Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 27

Brian, what the fuck? You two are dating, right? When they had teed off and were standing at the first hole, Nathan muttered something to him. He was alone with Nathan since the other three groomsmen had already departed in their golf cart to get their balls.

"Yeah, so?" Taking his club and making his way back to the cart, Brian stated. "Do you have a problem with it?"

Nathan said, "Yes, I fucking do," as he threw his club into his golf bag and got on the cart. "Cassie and I have history and fucking unfinished business."

Brian pushed the accelerator to start the cart. But Nathan, that's just it—that's the history. Cassie is currently with me, and you two are fucking getting hitched. Your business is essentially done, in my opinion." Brian's knuckles went white from holding onto the driving wheel so tightly. He was afraid that if he didn't, he would grab onto something else, like Nathan's fucking neck, and squeeze till the dumb ass got no air left in him.

"Are you doing this just to piss me off?" inquired he. "With all your money and connections you could have anyone, so why Cassie?" Nathan's tone sounded like that of a grumpy child who's been ordered to give up his beloved Lego set.

"Are you really such a narcissistic asshole that you think the entire world revolves around you?" Brian shook his head inquiringly. "I had no idea that Cassie knew you when we met and we didn't even make the connection until the subject of the wedding came up." Taking a deep breath, Brian grinned and continued, "She never even mentioned you."

"But Cassie's mine," Nathan scowled.

"No," Brian replied, "Cassie may have been yours at some point but you gave up any right to her when you got engaged to Ainsley."

"I'm marrying Ainsley, and you know why. I'm doing it for the company and for Dad."

"Nathan, this isn't the Middle Ages; you're thirty years old, man. Simply because marriage is advantageous for your business does not mean that you should get married. You are mature enough to make your own decisions without seeking permission from your father. What, you thought Cassie would simply wait around for you and be happy to spend an occasional weekend with you while you lived the life of luxury as a married couple up here with Ainsley? Cassie is worthy of better than that. She is deserving of the entire universe." What Brian was hearing from Nathan's mouth was unbelievable. Although he had always thought the shithead was a coward and a suck-up, he was unaware of how much of a self-centered idiot he actually was.

Nathan said, "But Cassie is not the marrying kind." "I need someone to help me advance professionally, plan dinner parties, and win over the spouses of the individuals we do business with. Cassie is a professional, and she wouldn't be content to give it up."

"You're right, Cassie wouldn't be content to be your fucking trophy wife, and if you thought she would be, you'd be a complete b*tch. However, it doesn't imply she's not the marrying kind, and you should just leave her alone if you can't see what a fantastic life partner she may be. Regardless, she's with me now, and I like that she's self-sufficient and pursuing her own job. You do not get to have Jackie and Marilyn at the same time, nor are you fucking JFK. You've made your decision, so get fuck off from my girlfriend.

After bringing the cart to a stop next to the other one, Brian stepped out to look for his ball. He genuinely wanted to bash Nathan's face in retaliation for being such a fucking jackass. No, Cassie wasn't the kind to play the "hostess with the mostest" and stand in the background, but Brian would never ask her to. With the possible exception of her irrational devotion to Nathan, she was absolutely wonderful just the way she was.

Fucking the damn sh*t.

Why was she OK with the way he had treated her, and what the devil did she see in the guy? Perhaps the adage about women preferring assholes is accurate.

He could not dispute, however, the way her body reacted to him. It wasn't a drama. Every time he got close, her body was lighted up like a Christmas tree, and she automatically responded to his little touches and kisses. And the one evening they'd shared? With all the fireworks they let off between them, it was like fucking New Year's Eve. How could she not see that he would be a far better fit for her than Nathan?

However, wasn't that the whole point? They had simply slept in a single bed together and weren't actually boyfriend and girlfriend. They weren't really in a relationship. All of this was a ruse to make Nathan envious, and by the end of the weekend, either Nathan would realize what was going on and leave Ainsley for Cassie, or he would persuade Cassie that their arrangement was what she desired, leaving Brian in the dark.

Despite how much her body appeared to crave Brian, Cassie didn't want him. There was nothing Nathan could do to stop Cassie from wanting the fantasy with him. He had entered into this lie intending to win Cassie over and demonstrate to her the error of her ways in her relationship with Nathan. However, he was going too far and his heart was about to forget that what they had was a lie.

Ever since they had shared those tequila shots, he had felt that Cassie was someone he could fall in love with and that he would desire something more than a casual relationship. He had dabbled in the notion of looking for her when she hadn't phoned, but he had no leads. Not even her name had been revealed to him.

Now he had another chance to show her that something truly remarkable was occurring between them. She was just here with him to enrage her ex, though, since she was still very much infatuated with him. With all that baggage lingering in her life, there was no way he could win, and it would have been better for him to just walk away.

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