Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 22

She nodded and stepped out of the elevator. She looked back as the doors closed and she looked so lost he wanted to reach out and keep the doors from closing. He wanted to go to her and comfort her and tell her it was all going to be okay. But he couldn’t tell her that. This was what she wanted…she wanted Nathan, not him, and he refused to be a second choice or a substitute.

The doors closed, cutting off his view of her and he leaned his head back against the mirrored wall, exhaling harshly. He clenched his teeth and forced himself to change the direction of his thoughts. He and Cassie were in a fake relationship and that’s all it could be unless she walked away from her silly infatuation with his stepbrother.

The doors opened again on his floor and he carded his way into the penthouse suite. He kicked off his shoes and loosened the top button on his shirt. He grabbed his phone and sat on the balcony overlooking the dark beach. It was June and winter in the sunshine state, but it was still warm enough to sit outside without needing a sweater.

Brian swiped his finger across the screen of his phone and flicked through his contacts. Choosing a number, he hit the call button and waited to be connected.

“Barry Benson,” a deep voice answered.

“Barry,” Brian said, “it’s Brian.”

“Brian, my man, how the fuck are you?”

“About to make a fucking fool of myself,” Brian said with a resigned sigh.

“Is it over a woman?” Barry asked knowingly.

“Yes, but it’s worse.”

“Aw, poor boy. You tell Uncle Barry all your problems,” Barry said in an annoying baby voice.

“Shut up asshole,” Brian growled.

“Geez, she has got you all wrapped up in knots. She must be special.”

“Yeah, she is and she’s also in love with Nathan.”

“Your stepbrother?”

Brian grunted.

“Shit man, you sure can pick ‘em.”

“Hey, so where are you? I didn’t even check the time. Did I interrupt anything?”

“Nah. I’m in the New York office and it’s eight o’clock in the morning here, so you’re good,” Barry paused and Brian imagined he was sipping his coffee. Barry had either a cup of coffee in his hand or a bottle of beer, depending on the time of day. “So, this chick, she’s really into Nathan?”

“Yeah, and Nathan’s getting married this weekend…to someone else.”

“What the fuck?”

“Agh! It’s such a fucking mess. Listen to me, I’ve turned into a fucking girl spilling all my secrets to you like a pathetic virgin teenager. When I met her, I didn’t know she knew Nathan and we had this hot night together. I knew she was on the rebound and I didn’t hear from her again and then I ran into her at the airport and we were both going to the same fucking wedding.”

“That’s messed up,” Barry sympathized, “but why not just flash some cash around and distract her from your idiot brother?”

“Stepbrother,” Brian corrected. “And she knows who I am. In another fucking twist in the tale, she’s the PR account manager for Colleen Aviation. And…”


“I kind of offered to help her break up Nathan’s wedding before it happens.”





“And you really like this girl?”

“I do,” Brian said with a sigh. “She’s fucking gorgeous and the one night we had together was definitely not enough.”

“Does Nathan know?” Barry asked.

“Not yet,” Brian said, “but get this. The prick thinks he can keep Cassie as his piece on the side after he gets married. And she’s fucking willing to do it too.”

“Walk away,” Barry said in a very serious voice. “I repeat. Walk the fuck away. I wouldn’t touch this mess with a ten-foot pole.”


“Brian, man, you don’t need this crap in your life. Seriously. She might have a magic pussy that grants wishes, but it is not worth the pain of getting wrapped up in someone who loves someone else.”

Brian knew Barry was right. Barry had married someone who had unresolved feelings for another guy and it didn’t end well. He knew from experience what he was talking about.

“When are you back in the country?” Brian asked. “We need to get the brotherhood together, it’s been too long.”

“Shit yeah,” Barry hooted. “I’m back next weekend, all being well. These fuckers are giving me the runaround, but if everything goes according to plan, I should be free and clear by next Thursday.”

“You need a plane?” Brian asked.

Barry laughed. “I finally bit the bullet and bought my own. My flight home will be its maiden voyage.”

“Nice,” Brian said with a smile. “Well, I should let you get back to work. Call me when you’re home and we’ll hang out.”

They said their goodbyes and disconnected. Brian lay down on the sun lounge and closed his eyes. Barry was right, he needed to walk away from Cassie. The whole thing was too messy and was bound to get even more so before the week was out. It’d be better to cut and run now while he still could.

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