Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 16: Twisted

I felt the drain from my face at the chilling threat in Luca's words. If Marco was here, we had to find and warn him before Luca's men did.

I met Nico's eyes, seeing my own fear reflected there. But we had no choice - we had to search the ruins and pray we reached Marco first.

We crept up the crumbling stairwell, wincing at every creak of rotted wood. The acrid smoke stung my eyes as we peered onto the second floor. No sign of Luca or his thugs yet in the haze.

Staying low, we scuttled down the hall checking each shattered room. The months I'd spent exploring this manor as a child proved useful now; I knew every potential hiding spot.

"Here," I whispered, leading Nico toward a small servant's passage concealed behind a burnt tapestry. Marco and I had played for hours in its winding gloom. It had to be where he'd gone to ground.

The dank corridor twisted into pitch blackness. We trailed our hands along one wall, inching forward blindly. Ahead, my searching fingers brushed empty air - the passage opening up. I squinted desperately for any trace of light.

"Marco?" I risked a hushed call. "It's Lily!"

A rough hand suddenly clamped over my mouth from behind. I recoiled in panic before a beloved voice murmured "Hush!"

Marco released me and I fell against him weakly, almost sobbing his name. His soot-streaked face creased in a grin. "Still creeping secret halls together. Just like old times."

The faint humor in his voice steadied me. I quickly whispered all that had happened since we parted.

Marco's eyes darkened as I described the ruin Luca's ambition had left in its wake. "Then your family is safe for now. But Luca's wrath will only grow. We need to move quickly."

He squeezed my shoulder bracingly before turning to Nico. "Take Lily back to Carla's through the tunnels. Wait for me there." His eyes met mine reluctantly. "I still have something to finish here..."

Foreboding prickled my skin. I grasped his sleeve. "Marco, Luca wants you dead!"

"And he'll have me either way if I flee now. This may be our best chance to cut off the viper's head." His face was stone. "Go with Nico. Please, Lily."

I wavered, desperate not to leave him here alone. But Marco silently pleaded until, shoulders slumping, I let Nico steer me away. Marco's lantern light faded as we crept back to the hidden tunnel. I prayed it wasn't the last time I'd see him whole.

The dank passage deposited us onto the grounds far from the smoking ruins. We stole through the trees toward the distant gate, alert for patrols.

Almost there, crashing sounds erupted nearby, along with a young woman's panicked cries. Nico and I exchanged an alarmed glance. It was Sarah! Had Luca's men found her too?

Cautiously we crept toward the chaotic sounds, peering through foliage. I barely swallowed my shocked gasp.

Sarah flailed violently in the grip of two leering thugs, her clothing half-torn from her body. One pinned her arms as the other pawed his way up her bare legs, laughing at her desperate screams.

Red rage screamed through me. I started to lunge heedlessly from hiding, but Nico yanked me back down. "No! There are too many. We have to--" His urgent whisper broke off as I wrenched away from him.

Snatching up a fallen branch, I charged from the bushes with a feral cry and brought it cracking down on the head of the groping assailant. He collapsed with a grunt just as his partner's fist plowed into my gut, driving the air from my lungs.

I crumpled, struggling for breath. The thug loomed over me, rage twisting his features. He drew back a booted foot for a vicious kick.

A flash of steel suddenly sprouted from his chest. Face contorting in shock, he toppled sideways to reveal Nico clutching a bloodied knife. My friend's face was grim as he helped me stand. I clasped his hand in wordless gratitude.

Sarah stared at us both, wide-eyed and disheveled. Despite her recent cruelty, anguish filled me remembering the gentle girl she had been. I stepped toward her slowly. "Sarah..."

She flinched away, bitterness returning to her eyes. "You expect my thanks? After your lies turned my love against me?" Her voice broke. "Luca was all I had left..."

My chest ached at her pain. "Sarah, listen after your betrayal to us, we still forgave you. Luca twisted your grief to his own ends. He cares nothing for anyone but himself." I swallowed hard. "I know you loved Rose deeply. But she would not want this for you."

Sarah searched my face wildly, tears spilling over. For a moment, I thought my words had moved her. Then her eyes chilled to stone once more.

"Rose is gone because of our family." Her voice dripped venom. "I pray Luca makes you all suffer as I have." Turning sharply, she melted into the trees.

I started after her, but Nico pulled me back. "We can't force her to see truth. She must want to heal." His face was kind but firm. "Right now we need to go."

Reluctantly I let him lead me onward. My mind churned, realizing Sarah remained a grave threat if she warned Luca we were here. And Marco still at his mercy... Fear spiked through me.

We were nearly at the gate when a bloodcurdling scream shattered the air - Sarah!

I froze, conflicting emotions at war within me. Nico's eyes were tormented, knowing what I did - this could be our chance for escape if she came to harm.

But imagining her terror and pain, I knew my choice already. With an anguished noise, I whirled and sprinted back the way we'd come. I heard Nico curse and follow quickly.

The screams had gone ominously silent by the time we arrived. Desperately I scoured the dark trees. "Sarah!" My voice rang out heedlessly.

A faint sob answered me. I followed the sound down a sloping ravine to a small creek at its base. Sarah huddled there, clutching one leg with her skirt dangerously high on her thighs. My gut twisted. Had Luca's men assaulted her again?

I knelt slowly so as not to startle her. "Sarah? What happened?" Up close, I could see she was untouched, but her face glistened with tears.

She glared at me defiantly even as she kept cradling her leg. "Why can't you just let me be? Haven't you taken enough?"

I kept my voice gentle. "I'm only trying to help, I promise." I nodded carefully to her leg. "May I?"

After a long wary pause, she extended the injured limb. I gingerly inspected it and sighed in relief. "It's not broken at least. Here..." I tore a strip of fabric from my tattered dress and wrapped her swelling ankle snugly.

As I helped her stand and limp slowly from the ravine, her earlier words needled me. "Sarah, no matter what's between us, I don't wish you harm. But Luca does." I searched her face beseechingly. "He's poisoned your spirit past reason. You have to see that."

Her steps faltered, brows creasing. But then she shook her head angrily. "No more lies. My devotion to Luca is all I have left! He gave me purpose when you abandoned me to grief."

I stopped short, stung and frustrated by her refusal to hear truth. Sensing my waning patience, Nico intervened gently. "The hour grows late. We should keep moving."

Reluctantly I nodded, supporting Sarah's weight as we continued toward the gate. She refused to meet my eyes.

We had just reached the perimeter wall when a volley of shouts rang out. Patrols, swarming like roaches toward us. Sarah's scream must have raised the alarm.

"Run!" I cried, half-pushing Sarah toward the gate. But she twisted suddenly from my grip. Before I could react, she snatched a dagger from Nico's belt and pressed it to my belly.

"Halt!" she shrieked to the onrushing guards. "Your hunt is here!"

I froze in dismay as they surrounded us, cutlasses gleaming. Luca himself strode through their ranks, cold triumph in his eyes.

"Well done, girl." He smiled approvingly at Sarah, who preened under his regard like a starving flower in sunlight. Luca's icy gaze shifted to me. "And look what the cat's dragged in. The thorn in my side."

Fury overwhelmed me. "The Sarah's dagger that bit slightly into my clothes, her hand trembling with feverish purpose. I wanted to rage and plead, but my voice dried up under Luca's pitiless gaze. His smile sharpened, sensing my helpless fury like blood in the water.

"Trying to flee justice, sister? I thought you cared for this family." His eyes mocked me as Sarah nodded eagerly at his side.

Desperately I searched for some opening, some way to sway Sarah from her crazed vengeance. But her eyes were empty of warmth or reason now. She had fallen completely under Luca's twisted influence.

I flinched as Luca suddenly gripped my chin, forcing my gaze up. His breath seared my ear in a sinister hiss meant for me alone.

"Time to reunite Marco with his beloved foxes. He'll be so pleased you rushed back to join him." My stomach plummeted at the implication. Marco...

Luca released me with a smirk, seeing the fear in my eyes. He turned to his men. "Search them, then get this filth out of my sight."

Rough hands seized us both. I thrashed wildly against their hold. "No! Marco!" My hoarse cries went unheeded as they dragged Nico and I toward our fate.

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