Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 24

"So, what's the plan of action?" he inquired, interrupting her.

"Strategy," she inquired.

His nod was incisive. "For Sunday brunch. Nathan must not be aware that I am your date.

"Oh, no," she replied, "but he is aware that I own one."

So what now? We simply enter and ask, "Surprise?"

She questioned, "Do you have a better idea?"

He chewed out, "No," and groaned. "Anyway, surprise is probably preferable because you can witness his first response without giving him a chance to adjust to the concept."

She pivoted to gaze outside the window. The encounter with Nathan was not something she was looking forward to, especially not in front of so many strangers. Although he had never been overly attached to her, he had also never had to face the fact that they were dating. And the man he was constantly competing with was his stepbrother. The fact that Brian was wealthier, more accomplished, and, some would argue, more attractive did not help. Nathan felt even more inadequate in light of everything. What would happen to him if he saw her with Brian?

At the restaurant, Brian got out of the car and inhaled deeply. Breathing in Blue's lovely aroma while confined to a small place had been a wonderful kind of torment. The recollections of her skin's softness and her flavor had overwhelmed him. When she had gushed over his automobile and then again when she had groaned as the engine went over, his resolve to avoid her had been severely tried. Seeing a lady become all fangirlish over his automobile was unbelievably hot, and all he could think about was stretching her out over the hood and pressing his nose into her warm, moist center.

not supporting.

Reaching around the car, he unlocked the door and offered her a helping hand. The sensation of her palm on his was so intense that he had to take a few deep breaths to stop his heart from pounding.

Her body was covered in a cream dress that nipped in at the waist and terminated at her knees. She wore the same nude-colored heels from last night, and a thick beige belt tightened her waist. Her fingers ached to feel the silky strands coursing through her exquisite rose-gold hair, which flowed in gentle waves.

He could no longer resist caressing her as she stood next to him, adjusting her clothing and retouching her lipstick. He leaned down to her ear, resting his hand on the small of her back.

"Are you prepared?" He mumbled something, then enjoyed the chill that ran down her spine.

She gave him a small tilt of her head, making eye contact. "Are you?" she questioned in a hushed tone.

Squeezing his teeth and closing his eyes, he tried to cling to what little control remained.

"Let's finish this off," he urged, pushing her forward with a hand on her back.

They were meeting at a restaurant that had amazing views of the water and was situated on the riverbank. He and Cassie arrived last since the entire outside sitting area had been taken over by the Heart-Rusch party. How to come in style.

As soon as they went onto the deck, everyone turned to look at them, and the discussion stopped. The other guests regarded them with curiosity since they were also foreigners. Nathan sprang to his feet, focusing his attention on where Brian had placed his hand on Cassie's hip.

He forced a grin on his lips and added, "Brian, Cassie, you made it." "Where are your dates, er,?"

Cassie and Brian grinned at each other.

"Interesting thing," Brian said to the stunned crowd. "Cassie and I go on dates together." Glad to see that she was looking at him rather than Nathan, he grinned down at her.

How come? Nathan trailed off. "I don't get it."

LOL, said Cassie. Surprised, she exclaimed. Even though Brian and I had been dating for a few months, we didn't realize we were going to the same wedding until recently. Very strange, huh?"

A petite brunette approached him and said, "Nathany, are you going to introduce us?"

"Oh, yeah, right," he said, and Brian grinned at his unease.

"Ainsley, this is my stepbrother Brian and my old buddy Cassie. Hello, this is Ainsley, my fiancé, to Cassie and Brian.

Ainsley shook their hands as she went around the table. "I'm so happy to have finally met you," she said, giving them a quick glance. "And Cassie, you have my sincere gratitude for unexpectedly agreeing to be my bridesmaid." Brian felt his hackles raise as she gave Cassie a scrutinizing glance. She chuckled and remarked, "Thank God you're not fatty; that would have been awkward." However, it's unfortunate about the hair. She gave a deliberate touch on her lip with her fingers. "Don't think about dying it for the weekend, do you?"

Before he could stop them, he watched Cassie's lips open and the words started to flow.

He hissed, "You're not touching Blue's hair."

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