Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 27: The prideful wife

Justine's POV

I finally saw that cunning and ruthless man in him again. Lawrence will never let things slip without getting even and what his cousin and ex-fiancée did was no exception.

It is more painful for him because blood should be thicker than water. I didn’t approach him when I heard his conversation with his secretary. I checked my phone and saw the messages I received from a certain person. I smirk.

I went to the garage and drove away. I know he’ll go into his office today and this one can’t wait. I’ll just call him later. It’s already ten in the morning and those socialites were having their so-called brunch. I dialed my secretary’s number.

"Hello, Jasmine? Have you followed those bitches?" I ask.

I made a U-turn. She sighs. "Yup. I’ve been a dog ever since you told me to investigate that and this," she blurted.

I just laugh. I know my secretary was mad because she’s been spying on Gianna’s actions for the past few weeks. She hates that woman after seeing that everything I’ve said about her is true.

Jasmine once helped an old couple who were pushing their cart of recycled materials that they could sell in junk shops, but Gianna suddenly threw her trash at this couple. "Take it easy and wait for me, okay?" I step on the accelerator and drive faster.

"Ugh! As if I have a choice!" she commented.

My secretary drops the call. I arrived at exactly 10 o'clock. The restaurant put a reserved sign on their door. Jasmine gets out of her car and looks at me. We’re both looking at the ladies who are happily eating their brunch.

I bet they’re bragging about their so-called perfect life. "Let’s get inside," I whispered.

Jasmine nodded. She opens the door for us. The staff were surprised because we barged in. I grab something in my purse and show it to them. They turned pale when they saw that specific card.

We walked toward their table. I pulled up a chair and took a seat. Jasmine stood behind me. I know she’s doing that to protect me, just in case they’ll shower me with alcohol, water, or juice.

I cross my legs and lean on my back. They glared at me when they saw me. "I didn’t realize that evils can enjoy brunch. I thought demons didn’t need to eat?" I utter it sarcastically.

Gianna smacks the table. I place my finger on my lips. "Shh, don’t be too loud, bitch. You’re just showing me how low-class you are. Well, all of you anyway," I commented. These girls scoff because of madness. I look at them as I pin my face on my fist after leaning my elbow on the table. I smirk.

"Aren’t we having a small reunion here? Me, the prey, while you guys are the bullies. Hmm, it sounds perfect to me," I utter. One of Gianna’s friends was about to stand when Jasmine grabbed her shoulder and pinned her harshly to her seat.

"Be gentle with them, Jasmine. They might bully you," I added.

"What do you want, Fatso?" Gigi roars. I glared at her and let her know her place. "I didn’t tell you to speak, plastic doll."

Gianna stood up and grabbed the glass of water. I stood and grabbed her wrist. "Don’t be stupid, sweetie. Improve your skit. Throwing liquids is out of style," I asserted firmly. I push her back into her chair. She gasps in pain. I grab the knife and stab the wooden table. They scream because of fear. I laugh.

"Relax. I’m not a criminal like the five of you. I came here to warn each of you. I haven’t forgotten how you all humiliated and bullied me. If you think that I’ve forgiven you all, you’re wrong. This time, prepare for the karma I carefully planned."

Some of them trembled, yet they still glared at me. I look at Gianna. She knew that she’s the target I literally want to destroy. "I think you already knew that I was the one who told Lawrence the truth. Oh well, that’s part of my plan. You and Jaxon... I can toy with your life perfectly. You two gave me the result that I wanted," I mumbled. I look at her friends.

"Remember when the five of you beat me up in the bathroom? I didn’t forget that. You all did nasty things to me, giving me a bitter high school life. I’ll return that favor. That’s how much I remember every single detail, bitches," I stated.

I look at Jasmine. She grabs two bottles of champagne and throws them in the middle of the table. They all screamed when their clothes were ruined because of the alcohol. I smirk and laugh at them.

"This time… I’m the predator," I asserted. I turned around and walked away. Jasmine stayed on my back and stayed vigilant.

"Here’s a check; write down the amount of what we destroyed and even their bill," I stated. The manager looks at the blank check.

She turns pale after reading my name on that piece of paper. "Okay, ma’am," she whispered, bowing her head. I look at Jasmine. She’s wearing a victory smile. On the parking lot, we both laugh as soon as we get inside the car.

We still remember how pissed and scared they were. They didn’t expect that I'd show up and mess around. "Finally! I thought you'd keep silent as you always have since high school," she stated. I shrug my shoulders and look forward. We put on our seatbelts.

"Well, I enjoyed those faces they showed us. They finally tasted a little of their medicine. They haven’t tasted the real bitterness of it. I’m glad you finally showed them that you’re the boss!"

Jasmine's comment makes me wonder. I know I should’ve fought or defended myself before but... I’m still in pain from losing mom and dad at that time. That’s the reason why I let them do as they pleased.

I’m already at my worst and wish to follow my parents to their graves. I just woke up after my graduation from senior high school. I accidentally heard my grandma crying while looking at my parents wedding portrait.

She told them that she didn’t want to lose me like she did her son and daughter-in-law. Since then, I have never dreamed or wished to die. I decided to enroll in Oxford when I heard that my bullies had entered Harvard. I chose a different path.

"Hey! Boss!?"

I blink after I hear my secretary’s voice. "What’s wrong?"

"Nothing. I just remembered something. Anyway, don’t you think Jaxon, Gianna, and my husband will continue to have a love triangle affair?" I ask.

She looks at the road and starts driving the car away. "It depends. If Gianna will get back at you by seducing her ex-fiancée, then it will continue," she replies.

Well, there’s a possibility. I bet Jaxon will agree to that if I successfully piss them off. I know Jaxon remembers the sin he commits when we’re still in high school. I looked at my watch and was startled when I saw my husband’s name on it.

My Android phone and this smart watch were grandma’s gifts for me after my last gadget gave up on me. I grab my earpod and swipe the screen of my watch. "Hello?" I greeted. He sighs.

"Where are you, huh?!" he roars. My brow furrows. I sighed.

"No need to yell. Just ask like a normal human. My goodness! I’m outside. I just want to buy new neckties for you. I want you to throw every tie that your ex gave to you," I reason out.

"Okay. What mall? Let’s meet up there and have lunch outside. Text me the address and name of the mall," he says, dropping the call.

"Phew. He’s mad. By the way, what’s our next plan?"

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