they were vampires. And their leader, an odd red fox, didn’t fit the usual mold.

As Williams boldly stepped into the midst of the crowd and shouted, “Set the werewolves free!” the group erupted into laughter. It wasn’t the reaction he expected. Some of them rolled on the floor, holding their sides, while others slapped their chests in mock amusement. Williams, now feeling embarrassed, started to back away, but before he could escape, the group surrounded him.

Desperate, Williams tried to talk his way out of the situation—he had always been able to convince his grandmother with words. But this time, his usual tricks didn’t work. The vampires weren’t buying it.

To make things worse, they tied a cloth around his mouth, rendering him speechless. That’s when Peter saw an opening and decided to help. He quickly walked up to Williams, pretending to assist. They allowed Peter to pass, and Williams, with shaky hands, activated the camera on his phone.

Just as he was about to leave, he stopped and pointed to a set of bags in the corner. “Excuse me, guys, before you kill him, what’s in those bags?” he asked.

One of the vampires, still grinning, responded, “Blood bags. We’ve collected them from the people over there.” He gestured to a corner where the bodies of other victims lay lifeless. Peter began to tremble, terrified by the sight. He tried to escape, but now, he too was surrounded.

“Don’t lay a finger on him,” Williams said, his voice now deeper and eerily commanding.

Peter, shocked by the sudden shift in Williams’ tone and demeanor, couldn’t help but wonder what had happened. His friend’s eyes were changing, becoming an unnatural shade of white.

The vampires, underestimating the situation, laughed and ignored Williams’ warning. Two of them grabbed Peter, and their leader started punching him in the stomach. When the leader turned back to check on Williams’ reaction, he found the boy was no longer there.

“Your boyfriend left you,” the leader mocked, turning back to his gang. But as he did, he froze, his face pale with fear. All of his men had turned into withered corpses, drained of all blood. Their bodies lay grey and lifeless on the floor. The leader, now trembling, fell to his knees in reverence.

He muttered, “Evil forgive me for my sins.”

Peter and Carly, still shocked, watched in disbelief. The once-confident vampire leader was now broken, kneeling before Williams, unsure of what he had just witnessed.

Peter, who had been terrified moments before, couldn’t help but smile at the scene. He had never seen anything like it.

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