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He stood at the top floor, overlooking the whole kingdom of Austeria. He knew something was wrong. For the first time in thousands of years, he was clueless.

Someone messed with the time. He could feel it, he just knew it.

"A few days to go, I must wait," Deville spoke, taking a deep breath. The whole kingdom was his. The whole world would be his - yet something told him his time was slowly elapsing.

Since Adrianna was brought to his palace, Deville felt a strong hold on his powers. Not physically, no. Deville, however, was aware Adrianna wasn't an ordinary woman. For the first time in years, he had no idea what was going on.

Was he just overreacting?

Was his punishment to Rainier uncalled for?

Is his time running out?

Deville clenched his fist, the thunder rumbled immediately.

Possessing so much power,

The will to do and undo.

Yet, so powerless -

So helpless.

He just wanted one thing - to rule the world.

To conquer the universe and be ruler for eternity.

To monitor everyone around him.

To bring an end to the endless cycle of waking up, going to work, coming back, recreating and dying.

To bring an end to this endless cycle.

To bring an end to ageing.

To bring an end to the light.

He was a hero. A hero who would change the world soon.

Just as he did Austeria.

Soon, not only Austeria but the whole earth will bow to his knees. His powers will stretch beyond the dark ages. He would save the world from the neverending cycle the sun brings. He would save the earth from developing.

He looked at the cloud, it was so thick. Indeed, a cloud was forming. For him, or against him?

Deville could not comprehend what he felt inside of him.



Since he caught Adrianna together with Rainier, he'd been uneasy. He knew something messed with the time. He just had no proof - just an intuition. Time was running out. He was growing impatient, Helpless and uneasy.

What power does Adrianna possess?

For his sake, he had to go through with the second phase of the plan.



The world wasn't the same again since the night Adrianna spoke with Rainier. He wasn't the same, either. Nothing was the same.


She could hear his screams every night. She would cry along with him.

"Be strong, Rainier," she would hold her chest tight, "it will be over soon."

But it wasn't over. After five days and counting, the torture continued. She never saw her father-in-law one-on-one but she knew he was ruthless. Every night, she would hear his screams. Yes, Rainier was punished every night and yes, she could now hear him scream her name.

She could feel him grit his teeth, coughing out blood. She could feel the fire burn his skin. A nightmare it has always been. How she connected to his soul, Adrianna had no idea. All she knew was that the moment she unfroze the time, she could feel his pain - just, not his thoughts. Her soul connected with his.

A blessing or a curse?

This was one of the nights. A night locked up in solitary confinement, where the only thing she could hear were the screams and the sound of the jingling of chains, hitting every part of his bones.


Because she talked to him.

Because he wouldn't deny her.

Most of all, because he made a deal that she must be given food while in her confinement for a prolonged punishment.

But what use was it? When she was tortured continually and her appetite would be lost when she felt her husband's pain?

I want to cry with you, Rainier.

I want to die with you.

We can do this, if we believe.

You must be strong, strong for me.

This was like the other days, when she would repeat poems to no one in particular, hoping he'd hear her in the dungeon he was kept.

Together, we can take anything.

Stay strong, Rainier.

This will be over soon.

She cuddled herself up, sad and frustrated.

How long would Deville keep them locked up?

What crime did they commit?

Such punishment because a wife talked to her husband?

Why was life so hard on her?

Adrianna could not help but think,

Of a life bright and beautiful.

On a swing chair. The environment beautiful. The sweet scent of flowers filled her nostrils.

With Rainier behind her, pushing her swing.

Was her dream too big to be accomplished?

Was it ever going to happen?

Would she ever be given a happy ever after?

If this was the punishment given just because they were together, what more?

Her tears dropped more and more. For a moment, she wished she'd freeze the time again like before. However, she had no idea how she did it. She just did it.

The screams finally stop. She could feel how weak Rainier was. She could feel his body being dragged through the hot furnace. She could feel every part of his skin dripping with blood. She could feel his eyes open and close. Finally, she could feel him groan in pain when he was thrown back to his cell. But the feeling stopped - she knew he'd passed out.

Who wouldn't pass out?

Imagine being locked up in a dark cell and flogged severally three times a day. With the night being the most painful?

Imagine being denied food or water because you told them to give someone else the food.

Imagine bearing the pain which was meant for someone else. Rainier was more than willing to die for his bride. What kind of a man was he?

Adrianna's guilt would not let her eat. No matter how hungry she was, the thought of her husband would make the appetite vanish.

Was it love?

Was it pity?

Adrianna did not care to know. She only counted the days it would be over. Not just the punishment, but everything.

The day the sun will be brought back into Austeria.

The day Eva will clap her hands and say to her, "congratulations, your mission has been accomplished."

But how long?

How many more nights will she have to stay like this? Alone, tortured and depressed?

" I'm so sorry, Rainier." She whispered. Her voice only echoed.

Would he hear her?

Could he also feel her pain?

Five days and counting, will Deville ever let Rainier go? Would she be able to treat the wounds on his body?

Most importantly,

Will he, one day become the demon his father has always wanted him to be?

Like the many other days, Adrianna cried herself to sleep.

Except that she didn't.

The temperature around her suddenly changed from cold to hot - so hot. She could feel her body drenching in sweat. She was no longer in solitary confinement, she felt.

"Don't do it, Adrianna!"

She heard a familiar voice, jerking her off her sleepy state.

"Adrianna!" The voice shouted. She heard people laughing, the echoes sounding so mysterious.

The cloud was red, the thunder rumbled and the ground quaked.

"Adrianna!" The voice called again.

Adrianna turned around, trying to locate the voice. But It was futile. The cloud was blood red. She looked around, orphidrils everywhere.


She heard a small shrill voice say.

Adrianna was beyond scared.

Where was she?

Was this a trance or a dream?

"Adrianna!" The voice called again.

"Rainier, " she finally shouted back. She could not find him. She was lost in a different dimension.

"Run!" The shrill voice spoke again. She turned around but was met with nothing but stifled laughter and whispers. The ground quaked and slowly began to sink her inside.


"Run!" The small voice commanded.

Thankfully, she took the advice and started to run away.

To where? She had no idea.

"Adrianna!" She heard Rainier call again.

She halted, studying the environment.

Dark and wicked - like Austeria. But empty. The cloud was red and the thunwas der hungry to strike its opponent.

There were trees. But dry. No leaves, no branches alive.

She saw skeletons of people or animals scattered around. The air was more toxic than that of Austeria.

Thankfully, she wasn't standing on quicksand.


The voice continued to scream. She covered her ears to stop herself from hallucinating.

"Run!" The shrill voice spoke beneath her ears. As usual, she turned to find nobody.

Suddenly, the red cloud began to come closer and closer and closer. To her surprise, it wasn't a cloud - something was approaching her.

Bats! Flying ones as big as her. It had sharp claws and teeth. They were rushing towards her. To hunt for her skin.

"Adrianna!" The voice called again. This time, she refused to look for the person calling her. She began to run as fast as her legs could carry.

Suddenly, human bodies began to drop from the sky. She screamed as she continued to run, farther from the voices. She kept running as the bodies fell from the sky.

The bats were coming for her.

"Don't go further, Adrianna! It's a trap!"

She halted for a couple of seconds.

Was she being lured into a trap?

She turned the opposite way - but when she saw the bats flying closer to her, he turned back and continued running.


The voice continued as if warning her - as if begging her to stop.


Before she could run further, the orphidrils seized her legs and tied her to a rock. The body parts stopped raining.

Adrianna struggled to free herself but it only got worse with every movement. Suddenly, the bats came to her front. However, they didn't devour her like she'd taught.

They began to come together, piece by piece - like the red cloud she saw before. One part attached to another and soon enough, something was formed.


Adrianna's heart leaped with fear.

Did he summon her spirit?

Was this a dream or a reality?

"It is so nice to finally meet you, daughter," he spoke. His eyes brought out smoke - no, she wasn't hallucinating.

Was he a person or a spirit?

"Let me go!" Adrianna demanded, even though she was visibly scared.

"You are quite brave, child," Deville chuckled and walked around her.

"I summoned you here for one purpose. You possess the skills I need. I want you to join me."

Adrianna was confused. This was the perfect time she wanted Eva to appear and tell her what to do. But, she never heard from Eva since her discussion with Rainier.

"I shall give you the world, Child. I want you to join me in my heist to make the world perfect." He finally completed it.

"Adrianna! Run away! " The familiar voice shouted. Adrianna wished she could see where the voice came from.

"I'd rather die than be your partner, Deville!"

Adrianna returned. She tried once again to free herself but the orphidrils seized her firmly. Adrianna wasn't sure if this was real or if it was a nightmare. Her days in Austeria made every day like a nightmare, she could hardly differentiate.

"So you know my name already, child. I see you're a fan."

Deville replied, then laughed hysterically.

Soon, the balls of smoke vanished and Adrianna could see his eyes. They were hollow - no eyeballs. Just an empty hole. This made a chill run down her spine.

This was the Devil himself!

His fangs grew immediately, and so did his claws.

Adrianna knew he meant business.

He clicked his fingers and she could finally see him.

There Rainier was, held down by several demons. His body was being stretched, about to be ripped apart.

"No!" She screamed, hot tears streaming down her eyes. His body was already battered, bruised and currently being ripped apart. Any slight force added to go would surely rip him apart.

"Agree to join me in my heist!" Deville threatened again.

"Don't do it, Adrianna! " A weak Rainier pleaded.

Adrianna had no idea what to do.

"What do you want from me?" She finally asked.

His lips curled up into a smile - a smile she never wanted to see again. The thunderstruck, and a human head fell just behind him.

Where did they come from?

"Agree to join me today, child. That's all I want for now."

"I can't... "

Before she could finish her statement, she saw Rainier's body going beyond its stretching limit. The torture was unbearable.

"I need you, Eva!"

Adrianna whispered, closing her eyes as tears dropped. She was about to give in. She couldn't bear to see him in pain again. This demon Prince was suddenly her weakness.

I will die with you, Rainier.

Suddenly, she felt relief in her hands. She fell to the ground, but it wasn't as hot as before. The bright sun and soft petals woke her up to a familiar environment.


Her old home.

But this was a trance, she was aware.

Adrianna heard the soft giggles from a distance, she recognized the voice.

She saw her young self. A young Adrianna sitting with her nanny - her magic aunty.

This was a memory.

The young Adrianna was still quite young, probably Three. She listened attentively to her nanny's story.

Adrianna watched Lucille and a smaller version of herself bond.

Adrianna noticed the little version of herself look at something peculiar - Lucille's bare neck.

"Magic aunty," she called, getting Lucille's attention.

"Yes, princess?" Lucille replied,

"Your necklace is pretty. Can I remove it?"

Lucille stared at the little Adrianna in shock. So did she. Lucille wasn't wearing any necklace.

"You can... You can see it?" Lucille asks her, to be sure.

"Yes. It's pretty. Can you give it to me? "

Lucille smiles, caressing the young Adrianna's hair.

"I would give it to you, except that it's impossible to remove. It contains magic!"

Adrianna gasped, chucking.

"Really? " The young Adrianna asked, surprised.

"Yes. You can even use it to create a diversion."

The young Adrianna's mouth fell wide open.

"What's a diversion?"

The place became dark again, she was taken to another trance.

Still the same palace.

This time around, the young Adrianna was now Five - she guessed.

She remembered this memory. She'd seen it in her dream.

The last time she'd see Lucille.

This time around, the princess wasn't chucking, but sobbing.

"Is everything okay, princess?" Lucille asks,

"They came to take you away from me, right? Mother doesn't want you as my nanny again, right?"

"Listen, child, I may not come to you anymore but I want you to have this. "

Lucille drew out her pendant. Adrianna saw the pendant on her neck this time around.

"It removes?" The young Adrianna asks

Lucille chucked.

"I want you to wear this. Never take it away from you. Likewise, no one will see it on you."

"It has magic? " Adrianna asked, beaming.

Lucille smiled, wearing Adrianna the pendant. Lucille places her hands on her belly, bringing out a bright star.

The pendant disappeared as soon as Lucille put it on the little Adrianna's neck.

The pendant.

Was this a sign?

The world became dark again.

Finally, Eva appeared.

"Deville will strike if you don't strike first, Adrianna. Every hour is useful. You have to act fast.

As usual, Adrianna understood nothing.

"Was that a dream? What happened to Rainier?"

"That wasn't a dream, neither was it a trance. Deville summoned your spirit self."

"Is Rainier okay? "

"No time to ask questions, Adrianna. You have to create a diversion! "

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