
Williams and Peter talked all night about the fight and how amazing Williams' powers were. They both agreed to let Carly remain in their small team since she had proven herself worthy when she was the only one who could remember the way back home. The so-called Red Fox pledged his allegiance to Williams and was now the fourth member of their team.

They didn't want him on their team at first since he wasn't a teenager, but he had already pledged his allegiance to Williams and now considered himself a subject of Williams.

Soon, the sun rose, and they realized they had overslept, way past the time for school. They rushed to get dressed, but then had second thoughts because it was Friday. On Fridays, their college school bus didn't run. They could have stayed home, but Williams' grandma and aunt were coming that day, and they would be furious if they found them at home during school hours.

They decided to take a walk through the park before heading to Peter's home, which wasn’t far from the park. It was Friday afternoon, and the park was supposed to be empty, with maybe just five to three people around, especially since it was noon and the sun was scorching in the summer.

But to their surprise, the park was filled with people moving in and out. There was even a police car and two ambulances parked outside. Most of the people walking in and out were nurses and doctors, but Williams, his friends, and the rest of the people behind the police lines were all wondering what had happened. The police were tight-lipped, and reporters had just started arriving, so they had to wait for them to investigate.

From what Williams and his friends could see, it looked like there had been an accident — perhaps a huge explosion. But what could explode in a park? As the reporters moved from one angry police officer to another, and from one frustrated doctor to another, they finally faced the camera and gave no useful details. The reporter said, "It looked like a huge explosion, but the detectives are saying it wasn’t. They’re not sure yet, but they’ll get back to us."

As they watched the nurses carry bodies into the ambulances, more ambulances pulled up. It was like the whole White House had been burnt down during the day — imagine how many people would be trapped inside. As usual, some of the people watching pulled out their phones to record, and the officers allowed them to film the unclear crash site from behind the lines, but they refused to allow anyone to see the victims. All people could see were bodies being loaded into the ambulances.

They did a good job covering the bodies before moving them out of the crash site and into the ambulances, but they couldn’t be perfect. As the last ambulance was about to leave, the nurses carrying the last body shook it, and the hand slipped out.

Williams became more interested in the body in the ambulance than in the crash site. He told his friends about the hand. "That’s no human hand," he said. "It’s more like a demon’s."

Carly suggested that they should get closer to the ambulance to see the bodies. It was exactly what Williams had been thinking, but he was worried his friends might think he was crazy. Peter wasn’t interested in the idea at all, but he had no other choice.

The nurses and doctors were too busy going back and forth, carrying dead bodies into the ambulances and rushing back to save the rest of the people trapped in the crash site. This distraction worked well for them, as they didn’t notice Williams and his friends. Just as the ambulance they were supposed to look into was about to leave, they hid, waiting for the next one to pull up.

Once the next ambulance arrived, the nurses again carried the dead body inside, laid it on the bed, and left. They didn’t seem to care about administering first aid to the victim. Williams and his friends wondered if the victim was already dead, but it wasn’t their concern. What they really wanted to see was the hand.

"Holy molly! It’s a night creature!" Peter exclaimed, disgusted by the face of the creature. Half of its face had been destroyed in the accident, leaving it badly disfigured. Williams came out of his hiding spot and was shocked.

"Well, we all know the humans would never help the night creatures," Williams said, looking out the door toward the crash site. He could see people standing around, recording the incident, but the police guarding the lines and the ambulances weren’t giving away anything useful. He walked back to where his friends were standing beside the body.

"Their badges are fake," Carly whispered, pointing toward one of the officers. She could see the badge was a cheap imitation.

"I knew something was off," Williams said, trying to prove to Carly that he had been right all along.

"So that means... they’re not human?" Peter asked, staring at the closed door of the ambulance.

"Guys!" Peter said, noticing the door slowly closing and the lights going out in the van. "What just happened?"

"We moving?" someone asked from within the ambulance.

"Just relax and enjoy the ride, since you two can’t stop fighting," a voice said.

The three teenagers sat wherever they could find space in the dark, hoping the ambulance would stop soon. But the driver had a different definition of “soon.” The ride dragged on for nearly an hour, and the excitement wore off quickly. The ride had grown tiresome, and the kids were losing patience.

Eventually, Williams and Peter woke up, tied to chairs. Their feet were bound, and their hands were tied behind their backs. Williams looked around the empty garage; it was old and dilapidated, and there was no sign of Carly anywhere.

"Hey, can you do your thing and get us out of here?" Peter asked.

"I don’t think so," Williams replied.

"Why not?" Peter pressed.

"My hands are tied behind my back. I guess I need to wave my hands like a wand to do the spell stuff, you know, like a wizard," Williams said, trying to make light of the situation.

Peter rolled his eyes but continued to scan the garage. Just then, their kidnappers made their move. A huge, hairy figure emerged from the shadows, holding a knife to Carly’s neck. The closer he got, the more people seemed to appear behind him.

Williams remained calm, sitting in his chair as the figure approached. Peter, however, was visibly anxious, trying hard to keep his cool while Williams stayed unfazed. The huge man came closer, leaning in toward Williams.

"So, my little friend, who sent you guys after us?" the man asked, his breath rank with foul odor. Williams tried to answer, but he choked on the man’s bad breath.

"Hey, man, please give me some space," Williams muttered, trying to breathe.

"That’s not the right answer. For every wrong answer you give, your friend here gets it."

"So who sent you?" the man demanded.

"Don’t even think about touching her, or you’ll be dead before you can even blink," Williams warned.

The huge man waved his fingers in the air, signaling another thug to give Carly a scratch on the cheek.

"The next one will be worse," the man warned, his voice dripping with malice.

"Fuck you. If I get out of this, you’re all dead," Williams spat defiantly.

The man laughed, and his lackeys joined in, mocking Williams.

"We know who you are," the man sneered.

"I don’t think you do, because if you did, you’d already be running," Williams said coldly.

"Oh, I’m so scared. Hood Kayler," the man mocked.

"Now this is bad. He knows your name," Peter whispered, his face filled with fear.

"You and Kripson think you’re the last wizards, right? Well, wait till you meet my master," the huge man said ominously.

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