Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter one-hundred and sixty five

"Want more sauce?" Eliana asked.

"Me. Me. Me." All the three little girls at the table cooed, raising their hands up with excitement. They were all savoring the dishes served to them. Eliana prepared the food with the assistance of her kitchen staff.

"Wifey, this is amazing." Jace said when he was done with his meal. "It is 100 times better than anything I have had that was not prepared by you " he added, while cleaning his mouth.

That made the adults on the table laugh. Although they also find her cooking amazing.

"Thanks hubby." Eliana said with a smile.

The children were served a little more of the soup that they wanted more of.

Days and weeks later. In the Bratkowski's mansion sat Chelsea and her husband, Jayden, with their two girls, Reha and Myra. Then the Bratkowski's family too. They were having dinner all together. Both families seemed happy as they sat and ate cheerfully around the table.

Liam, the little one was on his highchair as well, having his own version of dinner.

Jayden and the family came back from vacation with his family recently. He then called Jace, saying he has a business proposal and would like to discuss it with him. So Bratkowski's family invited them for dinner. They were to have the discussion after dinner.

"I have to say, Eliana, that was definitely amazing. I don't blame the kids for wanting to have more and more." Jayden said to Eliana.

"Thank you, Jayden. I am glad you all enjoyed it." Eliana said.

The couple are now sitting in one of the living rooms. While the children are in the playroom with the nannies, monitoring them.

"The reason I requested this meeting is because of the discussion we had not too long ago. When you told me you want to expand your business." Jayden began.

The men were seated together and so were the ladies. Soon enough, the ladies excused themselves and went to another room. They wanted to have their private talks or lady chat as they said to their husbands before leaving.

"Yes. We are still brainstorming on that. Still haven't come to a conclusion on that." Jace said before sipping on his beer.

"Perfect!" Jayden said, raising his hand up as he did. "I have a proposal on that." He added, moving forward in his seat.

"I was thinking of expanding the hotel but then, it is something that could make me cash poor if I decide to do it on my own. So there is a need for new investors, like yourself." He pointed towards Jace.

"The capital and also the fame would help a lot in making the business grow quickly." Jayden added.

"Ok. Ok. What is it you have in mind?" Jace asked, and was interested in Jayden's suggestion.

"The hotel here. It is more business class oriented, offering condo units for short stays only. I wanted to expand the hotel. I am thinking of including condos for family units and long stays. Also, favorable conditions for the families. The building itself needs expansion to make all these possible." Jayden explained.

Jace occasionally nodded in understanding or agreement to the proposal. "That sounds.... Smart. I never imagined going into the hotel business, but you made it sound so inviting." Jace said.

"I will have a talk with the board and also hear their intake on it. As for me, it is a yes." He added.

"I have a strong inkling that this will be a good investment and a way forward too." Jayden said.

"It is. It sure is." Jace agreed with a nod.

Meanwhile, the ladies went to the balcony in one of the rooms to have their discussion. They didn't want any distraction or someone overheard them, especially the children.

"I didn't know they had a chocolate flavored gel." Eliana spoke with a grin as she kept turning the content in her hand. Her eyes gleamed, dreamingly.

"They are new. I just found out about them through our travels. Knowing you are a fan of chocolate, I decided to get some for you." Chelsea explained.

"Thank you so much." Eliana said, hugging them to her chest.

"You are most welcome. Make sure to make good use of them." Chelsea said with a wink.

"Oh. I intend to. Starting tonight." Eliana said. a smirk evident on her face.

"That's my girl." Chelsea cheered, picking up her glass of drink. Eliana did the same and they made a toast to satisfy theirs and their husbands needs.

After taking a sip of her drink, Chelsea began to speak. "You know, sometimes, I become so needy of my husband that I can't help it. I go to his office to see him with the excuse of having lunch with him." She said in a low tone.

Eliana wound up laughing at Chelsea's revelation. "Lunch as an excuse? But how is that possible, for anything to happen in the office? Can't you just wait for him to get back?" She asked with a furrowed brow.

"Sweetheart, sometimes the itch can't wait and the CEO's office will definitely do." Chelsea explained. "I believe your husband's too would. He must have a resting room in the office, doesn't he?" She asked further.

"I- I don't know." Eliana stutted.

With a knitted brow, Chelsea asked. "What do you mean you don't know -" her eyes grew wide in realization. "You mean you have never been to his workplace!?" She asked with disbelief, pointing at Eliana.

Eliana shook her head, her face turning red. "N -no, I have not."

"But why!?" Chelsea whined.

Eliana let out a breath before saying, "I never thought of doing that, I guess. Plus, I have school to attend to -"

"Excuses. Excuses. Honey, you got to change your game. Your husband loves you, no doubt about that. He might have his eyes for only you, but at such places, there are preying eyes. You have to be showing up from time to time to remind them all he is yours." Chelsea explained. She went further to give Eliana some tactics and how to get her husband's more attention.

Eliana listened attentively and registered it all in her brain. 'I will definitely put all this to action, gradually.' she assured herself silently.

After a few more chats, Jayden and his family decided to leave. It was almost the kids' bedtime. Jace and Jayden have made a lot of plans. How they will build the new inline project. They were satisfied with the results of their decisions. What was remaining was the board members. Jace needed to make it known to them. He has a strong feeling they would also be pleased with the suggestions. After all, they will all benefit from the outcome.

The ladies agreed to meet up for a spa visit the following weekend. Jenny included. They could only wish Zia could join, but she is miles away from the city.

Later that night. As promised, Eliana made use of the chocolate flavored Oral gel she was given by Chelsea.

Jace enjoyed it as his wife spread the gel on his manhood and nuts before she got down to business. She savored it like never before because of how it was covered with something she loved so much.

Jace did not leave all the work for Eliana. He also spread some gel on her Bosoms and enjoyed every drop of it.

"I should definitely get a non stop delivery of this. Because the way you handle the big guy down there, it is the next level of amazing." Jace said, after their third round that night.

"Yes, we should." Eliana agreed, leaning more into his hold.

"I love you, wifey. I love you so much." Jace said and then kissed her forehead.

"I love you too, hubby." Eliana replied, tightening her grip on him.

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