Chapter 9
Malia POV
Where was she? That’s all I could think of for the past hour. She sent me off to help around as she did herself. I understood and obeyed, even if I knew she was only avoiding me. She would come to me in time. But there was a weight on my heart… I wasn’t sure we had that time.
I was standing at one end of the stage, eyes fixed on the rites and rituals, but my mind was elsewhere. ‘I don’t sense her close. Something must’ve happened. One of the old geezers must have fetched her and kept her somewhere to separate us. They must think that, apart, we are weak.’ I shivered, overtensed.
‘I don’t like it, Shila. While we are up there, please help me. Help us find her.’ She snorted, pacing in the back of my mind. ‘Of course. It will distract me from slicing some old throats.’ I gasped, surprised by her violence.
‘Shila!’ She shrugged, stretching in a menacing stance. ‘Don’t be surprised. I've been holding back since we got here. Something wrong is in the air. Remember the way we couldn’t fight when Elder Juban came to fetch you? There was something imperceptible that tied me up to the ground. And you too, couldn’t fight against, compelling you to respond. As for anybody around, I doubt normal wolves could perceive more to it.’ I groaned. Everything was already messed up. Why would someone, most likely the Elders, need to go to these lengths, what seemed to be the use of ancient spells?
Before I could stay on that train of thought, I was shoved toward the stage’ stairs. I blinked, stumbling toward the first step.
‘Get a grip, Malia. We can’t show that much weakness.’ Shila whispered, standing up, and getting ready to push forward. ‘They will come for us soon enough. Let’s not make it easy.’
As I was walking on the stage, my steps echoing against the mountains, vibrating in the night, up to the full moon now embracing the valley, silencing the huge crowd standing at my feet, I looked over at the assembly, almost like a stare down, my eyes filled with a challenge for these hungry unmated wolves. What looked like a vast space was now feeling cramped, wolves pushing each other, playing elbows in a not very civilized way. When I stopped in my tracks to glare, they all stopped moving. You could hear a pin drop. Crossing my arms on my chest, I resumed walking toward the group of Elders, Elder Kodard opening his arms at me approaching. I refrained the disgusted grin that tried to curl my lips as I stopped feet apart.
Visibly annoyed, but keeping his serene composure, he gestured me to the center of their half-circle. On the ground, there was an ‘X’ drawn with what seemed to be some white chalk. Their formation was also defined by some type of sand I couldn't recognize. I stood there, and they all backed up for a few steps, some whispering, others humming, and the lead Elder Kodard reciting something. He slowly raised his hands, cupping the moon as if he was holding it.
‘So much for the show.’ I snorted through the link.
‘It is not what it may seem. Stay alert. Something is brewing.’ I sighed. What a partner to live with, that wise wolf.
A cloud passed before the moon, but as soon as Elder Kodard's voice started to rise, filling the air, it flew away. The moonlight shone down on us, aiming for all the mirrors disposed around. It bounced on each one and then it hit my body with such power that I stumbled. Shila took some of it, purring softly, steadying me on my feet. My human body didn’t feel that good though. It was a lot to endure.
‘Malia, I think you are not supposed to absorb it without shifting too long. I think I can come forward now.’ I raised a concerned look on the audience and they were all getting agitated, but no one dared to utter a word. ‘Oh sh**. Forgot about that.’
As she giggled, Shila pushed forward on my body. My back snapped, my neck cracked and my members elongated into strong paws, covered in that immaculate white fur. My jaws elongated, a snout popping out taking the place of my nose. A collective gasp erupted from all around Shila as she shook up her fur under the moonlight, the silver of her white glistening.
‘That’s it. Be impressed.’ Giving her space, I chuckled in the back of my mind.
‘You deserve it. But sorry to bring you back to serious matters… Can you feel Sarabella even if all the links are cut?’
Magnificent, she sat on her ‘X’, while a rumble of whispers ran through the crowd and another among the Elders, probably about the same concern but for different matters. She slowly tilted her head and lifted her nose. ‘Our link is open.’
‘Bella? Bella, where are you?’ Shila sniffed the air glancing to her left. ‘In the shadows.’
‘Good to hear you Shila, you look amazing.’ Her voice was faint.
‘Bella, are you ok ?’ Both Shila and I urged through the link.
‘Yes I am, don’t worry. Don’t focus on me. You have more than your share on your plate. As for me, I will be up last. Please wait for me after, then.’ I couldn’t answer.
We sensed movement towards us and in a few strides, Elder Kodard was beside us.
“Again, the National treasure does not disappoint! What an extraordinary wolf.” He took out his hand, reaching for her fur but stopped when a low rumble slipped out between her lips curled up in a warning snarl.
“And fierce at that.” He giggled at that, but the flash in his eyes was murderous. He then turned to face the crowd.
“The Claiming for Malia Lobo will have unlimited entries. May the strongest wolf claim and be mated to the National treasure.” A cheer burst from the crowd like a wave rushed to the shore by the tide by a gust of wind.
A dangerous growl forced them to silence, some of them even bowing their heads, some of the weaker ranked even whimpering. Standing up, Shila stepped forward, snapping her teeth at whoever was standing too close to the stage to her liking, challenging.
She took the stance of a warrior, pacing long and slowly on the edge. When she came close to the left end, where our sister said she was, she could finally smell her, her delicate perfume coming to her nose. Surprisingly, it didn’t come alone. It was hardly noticeable, but it still made Shila's heart race slightly.
'What is it?' As Shila tried to concentrate on the scent, moving towards it, she felt someone grabbing her tail. Yelping from surprise, snapping at the hand that dared to touch her, she lowered her front hand, ready to pounce at the slightest opportunity.
“As delightful as your wolf is, the ceremony must go on. Please, shift back.” Elder Kodard released her almost immediatly, noticing the burning glaze of the wolf he laid his hand on. He then backed up in line with eyes glued on Shila who moved back to the ‘X’. Breathing in, she stopped, glaring to her right, her head held high in a silent and disdained protest.
“Oh right, how could we forget.” One of the Elders gestured his head toward a group. Someone detached from the shadow, holding a pile of clothes that was then put in front of the patient wolf. “Now, proceed.” Exasperation and a touch of disappointment could be felt, sending shivers of disgust all the way down our spine.
Seconds later, I was dressed and back on my human feet. A few men walked toward me, the same escort I had at my bedroom door. They tried to have me follow them, but I dodged them all and rushed over to where I scent Sarabella. Entering the single tent to the extreme left of the stage, I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't believe my eyes.
“What the…”