Chapter Four: Stay Away
The mystery man remained in the coffee shop for around an hour after I made his coffee, he even sent me a kind wave as he walked out the door which I soon returned. But I couldn’t help but slowly begin to miss his presence once he left, even though he and I only shared one conversation and in the mist of that he stuck up for me, I couldn’t shake the weird feeling which pulsed through my body.
It was as though something deep inside of me, some part that I did not know I even had until now, was starting to wake up and only wanted to be in that man’s presence for the rest of my life. The more I thought about it all and the feelings that I was slowly starting to feel, I told myself how stupid I was being. I have only ever met that man once and don’t even know what his name was! But that was not the only issue, it’s clear that he has something to do with Griffin, whether it’s family or not, Griffin doesn’t appreciate him being here.
Yes, I may find this man interesting and something inside feels drawn to him in a sense, I care more about Griffin. He has been in my life for so many years and has been the one person who has stuck by me through everything, even with the horrible year I had to endure, he sat beside me whilst I cried telling me everything was going to be okay and didn’t leave for a single second.
If I begin anything with this man, that might show Griffin that I do not care about his feelings which couldn’t be further from the truth. So, even though it’s going to be hard, I have to ignore this man for the relationship which I cherish with Griffin.
After closing up the shop once my shift was over, I walk out into the twilight sky where Griffin was waiting for me leaning up against the wall. I just smile walking over accepting the little hug that he offered, but as I walked over to him, I was quickly attempting to see if there were any similarities between him and the mystery guy from the earlier. But I must say, they not only have the same hair colour, but also some of their facial features look similar.
“How was your day?” He asks handing me a light pink flask full of delicious hot chocolate, I take it from him with a smile as he holds his arm out for me which I take as we walk home.
“It was the same as usual I guess.” I sigh looking down slightly not knowing if it would be a wise idea to bring up who came into the café today, but as we walked, I didn’t want him to think I was hiding something from him. “The other day when I met you in the garden, I saw this man watching us through your uncles window well, guess who came to the coffee shop this afternoon.” I say trying to phrase it in a way that I was simply making conversation, I didn’t need Griffin to know that man was all I could think about after he left.
“Did he speak with you?” Griffin asks in a darker tone than before looking towards me, at first, I was a little worried at the tone he was using, I had never heard him use that voice before and it may have just been the light, but his eyes seemed to turn a shade darker.
“He ordered a coffee so I had to speak with him.” I say in a duh type tone, if I’m the person behind the counter and he wants to order something from me, he and I would need to have even the tiniest conversation. “He gave me such a huge tip too, I didn’t want to take it at first, but he wouldn’t take no for an answer.” I explain as both of our houses come into view, the expressive looking cars still sat right outside of his.
“I bet he gave you a big tip.” I hear him mutter under his breath as we came to as stop right at the top of his path, the lights to his uncle's living room shining bright through the darkness. “I just need to talk to my uncle about something, I’ll watch you into your house and keep your window open, I’ll come and visit once I’m done.” He informs me where I was a little confused but not wanting to question him, so I simply send him a nod telling him I understood before reaching up and placing a soft kiss on his cheek as a thank you for walking me home.
My action does cause him to crack the first smile since I told him about the man, before I turn around and begin to walk over to my own house. Once I opened the door, I turn to the side to see Griffin still stood at the end of the path watching me, I send him a a little wave before walking into my house.
I was so tired from all of the walking I had to do for the day, that after I had changed out of my work clothes, I lay on my bed and dropped straight to sleep. But at the time, I thought the loud shouts which I heard was only a dream, but they were far from being a dream.
“Why the fuck would you go and speak with Rose, she has nothing to do with you or this fucked up situation that you’re trying to force me to help with! I don’t know if you thought by going where she works and tipping her was going to make me panic, but it doesn’t! I don’t care what type of status that you may hold now, I can still beat your ass like I had done so many times in the past!” Griffins loud voice begins to shout throughout the darkness, my body rolling to the side a little wrapping myself up in the blanket.
“You have to stay away from her Griffin, there are some things you don’t understand, we don’t want you getting hurt when the truth comes out!” A woman’s voice tells him, but it was one I had never heard before, last time they had a screaming match, it was only male voices.
“What is it about her which makes you think I need to stay away; you can’t say it’s because she’s human as dad is also and you mated with him and made him King?!” Griffin shouts even louder with such pure rage in his tone, he was beyond angry that his family were trying to keep him away from me. “You know what, I don’t care what any of you think. Rose was there for me when none of you wanted to know, so in my eyes, she’s the only person which truly gets me, and I’ll pick her over any of you in a heartbeat.” Griffin spits at them before the sounds of a door slamming fill the air, the area becoming quiet after that just like always.
I’m snapped out of my sleep by my window knocking, I open my eyes and see Griffin sat on my windowsill waiting for me to let him in. I was so tired from work that I had forgotten to leave the window open for him like he had asked. I throw the blanket off my legs and walk over to the window, unlocking and pulling it open where he was inside closing it behind him in a second.
“I’m sorry, I was so tired that I forgot to leave it ope- “I begin to say but I’m soon cut off when his lips are crashed to mine, I was a little shocked as I’m pinned up against the wall with Griffin, looming over me.
Yes, we do this a few times but never twice in one week! Before I knew what was happening, I was placed to lay on my bed with Griffin now above kissing my neck with such urgency which was strange when it came to our arrangement. We’re both soon naked and his little friend is penetrating my body causing a series of moans to escape my lips.
In the mists of all of our act, I turn my face where my eyes fall on the window and the darkness, it was much too dark for me to make out anything, but I swore that I saw an outline of a person sat on my windowsill watching us both. I would have questioned what was happening if Griffin didn’t move my face to look at him once again, a kiss being placed on my lips before we continued.
But what I couldn’t have known was the man which had been so kind to me at the coffee shop today, was watching us with nothing but pure rage seeping out of his body.