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The thunder rumbled as he stood. He stood at the highest mountain in Austeria, overlooking the dark horizon.

He had so much power - yet, so powerless.

The moon, the night, the stars.

Demons, spirits and principalities. He ruled them all.

He ruled the night. The whole kingdom was under his rule.

But yet, in a matter of a second, Adrianna slipped from his claws.

He summoned her spirit and she got away - no demon ever got out of his summoning alive. Yet, she left unscathed. What was she? What powers did she have?

She was even more powerful than he'd imagined.

"So close, yet, so far," he thought,

To turn a heart demon, into a pure soul one must find.

There was only one way he could get to her. The most dangerous way.


"You have to create a diversion!"

The voice kept ringing in her ears. She could hear screams from a distance. They were coming nearer and nearer to her.

Suddenly, she felt something choking her neck. It held her tight she could hardly breathe.

She was freezing, she couldn't breathe. Her body ached as well.


She jolted back to reality when she felt Rainier's pain. She took deep breaths, regaining her stance, trying to adjust her lungs to the toxic air.

Another day in solitary confinement.

Another day filled with torture.

She breathed heavily, relieving the nightmare she had over and over again.

Her spirit being summoned, her trip to the past, Deville, etc. Her body ached. She closed her eyes, feeling Rainier's pain. Day six of the continuous torture. When will it stop?

She covered her ears, trying to make it stop.

Hush now, Rainier.

I'm going to get you out of hell.

Don't give up on me - don't give up on us.

She started to cry as well. Rainier was in pain. He could barely respond to the beatings. He was too weak to do so.

It stopped, finally. Adrianna cuddled herself up, trying to calm herself. The torture was too much for her to handle.

What was Deville's plan?

Why did he summon her spirit?

Would she have said yes to joining him if Eva didn't save her?

Adrianna's mind continued to wonder what happened to Rainier after.

Why was Deville so interested in her joining him?

As far as she was concerned, Eva said her purpose was to help awaken Rainier's angel. But was there more to it?

The light appeared the eyes dropped her food. It took the untouched food from the previous day. Adrianna watched it vanish into thin air, and so did the light. However, her eyes were quick to catch something - something she didn't notice earlier. A pendant around her neck.

The pendant Lucille gave to her when she was five. It appeared.

She touched it, she could feel the pendant tied around her neck. Was that what choked her in her sleep?

She touched it again, trying to understand why it suddenly appeared

"Create a diversion,"

She remembered Eva's words.

How in the world could she do that?

Lucille stated the pendant had some powers though.

According to Eva, dreams were signs. They would tell her what to do.

But, how would she know what to do?

She clutched the pendant, feeling each inscription. Of course, it was too dark for her to see it.

Suddenly, it brought forth light and a Chrystal ball with flames appeared - so bright that she was blinded for a minute. The room became illuminated and she realized it was indeed a hole. A hole with very little space inside of it - almost like a deep well, just without water.

The glittering Chrystal fireball enlarged,

"You have one wish. What would you like me to do?" A voice spoke through the ball.

Adrianna thought deeply, what wish would be worth giving? A wish to free them all of Deville's punishment? A way she could talk to her husband without being punished?

His breath warmed her soul. She could feel his arms wrapped around her soft skin. The sun shone brightly - the birds tweaked with joy. She could feel the water embracing her feet, the sweet sound of the waves warming her soul. It was a dream - it was like a dream. She could breathe properly, but her husband's breath was her favourite air.

"Adrianna," his voice called. They were like music to her ears. He wasn't screaming, he wasn't groaning in pain - he whispered. She didn't want to wake up to the reality. She didn't want to wake up to darkness. However, his voice was all she wanted to hear.

"Wake up, Princess." He called again. This time, he caressed her hair. She was lying on his arms - she could feel it. Was this a dream or a reality?

She was too scared to open her eyes.

"Adrianna, you have to open your eyes. We have a mission to accomplish."

More and more, she was convinced it wasn't a dream. She could feel the bright sun warming her skin. Something she hadn't felt in a long time. Adrianna opened her eyes finally - and she was glad she did.

The environment was too bright it blinded her from seeing his face properly. She closed her eyes back. She could see him breathe a sigh of relief. Was he afraid she was unconscious? Most of all, how did they appear there? The last thing she remembered was talking to the Chrystal ball.

Rainier shielded her eyes with his hands, so she could get properly adjusted to the light. At this moment, she realized they were on an island.


Adrianna was like an angel. She was too good for his world. He wished every minute he could get her away - far away from his father.

However, she was stronger than he'd thought. He still had no idea how she froze the time, and now, how she summoned his spirit.

One moment, he closed his eyes from the morning exercise and the next moment, he was on an island - with her, almost drowning in the water.

"I've told you many times, Princess, you don't have to attend to my wounds. I can barely feel them."

She was stubborn - he now realized. She refused to stop attending to his wounds. That was the first thing she thought of doing after gaining consciousness.

"What wife would see her husband bruised to the peak and still do nothing to prevent it?"

"I can barely feel the wounds, I promise. "

Adrianna knew he was just trying to make her feel less guilty. She already told him sorry multiple times and he felt sad about it.

She pinched his arm, right at his wound.

He scowled, his face changing immediately.

"Be careful there, Princess!"

"I thought you said you barely feel the pain?"

He hissed, the Princess was slowly getting on his nerves. He just let her attend to his wounds without care. He'd tell her his skin could regenerate another time.

The island provided almost everything they needed. Food and shelter. Caves and trees provided shelter and as for food, there were many fruits of different species. Animals also provide a great source of protein.

"How did you manage to summon me here?" Rainier finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Do you mind skipping this interrogation until I'm done eating?" She replied, almost in anger as she dropped the roasted meat.

"Your behaviour contradicts that of a princess. You chew your meat like a glutton." He joked. She glared at him. She did not laugh.

"A real princess is lucky enough to not be locked up and starve in solitary confinement for six days. A princess doesn't have to do the chores of the palace before she can get something to eat. A princess doesn't dress in trashy clothes. I'm no longer a Princess, Rainier."

Her response hurt his soul, badly. He let her have her way and just turned to the cave they'd found. He'd probably ask her more about it some other time.

"I'm sorry I was rude to you yesterday." She broke the conversation during breakfast the next day.

He stared at her. Every minute, he was convinced she was too good for his world. Too beautiful for such darkness. Her skin glowed under the sun. She deserved a real prince. He needed to find a way to take her home as soon as possible.

"Can you now answer my questions? "

"I can't say who's helping me. I don't think I trust you enough to tell you that. However, I can say that I have a guide. And I was given a mission to awaken your angel. "

"I know that already -" Rainier cut her.

"If you let me finish! " She raised her voice at him. For some reason, Rainier was beyond surprised. He was a demon, through and through. Princess was trained to not talk back at their husbands. Was she not at least, afraid of him? Such bravery. He was impressed.

"I'm sorry, please continue."

"As I was saying, after our encounter, I noticed I could suddenly feel everything you felt - including the multiple times you were beaten. And how you chose extra punishment so I'd be fed."

He lowered his eyes. No wonder she felt so sentimental towards his wounds. How did she connect to his soul?

"I was given a mission to create a diversion and that's what I did. I don't know exactly how we got here. I have no idea how I do things, mostly."

"It'll be over soon, " he could only say. It was silent for a while, he had nothing to say. She broke the silence, however,

"I had a vision of the first step you have to take in awakening your angel."

His face immediately switched up.

"Which is? "


He tried to hide it. He sat still, trying to concentrate on his target - Deville.

"Understanding your history and your father's plans." He remembered what Adrianna said.

He was going to open a gateway to Deville's mind and lurk in his past - without him noticing.

This wasn't something he was willing to do.

Was it possible to lurk in someone's past? Adrianna seemed confident when she explained what to do.

He tried his utmost best to concentrate. Living in the darkness for a thousand years, this was his only hope for a different future.

Adrianna was the light of his life. She brought him hope - hope he lost after Lucille's death. Hope for a better future.

Imagine living your life as the son of a tyrant king - powerless and somewhat useless. The embarrassed look Deville would give him when he lost to a demon. The sadness he felt when he had to fight an unfair war with demons because he had no powers. The depression of not being able to die because somehow, a spell was cast to keep you alive.

Living a cycle day after day, going on one mission to another, just to make your demon father proud. Fighting with strength because you had no powers to show.

However, this was Rainier's favourite mission - bringing a wife. A woman who suddenly showed him his potential - a reason to have hope again.

He had hopes that soon, he would live by his own rules - after waiting a thousand years. However, dethroning his father was a big deal.

Would it be easy to dethrone a king who's ruled for more than Five Thousand years? Certainly, not. He knew that by now, Deville would be probably searching through the whole kingdom to trace him and Adrianna. Somehow, he had to find a way to make Deville focus on something else before his powers were awakened.

Rainier's thoughts and uncertainties slowly elapsed as he transferred into another world - a world darker than the darkest pit in Austeria.

He walked around the dark world, filled with utmost nothingness. A world so quiet he could feel his intestines. He met his target, Deville.

Slowly, a portal was opened and he found himself lost in the past, where it all started ten thousand years ago.

Author's note: you may notice I use Him/Her instead of using POVs. I decided against it to make it more mysterious and ancient (Plus, I'm not using the first-person narrative). Again, if you feel the scenes are too dark, I apologize. So, we discuss Deville's history next chapter. Stay tuned...

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