Without Invitation...
Helen POV
My work day had officially ended, at least that's what Nola had told me, and I was waiting in my room for it to be time to get dressed for the party. I just wished the twins wouldn't interrupt me because I wanted to make the most of every minute.
I was surprised when Millie came up with the intention of helping me get ready; especially when she started telling me stories about my mother. I didn't know that he knew her when she was so young, just as she also didn't know that Scott Red had met my mother long before Nola, according to what she told me.
"So, you knew them before I was born?”
"Oh, yes, much earlier. You should wear this one. " Millie showed me the pretty blue dress that was on the bed.
"I'm not sure. It was the one she planned to wear, but Halle warned me that she shouldn't wear her color.”
She had no idea what she would do if she decided to go against her warning, but considering that she didn't want to argue, I thought it was best to heed her.
Millie snorted.
"Its color? Look at you, it matches your eyes perfectly. Besides, she only owns the name. That dress was made to match eyes of the same shade”.
"My mother's weren't blue," I observed, thinking that's what Millie meant.
The woman nodded as if she knew, and from her understanding look, I had the feeling that she might be referring to my mother wanting her to match another pair of eyes.
"Helen was a big Scott Red fan, right?” It occurred to me suddenly and Millie sighed.
" She was the greatest.”
She winked at me and I didn't bother thinking about things anymore, although I imagined that my mother must have studied her eyes for hours to look for the same color fabric.
"Are you going to wear her jewelry?”She took the pieces of my collection that she had left on the table in her hands and unhooked the zipper.
"Yes, but those are not my mother's pieces. I designed them and, one day, I hope to do it as well as she did. I would like to create my own firm, but I need some contacts.
"Your mother had many connections among her friends; I'm sure some of them will be delighted to work with the daughter of the great Layla Ford.
"Nola has helped me a little and I know some people, but I don't want to get my hopes up about them. I'm afraid they don't like me enough”.
Millie cleared her throat and leaned in to speak to me quietly.
"Please don't take this the wrong way, but it's best that you don't let Nola get so involved in your affairs.
I thought I understood that she was advising me not to trust her; that she could ruin my chances with her reputation, but I must be wrong. Nola was a very well connected woman, she was Scott Red's wife and also the girls' mother, as well as her agent.
Coming to my last thought, I thought about her and decided that she might be right.
"Thank you, Millie. I'll keep it in mind. " I was wondering why the woman hadn't gone to see how her granddaughters were getting ready for the party, but I didn't tell her.
Instead, she sat with me and I enjoyed her company. I felt too alone in the world since my mother passed away and Millie eased my pain, just like Nola and Scott did.
Soon after, she was ready to go down and see the girls. They asked me to be on time and when I got to the living room, where they said we would meet, I realized why.
"They left without me," I said to Millie.
"Are you sure? It's a big house. Maybe they are somewhere or maybe they were late getting down. She tried to justify her granddaughters and in a way it seemed normal to me, but I knew that she was not wrong.”
I looked out the window and saw that the limo was gone too.
"Oh, look, they have to stay here. " Millie showed me a couple of masks that must have been hers for the party.
Both were decorated in a tangled way with braided rope and feathers. The first thing I thought was what they did with the sisters.
Nola came into the living room and turned pale when she saw me.
"You're late. The girls left twenty minutes ago. She wrinkled her nose as she spoke”.
"Helen has been punctual. " Your daughters left too early, they even forgot her masks," Millie protested through clenched teeth, as if she were ready to jump on Nola and bite him so he could better control her daughters.
"No problem. "I'll call a taxi," I suggested to avoid an argument.
I reached into my bag for my phone, but Millie stopped me.
"Nonsense, I have a private car. I'll call my driver and he'll take you”.
"No need, really.”
"You can't get to the gala in a taxi," Nola responded as if I knew.
"I think that's the option your daughters have given her," Millie said.
Nola bowed her head and placed her hand over her heart.
"Mom Red, you won't believe…”
"I don't think so. I know. She was willing to give those little monsters the benefit of the doubt, but now I see how cruel they are.
My phone rang in the awkward silence that followed that comment.
"It's them," I announced, before answering. Nola and Millie exchanged murderous glances. Hello and thank you for waiting.
Mariel's voice came through the phone.
"We couldn't wait for you any longer. You were going to ruin our grand entrance. I think we've forgotten our masks, so be nice and bring them to us, would you? Even if you have to go back for them.
"I don't have to go back, I already have them. I looked at Millie who shook her head. I'll see you at the party.
I hung up and Millie was already arguing with Nola, again.
"Those two wanted to make her return to collect her masks, that's why they left them.
“I won't stand by while you insult my daughters,” Nola growled, pulling the phone out of her pocket and heading toward the door.
I had a feeling the girls were about to get a call.
"They're going to try to ruin your night, but don't let them. Your mother loved galas and you will like to attend this one too. Maybe you even dance with a handsome man and fall in love.
I laughed thinking about it.
"I'll be lucky if I find someone who notices my jewelry and not me. "I grabbed the masks and she called Anthony, her driver.
Three minutes later, I said goodbye to Millie and she told the man to wait until the gala was over to return.
I immediately thought that she would need a driver at the house.
"I can get a cab back, really, Millie." You're going to spoil me.
"You deserve to be pampered from time to time, besides, you are... well, you are very special. Those girls are jealous of you. He smiled, and I could see there was a little sadness in his eyes. You look so much like your mother.
"Thank you, Millie."
Anthony, the driver, opened my door and I got into the white Rolls carefully so my dress wouldn't get wrinkled.
The trip was calm and I took the opportunity to relax with the certainty that when I arrived with the twins, the calm would end. I had no idea what Millie meant by them being jealous of me. How was it possible and why? They had everything they wanted and, if they were missing something, they bought it with their money. New lipsticks, new boobs, new clothes, and what could I afford? Nothing. Just be her assistant. Although it wouldn't be for long.
Without knowing why, I felt determined and encouraged by the idea of meeting that special person who could change my life forever. It was just wishful thinking, but at least it was more fun than sitting around moping around.
On the long drive to the family mansion, I had a lot of time to fantasize and dream that I could open a store with my collection.
He missed the beach house where he had grown up. My mother converted the garage into a nice shop to sell her creations, and I was curious to know if a nice family would enjoy it. Nola told me that she had sold it, but she asked me if she would one day be rich enough to buy it back. She would do it in a heartbeat.
As the car turned into the main entrance, I noticed that a few people stopped in front of ours so that its occupants, all dressed in fashion, could get out.
My stomach flipped with excitement and I decided to put on the mask. I grabbed my bag, which I had stuffed my phone into along with a tube of lipstick, and fumbled for the girls' masks. I would have liked to throw them out the window, but I just held them tight before getting out of the car, while the valet held the door.
As I descended I found myself on a beautiful red carpet with gold trim that led to double doors that opened wide, with two attendants on each side.
I noticed that all the guests were carrying a card, I checked my bag and… I didn't have one.
Damn! Three more steps and she would be rejected.
It seemed as if my heart was going to jump out of my chest, my hands were sweating and my face was boiling, red with shame.