Chapter Three: Mysterious
The next morning, I had dreaded work again. On my days off, I always feel as though I have nothing to do, but when work comes around and I’m forced out of the house, I hate it!
Griffin decided to stay the night last night, telling me his family aren’t having the satisfaction of seeing him confused and annoyed. I knew he was only putting on a brave face to insinuate that he wasn’t hurt in a sense, I could see from his expression when he came to see me in the back garden, he was hoping they were here to see him and apologise for the way in which they used to treat him. But following the conversation I had overhead, it proved to him how little they care and are only out for their own interests.
I had finished getting ready and was making my way down the stairs, Griffin sat on the living room sofa with his fresh cup of coffee in his hand whilst scrolling through his phone. Unlike some people, he had the full day ahead of him to do whatever it was that he pleased, whilst others have to leave the house to go to their dead-end job.
Griffin doesn’t actually have a job, he tells me he would like nothing more than to get out there and do something productive, but then he turns around and tells me with what his family does, he can’t have a normal job like everyone else. I always want to question what he means by that, what on earth could his family be mixed in with for him not to be able to act like a normal person?!
But as always and what has become evident over these past few days, the topic of his family is a sore spot for him, so I don’t want to pick at it by asking any questions. So, I just go along with his no job but getting money to get by from whatever his family does, see none of that is making any sense right?!
“Hello, my dearest Rose, how are you on this fine morning?” He asks putting on a posh accent once he saw me walking down the stairs, I simply roll my eyes not enjoying that in less than an hour, I’m going to be working behind the counter of a coffee shop I have grown to hate.
“Just preparing myself for whatever shit show is to be thrown in my face at work today, I mean seriously, why do people pick that place to start having fist fights?!” I ask with a sigh whilst he hands me my own fresh coffee in a light pink flask for me to drink on the way.
“Perhaps the colour of the walls just cause people to grow anger, you know I read a news article that says distinct colours stimulate different emotions in people…. yes, I am aware that I have too much time on my hands, and I don’t enjoy it.” He sighs once he caught himself rambling, but I simply laugh reaching up and placing a soft kiss on his cheek as a thank you.
“I wouldn’t want you any other way.” I smile having to now wipe the lipstick that was on his cheek from the kiss, but my comment just makes him smile that much more and hold out his arm for me to take.
“Allow me to escort you to your place of work my lady.” He smiles putting on that same posh accent but this time, I couldn’t help but chuckle as I took his arm, and he leads me out of the house to get to work.
Ever since I started working at the coffee shop a few years back, Griffin has made it a point to walk me to and from work each day. He likes to tell me that it helps him stay in routine and to keep me company, but I have heard the type of conversations he and my father have, he is also worried that somehow, something is going to happen to me during the ten-minute walk to work. But I’m not going to complain, I love anytime that he and I get to spend with each other and on the way home, he is always the first person that I rant to about the horrors of that day.
Once we leave my house and begin to walk down the concrete pavement, I couldn’t help but get the feeling that we were being watched from somewhere. I scan my surroundings so discreetly that Griffin didn’t notice, but even as I looked, I didn’t catch a glimpse of anyone or anything starting at me. So, I shake that feeling off and begin our walk towards work, Griffin scoffing slightly once we passed the expensive cars that were still sat on his driveway.
Before too long, Griffin had dropped me off to work and I was busily getting on with all that the stress of the day. I work in the oldest coffee shop this town has, it has been owned by the same family for generations and little to anything has changed. The only thing that is even remotely different, is now they hire outsiders of the family like me to work the floor, all of them are either too old or have family matters that take up all of the time.
But each person in this town liked it, they served the same things, are greeted by the same people in the same building as like everything in this town, nothing changes. I was midway through my shift after breaking up two arguments already, I was cleaning the coffee machine when the bell that sits above the door rings telling me someone else joined the shop. But before I even had the chance to turn around, the most mouthwatering smell fills my senses, I had never smelt anything that good in all my life.
I turn my head around to try and find the source of this smell, when I spot the same man which I saw in Griffin’s window yesterday, stood in the doorway of the coffee shop looking directly at me. Once again, my eyes instantly go to his bright blue ones and the world kind of fizzled away, the sounds of the regulars having their conversations or the coffee brewing in the many places around me fade away. All that I could think about, was this mystery man stood in front of me.
Once I realised that I was indeed only staring at this man’s face and not speaking, I shake myself out of my trance and place a smile on my lips walking over to the edge of the counter, whilst he came to a stop right in front of me.
“Good afternoon, sir, so what can I get you?” I smile repeating the same line which I do whenever anyone walks in; I always feel as though I dream about this same boring conversation at least once a week due to how much I have to say it.
“Good afternoon and I am not entirely sure, I am not from this town and do not have much experience with coffee, but I thought I would give it a try.” He smiles with such a breathtaking smile that I almost fainted, but even the sound of his voice sends intense shivers to run down my body which only added to how much I wanted to drop to the floor.
“Well, it’s never too late to try a new thing, I don’t wish to assume anything about you but from the looks, I could say you’re into the posher sides of coffees. From my professional opinion, I think you seem like a more flat white type of person.” I say with a little smile but did hope that I hadn’t offended him in some way, but when that same smile on his lips only gets that much bugger, little butterflies begin to appear in my stomach.
“That is what I will have then thank you.” He smiles where I only nod turning around to start work on his coffee, but once I was turned away and we weren’t faced to face anymore, I open my mouth wide out of shock and surprise due to the overwhelming feelings that were pulsing through my body in this moment.
Whilst I worked on his coffee, making sure I didn’t mess a single thing up and made it perfectly, I felt him staring at my back watching my every move. But I couldn’t help but wonder what he and Griffin could be, were they brothers, cousins or not even related but view each other as family due to how close they are. Of course, I could have asked either one, but I was unsure if it was my place.
Once I was done with his coffee, I turn around with it in my hand and place it down on the counter, his eyes looking down amazed that I was able to make something such as that. With his black wallet in his hand, he soon hands me over the money, I take it with a smile and begin to work on getting him his change. But once I go to pass it him, he holds his hand up with a shake of his head.
“Keep the change and add it onto the tip, here.” He smiles now dipping into his wallet and pulling out five £20 notes, my eyes instantly grow wide where it was my turn to shake my head.
“I don’t need that much of a tip; I only made you a coffee which I make over a hundred times a day. It’s a kind gesture and I deeply appreciate it, but I can’t take that much money from you.” I smile wanting him to know how much this meant but I couldn’t justify accepting that much money for a simple coffee.
“You are not taking it from me, I want to give it to you. Not only for the matter that you made me this coffee, but for how polite you were. I will be quite sad if you do not take it.” He smiles holding the money even closer to my face, I was still rather shocked but couldn’t help but smile at how nice he was being, with a smile, I reach up and take the money from him.
“Thank you so much.” I smile looking into his eyes once again before another regular walks over to the counter, just from his face, I knew he was going to be a problem.
“I don’t mean to break up a conversation, but I have been sat at this table for almost a minute and you still haven’t served me. Normally, you run like clockwork, get it together Rose.” He tells me with a spiteful look before turning to walk back to his seat, I only sigh used to this sort of situation but the man in front of me sure was not used to it.
“Do not speak to her in that manner, she is standing behind that counter working tirelessly to ensure that all of you are served swiftly and with care! She will take as long as she deems fit and if you have a problem with that, you will need to take it up with me do you understand?!” He shouts at the man with such anger that I couldn’t believe my eyes, it was as though I was some close relative to him, and he had the stick up for me, yet this is the only conversation we have ever had.
“You’re right, sorry Rose you can take as long as you like.” The man says with his tail between his legs, he was soon at his table avoiding eye contact with anybody as he had just been called out.
“Thank you for sticking up for me, it happens a lot when people don’t get their coffees in time but it’s nice that at least one person has my back.” I smile once the shop had gotten back to its loud self once again, he still looked a little annoyed as he watched the man still sat at his table, but once he turns his head to face me once again, that same smile was on his lips.
“You do not need to thank me, a beautiful woman such as yourself should never be spoken down to in that manner.” He tells me picking up his coffee, whilst I had to force my cheeks not to turn red from this handsome mysterious man calling me beautiful. “I will be in the corner enjoying this marvellous coffee that you have made for me, but if that man or any other person starts making you feel uncomfortable, I will be over like a shot.” He smiles but looks me in the eyes telling me how serious he was, I just smile and nod my head as thank you whilst he makes his way over to his table.
Now he was gone, I walk over to the once angry man sat at the table who didn’t even make eye contact with me. But in that moment, I felt the safest I ever have with that mystery man sat in the corner.