
Williams stayed away from his friends ever they returned from their last mission, he was angry and scared that they would not see him as strong as before, he spent most of his time at home and anytime he went to school, he would try so hard to stay away from Peter and Carly. Peter tried so many times to go to his house but every time he got there, Williams would not allow him into the house, he would talk to him from the attic window which was in the roof.

Peter was at home sleeping one afternoon when he had the weirdest dream which felt pretty real, he was in a meeting with the former Wizards of Hoods,

“Before you all talk, you all know I had a narrow escape that so called Hood”

“Yeah we know, and he was supposed to be dead”

“Well apparently he is not and he wants the powers”

“That’s why we called this meeting, you can’t give him the power” the Wizard sitting on the taller throne said

From the look of things, he looked like he was the leader but it was hard to see his face with all the bright light that his face was given off.

“Yeah we would always be by your side” another Wizard said from the right side of the table, his face was pretty clear more like he was the least in the hierarchy

“Well thanks for telling me that, where were you guys when I was getting beat up? And you guys are so dead why can’t your legacy just die with you guys?”

“Why are you so scared? You have never cared so much about anything, we chose you because you lived your life like you got nothing to lose” the wizard on the right side of the king wizard said, his face was not really clear to since he was the third from the King Wizard

“Well I almost lost my friends back there, I am not sure if I would forgive myself if something ever happened to them and I am so sorry but I am given up on this Wizard thing, when you guys are ready you can send Kripson to come collect the powers”

And the next thing he noticed was he was awake, back to his old sitting room. He just lay back in the chair as he stared at the old stuffs that belonged to his granddad, if he was around everything would have made sense.

After his father left his mom to give birth to him alone and take care of him alone, she ran back to her parents but they kicked her out so she went to her sister who took her in and took care of her and him. But has time passed, his mother got caught up in her thought and got stock in her depressed state then committed suicide.

Since then his aunt had been the only family he knew then when things was not moving well for his aunt, she came back to her parents house with him and they accepted the both of them and since then he and grandpa had gotten so close. They would go fishing together and when they were done fishing they let them go, they would go rock hunting every since Williams had picked up a rock that looked like it was from an asteroid.

His thought about his granddad was disrupted when he heard noisy coming from outside, he tried to ignore it but then there were stones hitting his windows. He went to the window then put his head out to check what was happening then he saw his friends again,

“What do…” he stopped talking when a rock hit his head

“Sorry” Carly said as she and Peter could not help but smile as he grunt in pain.

“what is going on there?”

“That’s why we are here, come down and we would talk”

Without thinking twice, Williams jumped out the window, his friends where not shocked, he had taking much worst beating so the high was no big deal until Williams could not get up,

“I think I broke my angle”

“Broke?!!” Carly asked with a shocked face

“Stop joking man we have to go” Peter said as he was starting to go ahead

“Not joking man, I think I returned their powers back to them”

“Seriously! Then why did you jump?” Carly asked as she rushed towards where he was to help him up.

“Seriously I just wanted to be sure if I was back to normal”

They rushed Williams to the closest hospital, lucky for them, his angle was not broken, he just sprained his angle, with a few rub and massage, his leg was back but he was still feeling the pain and it was really hard working with it.

“About what was happening? Where were all the people going to? Why are there so much people in the hospital all donating bloods?”

“Williams we would answer all your question but first legs get out of here”

When they got back to the front of his house, they met Bella sitting at the step of the porch to the house. She was lost in thought that she did not notice that Williams, Peter and Carly were standing at her front and they have been talking to her.

“Hey we talking to you” Carly said as she tapped her on her shoulder gently. The tapping shook her out of her thought, she jumped to her feet and was too shy to talk so she turned around to be on her way.

“Hey where are you going too?”

“I made a mistake coming here I guess”

“No you didn’t, what happened?”

“They took my dad, the test said he was a night creature and the government was taken all he owned”

“Seriously test?!” Williams asked as he looked at the faces of his friends, he was the only one that did not know what she was talking about.

“We are sorry Bella” Peter said as he walked over to where she was to give her a hug

“Yeah and the Test, that was what we wanted to talk to you about, the government said everyone should go down to the nearest hospital to conduct a test to check if they were night creatures or not”

“But half the population of humans were night creatures, so why the wicked act?” Bella said as she walked with Peter and they both sat on the porch.

“Well our school!!” Williams said as he looked at his friends,

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