
Luis POV

Carlos and me had obtained the official invitation to the gala and we had duplicates made by the original author so we could distribute them as we pleased. As we walked through our favorite nightspot, he had already handed out all the envelopes and I only had a few left. I was saving them for the girls at the country club, but my plan was in motion.

We were sitting in the VIP area and I immediately noticed one of the waitresses who had caught my attention because of her impressive cleavage.

Carlos nudged me and leaned down to talk to me with a huge smile.

"Look who's here. " His voice sounded excited, as he pointed to the girls who were approaching.

I immediately noticed two pairs of legs and tits that could drive a man crazy. The Red twins were hot girls, there's no doubt about it, but their harsh ways had scared me ever since I met them two years ago.

Mariel was the most beautiful of the two. She had a tiny star tattooed on her cheek that she apparently got during the first season of her reality show. She had black hair and the tips of it were dyed blue, as if it were her trademark. She stood in front of Carlos but she ran her eyes over my body.

Sadie did the same and then sat next to me, while her sister leaned over Carlos, practically lying on her lap.

“We received your invitation,” said Mariel, as a third girl arrived at the table. She was blonde, plain looking, and she looked around her with a nervous gesture, as if she felt out of her element. When Mariel spoke again, I stopped paying attention to her. "I can't wait for the gala to start, I guess you'll save me a dance," she said, looking at us both.

Sadie leaned towards me as if she were going to devour me in one bite.

"I would like you to give me something more than a dance. "His statement of hers turned out to be quite an offer. By moving so close she offered a generous view of the front of her dress.

It was evident that she was not wearing anything under the thin silk fabric that squeezed her perfect tits.

She placed a hand on my thigh and slid it dangerously close to her crotch. I already imagined something like this would happen when I saw them appear.

Her sister was not far behind and, although she leaned over Carlos's lap, she offered herself to me with a sensual voice.

"I'm sure you have enough for both.

"So all those rumors are true?" " Carlos asked, without releasing Mariel's waist, who at that moment leaned over him.

She put her hand down my pants and moved it over his crotch.

"You can participate too, Carlos.” They both laughed when Sadie's hand repeated the same gesture with me and she leaned closer to whisper in my ear. We would have a great time.

She had the same black hair as Mariel, only hers wasn't dyed blue, and she didn't have a star tattoo either. She was the more natural of the two, although her hard expression made her an exotic and dangerous woman, as if she could kill you with one of her cold glances.

He lifted her face, turned toward her twin, and put an arm around her neck to draw her close.

"Maybe they would like to see us play, sister. She licked Mariel's cheek with a long, slow stroke; Then they looked at each other and gave each other a quick kiss on the lips.

Just then, her clumsy blonde choked on her drink, left it on the table while she coughed, and spilled it. It happened so fast that the liquid ran across the table and onto my pants and Mariel's top.

"Stupid! Moron! "Sadie looked at her with censure, while her sister sat up”.

The girl was still coughing and I pushed Sadie away from me to get up.

Seeing that she left me to clean myself, Carlos followed me.

"Are you going to accept the offer? " At first, I thought she would mind being included, but she wanted them anyway. " Friend, you have to try it.

"I thought you wanted them all to yourself. He returns there and accepts the proposal. As far as I'm concerned, they can go home with her babysitter. " I went to the bathroom and ran into a couple of cheesy kids who were there sharing hits.

"Dude, you're not funny," Carlos growled. As if we hadn't shared before. If you keep this up, you'll end up with someone like that clumsy girl. What a mess. "I pretended to agree, while she cleaned my pants.

"Those two are not my priority. Plus, they are very young.

They had turned twenty"one a few months ago and I knew it because they had a big party. That's where Carlos fucked Mariel.

"You will not find greater wonders in bed, my friend. I don't care about their age, they are not teenagers and it is legal at their age. What more can I ask for? Do me a favor, come with us and I will never ask you for anything again.

"You always say that, but not even my mother would want to see me with one of them, much less with both. They get bad press and their lives are documented on that damn reality show. I'm surprised that shit is still in the air.

"They're not that bad. "Carlos allowed the promise of a good sex session to cloud his judgment, but I wasn't going to fall for that.

Besides, we're not that needy in that sense.

"Not for the last time. The gala is in a week and I want to focus on meeting someone I like. If I get caught with the twins, no decent girl will come within three feet of me, millions of dollars or not.

"In any case, those who know you will be aware of your billions. How will you know that's not what they're looking for?

"I will know it inside me. That girl will be real, without her having been splashed with glamor and without interest in my fortune. She'll only want to meet me, you understand? I have realized that that is what I need. They are all so aware of my money that the only thing they want is for me to spend it on them. Half the women I've dated don't even know my middle name.

"Well, it's a student name; You're interested in not getting it afloat, Bernard. " Carlos laughed and I looked at him, giving him understand that I could also make fun of his name and her origin.

"That comment is a bit hypocritical, coming from someone whose name is like a hot air balloon.

"I was named after my father's favorite band, one of the greatest of all time, fuck you man," he replied as we left the bathroom.

I told him to find a new table, since ours had new occupants, and we sat at the first one we saw available.

He approached a waitress and upon seeing her I realized that I had slept with her a few months ago.

"Can I offer you something? She looked at Carlos and smiled at him.

"A beer, please," he asked, while he looked her up and down.

I couldn't help but remember her long legs around my bare ass as he penetrated her.

"Of course dear. I'll bring you your beer with the same haste you called me after the sex we had. " She walked away with a haughty gesture and I had to admit that she was right.

Anyone else would feel just as insulted, but she wouldn't have told me so clearly.

"I love this woman. "Carlos laughed out loud until several heads turned to look at us.

"She's good, you should try her.”

He made a gesture with his face to indicate that he could do it.

"A while ago I gave her an invitation to the gala and, with the way she is acting, things could get interesting.”

At that moment, we saw the blonde who had spilled her drink running ahead of us. She was heading to the bathroom and, judging by her haste, it looked like she had soiled herself again. He had the front of his shirt soaked and I saw tears on her cheeks as he passed.

Carlos pursed his lips and nudged me.

"Poor thing, I'm sure Mariel and Sadie will eat her alive.”

Without looking at the poor creature, I searched in the opposite direction.

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