Chapter Eight: Need A Doctor
After what felt like days, I climb out of the bed and arrive in the living area again, the night sky slowly beginning to take hold telling me Griffin had truly been gone all day. Walking towards the front door and taking the handle in my hand, I find my suspicions from before that Griffin had indeed locked the door behind him when he left was proven correct.
Why would he leave for the entire day without telling me where he was going and lock me in?! It’s lucky I haven’t needed the bathroom! If you remember that’s outside! Before I had time to dwell on those feelings any longer, an item falling from outside and a dark shadow of a person moving from behind the curtain causes a strong wave of fear to ripple through my entire body.
I move backwards, my breathing fast and my hands shaking as I look around frantically, in case more shadows of people show themselves. I was about to tell myself it must have been an animal knocking something over when a voice speaks.
“I thought Jared was going to order us to do a harder task after yesterday, but just to stand outside of a cabin and ensure some girl inside doesn’t escape or hurt herself, this is easy.” The voice laughs from outside of the window, but hearing this and absorbing what was said, it only makes me panic that much more.
What does that man mean he was ordered by some other guy to ensure I don’t escape?! This hasn’t been feeling like a prison but now I’ve been told I can’t leave; it’s beginning to embody that. After pacing up and down for a couple of minutes longer, the walls begin to feel as though they were closing in and the overwhelming urge that I need to leave this place became so evident that I could not ignore it any longer.
I didn’t know who was standing outside or what lengths they would go to ensure that I remained in this prison, which only caused my thoughts to quickly produce a plan of action. Scanning my surroundings in hopes of finding some sort of weapon to defend myself, my eyes fall on a kitchen knife and a lamp. The doors and windows were very much locked which meant if I wanted to leave the cabin, smashing a window would be my only escape where the lamp would come in handy. In case one of those men want to try and hurt me when I escape, me holding a knife might inform them that I’m not playing around and I’m leaving whether they like it or not.
After rounding up all I need, the knife being placed in boot, so I don’t cut myself whilst jumping out of the window and leaning down to unplug the lamp from the wall, I felt my adrenaline pumping and I was ready to leave.
I take slow steps towards the back window of the house; it was the way where the car was parked which would mean there are roads where somebody will see and help me. After listening for their footsteps, I see the shadows move to the bay window at the front which tells me it’s time.
With all my strength, I throw the lamp as hard as I could at the window where the loud and deifying noise of glass shattering into a million pieces fill the area. Due to this, I knew I only had a matter of seconds before the two men rush over to see what was happening.
The window was smashed but it wasn’t a big enough opening for me to climb through, but in that moment all I could think about was getting out of here alive, so I did the dumbest thing I could have, I throw myself through the already half smashed window and land on the woods floor outside of the house.
“Hey!” A hear a man shout from the side of the house, I turn my head quickly to see two men standing there a little shocked to see me laying on the floor, but I knew I couldn’t lay there forever.
So, without saying a word, I get to my feet and begin to run as fast as humanly possible towards the road where the car was and away from the two men.
“No! Come back we’re not gonna hurt you!” I hear one shout towards me, but I wasn’t going to fall for any of their games, they could only be saying that but as soon as I stop before them, they’ll hurt me.
With this in mind, I continue running where I thought the car was but to my horror, I find it gone. That means Griffin must have left with those two men in the car, does that mean he isn’t coming back?! I knew I couldn’t allow that terrifying thought to marinate in my mind at the moment considering, two unknown men were chasing me.
Turning my head around to check where they were, it confirmed they were still behind me and seemed to be getting closer with every second that past. This was when something deep inside of me came to life, something I felt like I had deep inside for my entire life but had yet to see it. Within a matter of seconds, a feeling of intense energy and power begins to pulse through my veins leaving me with the feeling of being unstoppable.
So now with my newfound energy, I sprint down the road and back where me and Griffin had driven down to get here the week prior. It may have been in my mind, but it was as though the trees were a blur as I ran, the only thing in my mind was making it to a main road and out of the terrifying woods I had been dumped in.
Minutes pass and I soon arrive at the main road from before, road signs leading to places I had never heard which didn’t enlighten me on where I was, why I had been taken and how I was going to make it home. I stood at the side of the road looking around, the power feeling had soon faded and caused me to feel more exhausted than ever. I place my hand to my side due to feeling so out of breath, but it hurt, taking a worried look down at my side to see what could be causing the pain, that’s when a see a huge shad of glass sticking out of my side, put there when I carelessly jumped through the window to escape.
Due to this turn of events, I begin to panic even more knowing glass sticking out of your side isn’t such a good thing and probably, needs to be looked at. As the sky grew darker and colder, I complement whether heading back down to the cabin would be the best course of action now glass was sticking out of my side.
But when the sounds of a car approaching fill the air, I silently hoped it was Griffin returning back from wherever he was where he will tell me it’s all going to be okay and help me with the glass situation. But when the car does pull up in front of me, I realise it was a completely different make of car and soon realised, it was not Griffin. But the man which did open the door and climb out surprised and calmed me at the same time.
“Rose, what are you doing out here?” The man from the coffee shop and the one I think is Griffin’s brother asks, his voice sending me into a calming state as he ran over to me with worry on his face.
“There were these two men chasing me, the window of the cabin wasn’t smashed all the way, so I had to jump through. Griffin’s gone and taken the car.” I begin to ramble unloading all the information out at once but not even in the right order and making little sense, he looks even more worried as I reach over and hold his arms to keep me steady.
But when my hands were placed on his arms, magical sparks of electricity shoot all the way up my arms in me most magnetic way. But now I was in this man’s arms, it felt as though my body was falling to sleep.
“I-I need a doctor.” I manage to say whilst my eyes begin to close but move my face down to look at the piece of glass which was hanging out of my side still. “They have G-Griffin.” Is the last sentence I could make out before I drop unconscious and fall into the mysterious man’s arms.