
Ch.1 Birth.
Ch.2 Attack
Ch.3 Escape
Ch.4 Western Port City of DawnStar
Ch.5 Sea Dragon
Ch.6 Bandit Attack
Ch.7 Strange Old Man
Ch.8 Royal Summons
Ch.9 What is it?
Ch. 10 Princess and the well.
Ch.11 Training
Ch.12 Life in the castle
Ch.13 Who Took Her?
Ch.14 But it is my job.
ch.15 Budding Young Hero
Ch.16 Burnt to Ashes
Ch.17 Light Snack
Ch.18 Homecoming part 1
Ch.19 Homecoming part 2 / Reward?
ch.20 Hunting Trip
ch.21 Mom is still alive
Ch.22 Sea Heart Grass
Ch.23 Pendragons
ch.24 Touch of Magic
Ch.25 Again?
Ch.26 I can Fly
Ch.27 18th Birthday
Ch.28 Blood of Dragons
Ch.29 Dreams of Dragons (R-18)
Ch.30 Bloodline Memories
Ch.31 Breaking the news.
Ch.32 Fishing Trip.
Ch.33 3rd and 4th wife?
Ch. 34 Awakening Regina
Ch. 35 Playing in the Rain
Ch.36 Summons Of House Pendragon
Ch.37 Over many waters.
Ch.38 Rain Pendragon
Ch. 39 Fargo Branch of House Pendragon
Ch.40 History Lesson
Ch. 41 Renaming of Rain Kingdom
Ch. 42 Trouble in Paradise
Ch. 43 Killing Time
Ch.44 19th Birthday and Crowning Oneself
Ch.45 Awakening of Rain
Ch. 46 Empirical Court and Promotions
Ch. 47 New Voices
Ch. 48 A Bigger Pool (R-18)
Ch. 49 Sanctuary
Ch. 50 Restructuring and Packing
Ch. 51 Trade Deals and Temptations of House Martocs
Ch. 52 A Pegasus named Zeus
Ch. 53 Unicorns and Dryads
Ch.54 Heavy is the crown
Ch. 55 Emperor in Toyland (R-18)
Ch 56 Cherry Blossoms Blooming (R-18 light)
Ch. 57 Heavy Harvest
Ch 58 Ultimate Test of Cherry Blossoms Blooming
Ch. 59 Please Don't make us wait
Ch. 60 Wedding Bells
Ch. 61 Wedding Night Bliss (R-18)
Ch. 62 Hoist the colors
Ch. 63 The magical in-laws
64. Daughter of the sea
Ch. 65 Lost as Sea
Ch.66 Deep Blue Hunting
Ch. 67 Dear Uncle
Ch. 68 Fish Fry
CH.69 Sea King
Ch. 70 Pregnant?
Ch.71 Witchy Wedding Pt.1
Ch. 72 Witchy Wedding pt2
Ch. 73 Witchy Wedding pt 3
Ch. 74 Double Trouble pt 1
Ch. 75 Double Trouble pt 2 (RR-18;)
Ch. 76 About that time
Ch. 77 Under Construction
Ch. 78 Holding Court Before Departure
Ch.79 Mage Capture
Ch. 80 Back to Gagaree
Ch.81 The Airos
Ch. 82 Broken Wings
Ch. 83 Ava
Ch.84 Cloud City
Ch. 85 Number six
Ch.86 Girls Night Out
Ch.87 I Want a puppy. (R-18)
Ch. 88 Felt a kick
Ch. 89 The Final Runes
Ch.90 Cutting the Ribbon
Ch. 91 Welcome Students
Ch. 92 Mass Awakening
Ch. 93 The Basics
Ch. 94 Theoretical Magic
Ch. 95 Let them come
Ch. 96 New Witch Order
Ch. 97 Secret Projects
Ch. 98 The Odin
Ch. 99 We are going home.
Ch. 100 Wings of War
Ch. 101Dawnstar, Under new management
Ch. 102 Is that you?
Ch. 103 Hard fought.
Ch. 104 A kingdom with no king
Ch. 105 What is left
Ch. 106 Circle of runes
Ch. 107 Unsealed
Ch. 108 Prison of ones own making
Ch. 109 Wake up
Ch. 110 Father
Ch. 111 You don't understand what it is like to be King.
Ch. 112 You are right, I am an Emperor
Ch. 113 Missed Years
Ch. 114 I am a Warlock too
Ch. 115 Rebuild the city.
Ch. 116 Behind the attack
Ch. 117 Shall be born here.
Ch. 118 So, what color are your scales father?
Ch. 119 What kind am I then
Ch. 120 Father, and son trip
Ch 121 My little empire
Ch. 122 Hugs and Carrots
Ch. 123 Flying. The only way to travel.
Ch. 124 Family Matters
Ch. 125 What! My Grandfather is....
Ch. 126 Celestial Dragon
Ch. 127 Ava's Adventure
Ch. 128 Hints of what grandfather is hidding.
Ch. 129 Flying back together
Ch. 130 While you were gone
Ch. 131 Planning our next move
Ch. 132 Quality time
Ch. 133 Experiments with feathers
Ch. 134 Giveing the gift.
Ch. 135 No more hiding, if you want an egg
Ch. 136 Eggs by night, building by day
Ch. 137 First real date in a while, Ava (R-18)
Ch. 138 Double Date (R-18)
Ch. 139 Much to pregnant for that, just...
Ch. 140 Time to reclaim what was lost
Ch. 141 Whispers of war
Ch. 142 First real clash
Ch. 143 This is Vellen
Ch. 144 Bend the knee or...
Ch. 145 Silver Sands
Ch. 146 People's reaction
Ch. 147 Valkyrie Air
Ch. 148 Pearl holds court
Ch. 149 Spell Crafting
Ch. 150 Contractions
Ch. 151 Labor pains
Ch. 152 Power of four
Ch. 153 Not you too
Ch. 154 Aquatic delivery
Ch. 155 Three daughters, and an egg
Ch. 156 Naming Day
Ch. 157 Silver City Castle
Ch. 158 The Seventh Floor
Ch. 159 Airisa
Ch. 160 Looking South
Ch. 161 Aqua's Spell
Ch. 162 Network Established
Ch. 163 Voice of Vellen
Ch. 164 Voice of Sands
Ch. 165 Departure
Ch. 166 Arrival
Ch. 167 Hello, Grandfather
Ch. 168 Secret Names Given
Ch. 169 A Third Circle
Ch. 170 A Partial Truth
Ch. 171 Without a word
Ch. 172 Paying a visit.
Ch. 173 Imperial Celebration
Ch. 174 A Warm egg is a Happy egg (R-18)
Ch. 175 Testing the circles
Ch. 176 Southern March
Ch. 177 Odin's Decent
Ch. 178 Amongst the ranks
Ch. 179 Old Mages vs. Young Witches
Ch. 180 Tri-Dragon Fury
Ch. 181 If a Tower falls, and there are no mages, does it make a sound?
Ch. 182 A fairy's tale
Ch. 183 Kingdom in Chaos
Ch. 184 Might of Magiteck
Ch. 185 Rivers of Blood
Ch. 186 A second tower
Ch. 187 Southern Map
Ch. 188 Six puppet kings
Ch. 189 Puller of strings
Ch. 190 Blaze is...
Ch. 191 Dragon of Death
Ch. 192 What happens when
Ch. 193 Piles of dust
Ch. 194 Aftermath
Ch. 195 A greatful people
Ch. 196 On to the next tower
Ch. 197 One more to go
Ch. 198 The Sixth Tower
Ch. 199 Death of a Grand Master Mage
Ch. 200 I promised my grandfather.
Ch. 201 Boyne and Runa
Ch. 202 State of the peninsula
Ch. 203 Small and Grand plans.
Ch. 204 Attempt to do things peacefully
Ch. 205 Rendezvous at sea
Ch. 206 First impressions
Ch. 207 We tried being nice
Ch. 208 By Land, Air, and Sea
Ch. 209 More than a name change
Ch. 210 A few days of rest at home
Ch. 211 Unicorns and Centaurs
Ch. 212 Fresh troops
Ch. 213 Establishing order
Ch. 214 Going to be difficult
Ch. 215 A Dwarf can only work so hard
Ch. 216 Test and Introductions
Ch. 217 New trade routes, and elections
Ch. 218 Game Night (R-18ish)
Ch. 219 A frail peace
Ch. 220 New Students
Ch. 221 Student or Mascot
Ch. 222 A month of attempts
Ch. 223 Useing court as a detraction
Ch. 224 The New Voices first visit to Dragon City
Ch. 225 To egg or not to egg
Ch. 226 What are the odds?
Ch. 227 Are you sure?
Ch. 228 We can try again later
Ch. 229 Breaking Ground
Ch. 230 Wedding Plans for Artro
Ch. 231 Preparations
Ch. 232 Setting off on a tea hunt
Ch. 233 Dinner with Lunar Lily
Ch. 234 The pursuit of tea
Ch. 235 The perfect cup
Ch. 236 Truvana Village
Ch.237 Secret of the Silver Vine Hibiscus
Ch.238 Fae Forest
Ch.239 Returning home
Ch.240 First crack
Ch. 241 Hatching Day
Ch. 242 Titan Vellen
Ch. 243 Just in time
Ch. 244 Wedding Bells for Runa
Ch. 245 Royal Wedding (Runa)
Ch. 246 Your tea is served
Ch. 247 Valkyrie incident
Ch. 248 Punishing the concubine (R-18)
Ch. 249 Runa holds court
Ch. 250 Progress reports
Ch. 251 New trade deals possible
Ch. 252 A merchant king
Ch. 253 Air Ship Delivery
Ch. 254 The value of a map
Ch. 255 Carving new roads
Ch. 256 Another Student
Ch. 257 Ancient Map
Ch. 258 Trying to understand the runes
Ch. 259 Zania before the Great Disaster
Ch 260 Talking with grandfather
Ch. 261 Shadow Mist Elves
Ch. 262 Possible Mage Connections
Ch. 263 Going to see a student's parents
Ch. 264 Old Rivalrys
Ch. 265 A spy in the night sky
Ch. 266 Dance in the light of the Moonless Night (Part 1)
Ch. 267 Dance in the light of the Moonless Night(Part 2)
Ch. 268 Undercover
Ch. 269 Not all towers go up
Ch. 270 Sacrifice or recruit
Ch. 271 Blood magic's mage connection
Ch. 272 Newest Mage Applicant or Arcane Dragon
Ch. 273 Your power is nothing before me
Ch. 274 Moonless Night Tower secrets
Ch. 275 Forbidden Ancient Magic
Ch. 276 I would make you Queen
Ch. 277 First Snow
Ch. 278 Winter Break
Ch. 279 Will you give me away
Ch. 280 Winter Wonderland Wedding
Ch. 281 Uninvited guest
Ch. 282 Not so Brilliant Nightshade
Ch. 283 Sorry for the interruption.
Ch. 284 A night under the pale moon (R-18)
Ch. 285 Last remnants of the Old Guard.
Ch. 286 Kingdom in turmoil
Ch. 287 Dispute over the crown
Ch. 288 Shadow Mist Civil War
Ch. 289 Not our fight
Ch. 290 Request from a student
Ch. 291 Putting a stop to the fighting
Ch. 292 I said that I would
Ch. 293 A protectorate
Ch. 294 Laying down old grudges
Ch. 295 The second official gathering
Ch. 296 Rebuilding, and mending hearts
Ch. 297 Visions of the future
Ch. 298 Hoping for a quiet winter
Ch. 299 Not getting the quite one wanted
Ch. 300 Dolls, Air Ships, and Elves Oh my
Ch. 301 Lessons in diplomacy
Ch. 302 Woden's first doll
Ch. 303 Give them a reason to come
Ch. 304 Elven wine
Ch. 305 First Ship to dock
Ch. 306 Ribbon Cutting
Ch. 307 Construction Progress
Ch. 308 Attempt at open court
Ch. 309 How does he do it
Ch. 310 New Queen, new laws
Ch. 311 Bloodline Crystal Alter
Ch. 312 Results that makes one question history
Ch. 313 The Timeline might be wrong
Ch. 314 Finding time to explore, before father's third big day
Ch. 315 Sunken City
Ch. 316 More questions than answers
Ch. 317 Building a dome
Ch. 318 I should probably talk to grandfather first
Ch. 319 Preparing the wedding gifts
Ch. 320 One day you will be as big as your son.
Ch. 321 Grandfather showing off
Ch. 322 When are you getting married
Ch. 323 Almost a double wedding
Ch. 324 Wedding Bells for Aquatica
Ch. 325 Gifts and Blessings
Ch. 326 Banquet fishing contest
Ch. 327 Let's hold off the hunt for a few years.
Ch. 328 Under the dome
Ch. 329 True test of one's strength.
Ch. 330 New Vlantis
Ch. 331 Learning to read
Ch. 332 Ancient records and potion progress
Ch. 333 Airos milk (R-18)
Ch. 334 Hatching Day (Pri Rila)
Ch 335 Four Elves (R-18ish)
Ch. 336 Immediate hit
Ch. 337 Stepping Back
Ch. 338 Restructuring of the Empire
Ch. 339 Focusing on family
Ch. 340 Adjusting the Circles
Ch. 341 Breakthroughs in alchemy
Ch. 342 Inventions that will change the world
Ch.343 More interested in dolls
Ch. 344 Do you even still love me
Ch. 345 Blessings and tragedies
Ch. 346 Having to comfort a nation
Ch. 347 Uncertain future
Ch. 348 Misery loves company
Ch. 349 Trying to comfort each other.
Ch. 350 Two tragedies, one case.
Ch. 351 Unrelenting Fury
Ch. 352 Fifteen days of terror.
Ch. 353 Refusing the call
Ch. 354 So it comes to this cousin.
Ch. 355 Out of the Darkness
Ch. 356 An into the light
Ch. 357 Seeds of fear
Ch 358 New Voices
Ch. 359 House Shadow
Ch. 360 Public network
Ch. 361 Center of Trade
Ch. 362 Witches Gate Guild
Ch. 363 Family Vacation
Ch. 364 Grand Court Session
Ch. 365 A time of exploration
Ch. 366 The dwarf that sailed around the world.
Ch. 367 Gathering Support
Ch. 368 Planning the route
Ch. 369 Final preparations
Ch. 370 The first Grade SS mission
Ch. 371 Beneath oceans of sand
Ch. 372 Deep Cave Exploration
Ch. 373 Monumental Discovery
Ch. 374 Buried City
Ch. 375 Some things should...
Ch. 376 Others should not
Ch. 377 First life lost
Ch. 378 Conflict over treasure
Ch. 379Two Kingdoms, two dead princes
Ch . 380 Rules of acquisition
Ch. 381 Progress beneath the waves
Ch. 382 Submerged Temple
Ch. 383 Legacy of the sirens
Ch. 384 Asking Grandfather about sirens
Ch. 385 Rest and reorganizing explorers
Ch. 386 Evidence of the past
Ch. 387 Happenings within the Empire
Ch. 388 Mini adventures and fishing
Ch. 389 Tempest's Tree Top Travels
Ch. 390 Rosebud's Midnight Tea Party
Ch. 391 Shadow Night Flower's Moonless Night Dance with Dad
Ch. 392 Pri Rila plays princess
Ch. 393 Aora's Temple Visit
Ch. 394 Solara's Sea Side cooking
Ch. 395 Sailing under the moon
Ch. 396 Titan's Cave Diving Adventures
Ch. 397 Boring Court Session
Ch. 398 Exciting but disturbing Glass Tablet
Ch. 399 Thoughts on the past
Ch. 400 Progress on the buried city
Ch. 401 Announcement of the second SS
Ch. 402 The change in requirements
Ch. 403 The first requirement's challenge
Ch. 404 Titan's first outting
Ch. 405 Young love
Ch. 406 Challenging second requirement
Ch. 407 Deep wood military training
Ch. 408 Airborne Permanently Mapping
Ch. 409 Gathering and consolidating
Ch. 410 Guild Gathering
Ch. 411 A hundred different directions
Ch. 412 One problem at a time
Ch. 413 Magell Delay the...
Ch. 414 You are aware who his daughter is
Ch. 415 You can go out later
Ch. 416 Dragon style family outting
Ch. 417 Taking down another Arcaninist
Ch. 418 Treasure-trove of ancient relics
Ch. 419 I already have a Paramore
Ch. 420 Up in smoke
Ch. 421 Let sleeping dragons
Ch. 422 Court and Courting
Ch. 423 Elven morning sickness
Ch. 424 Should I still take part?
Ch. 425 We will start in three days
Ch. 426 Fist day of the SS ranked quest
Ch. 427 Hack it til you make it
Ch. 428 Crystal River
Ch. 429 Fangs and claws
Ch. 430 Special Rescue Team
Ch. 431 A certain team finds a...
Ch. 432 Twin sister?
Ch. 433 My wife is going to kill me.
Ch. 434 Called away from fishing
Ch. 435 Two dragons, Two fairies (R-18)
Ch. 436 Fairy swimming lessons
Ch. 437 Reports from the first phase of the quest.
Ch. 438 Accepting one's punishment
Ch. 439 Punishment or Reward
Ch. 440 Elders and Mage Riddles
Ch. 441 Fae talk
Ch. 442 Special Dinners
Ch. 443 If that is what you want
Ch. 444 First Date
Ch. 445 Revisions to the exploration quest
Ch. 446 Guild's phase one gains
Ch. 447 Returning to life OakWood Kingdom
Ch. 448 Phase two planning
Ch. 449 Pressure from Kings
Ch. 450 Following the clues
Ch. 451 Is that a Trunorvans tree?
Ch. 452 Less than gently knocking
Ch. 453 Not all fae are defenseless
Ch. 454 Cages and interrogations
Ch. 455 A cruel punishment
Ch. 456 Thousands of bats
Ch. 457 Can you not brake them
Ch. 458 Fewer mages than expected
Ch. 459 Extracting more than just information
Ch. 460 Voluptas
Ch. 461 Sorry I have elder duties
Ch. 462 Pulled in a few directions
Ch. 463 Dolls dig quickly
Ch. 464 Inspection
Ch. 465 Special City Exploration Team selection
Ch. 466 Finalizing construction blueprints
Ch. 467 Turning over a new leaf
Ch. 468 Building number 468
Ch. 469 Game Night (R-18)
Ch. 470 Two days, Two Elder Council meetings
Ch. 471 Growing concerns
Ch.472 First lesson
Ch. 473 Fine, you can begin in three days.
Ch. 474 Long speech before a short flight
Ch. 475 Phase Two official start.
Ch. 476 Skipping court to fish.
Ch. 477 Interrogation lessons
Ch. 478 Another Clash in the woods
Ch. 479 Gathering of Witches
Ch. 480 Crowded Dungeon
Ch. 481 Legendary City of Silver
Ch. 482 The Chosen option
Ch. 483 Chat with Boyne
Ch. 484 Training the Gift
Ch. 485Useful Advantage
Ch. 486 Civitas Transcendens Metallum
Ch. 487 Race against mages
Ch. 488 Running into an arcaneist
Ch. 489 You dropped something
Ch. 490 Shattered glass and terrifying strange plants
Ch. 491 A trail of destruction leading to...
Ch. 492 Informing the Emperor
Ch. 493 Dragons descend
Ch. 494 Preliminary search results
Ch. 495 Further explorations
Ch. 496 Whispers amongst mages
Ch. 497 Grand Theft Air
Ch. 498 Ancient City Core
Ch. 499 Company
Ch. 500 Retaliation
Ch. 501 Impossible Odds
Ch. 502 Ultimate sacrifice
Ch. 503 Arriving to late
Ch. 504 You must not
Ch. 505 Displeasure of the Heavens
Ch. 506 That Hurt Alot
Ch. 507 Titan's Battle
Ch. 508 Don't rock the boat
Ch. 509 Kur's Anger
Ch. 510 Call to Arms
Ch. 511 A repeat of one's birthday
Ch. 512 It is different this time
Ch. 513 Blood of Mages
Ch. 514 I will rebuild it even bigger
Ch. 515 Recovery and refocus
Ch. 516 Early end to phase two
Ch. 517 Royal Visit
Ch. 518 Playing Weak
Ch. 519 Suspicions
Ch. 520 Queens ambitions
Ch. 521 The Toy and the Unwanted
Ch. 522 Rising tensions
Ch. 523 Summoned home
Ch. 524 Making one's stance clear
Ch. 525 Core studies
Ch. 526 All my children
Ch. 527 Finally Upholding one's end of the deal (R-18 ending)
Ch. 528 Three Months (R-18)
Ch. 529 Test
Ch. 530 Complicated feelings
Ch. 531 State of Zania
Ch. 532 State of Zania part 2
Ch. 533 The hand off
Ch. 534 Sky Pirates
Ch. 535 Airos Air Patrol
Ch. 536 First Patrol
Ch. 537 Intercept
Ch 538 Dealing with Sky Pirates
Ch. 539 Crown Prince's Court
Ch. 540 A Bright Future
Ch. 541 Tea Talks
Ch. 542 Dinner on the town
Ch. 543 Aquatic dining (Part 1)
Ch. 544 Aquatic dining (Part 2)
Ch. 545 Showing off for one's date
Ch. 456 Cause of the disturbance.
Ch. 457 Little feet Big Castle
Ch. 458 Demanding daughters
Ch. 459 Welcome Home Husband (R-18 ending)
Ch. 550 A Long Night (R-18)
Ch. 551 Visiting Vash
Ch. 552 Back Garden Transformation
Ch. 553 Finishing Touches
Ch. 554 A River called Tranquility
Ch. 555 Small Revelations
Ch. 556 Reporting before the Court.
Ch. 557 My Prince's plea
Ch. 558 Two Misunderstandings that changed the world.
Ch. 559 Prince of peace
Ch. 560 Winds blow over the road
Ch. 561 Slow Burn
Ch. 562 Payment, and other concerns
Ch. 563 Princess Diannyra
Ch. 564 First meal together
Ch.565 First steps in sand
Ch. 566 One must not be hasty
Ch. 567 The second princess on offer
Ch. 568 A private talk
Ch 569 Tea and Dinner
Ch. 570 The road towards peace
Ch. 571 Power of tea?
Ch. 572 History in the making
Ch. 573 Split focus
Ch 574 Anxiously Waiting
Ch. 575 Birth of salvation
Ch. 576 Roar along the shores
Ch.577 Inspired by new life
Ch. 578 Closed Door Court
Ch.579 A past regret
Ch. 580 Pool party
Ch. 581 Strategy meeting
Ch. 582 Making up to Airisa (R-18)
Ch. 583 Military Exercises
Ch 584 Running around the Sanctuary
Ch. 585 Additional Shipments
Ch. 586 Tournament start
Ch. 587 Bracket one winner
Ch. 588 Campfire Coffee
Ch. 589 Archery Competition
Ch. 590 Tan vs Azure
Ch. 591 Food Fight
Ch. 592 Jousting competition begins.
Ch. 593 High Stakes Match
Ch. 594 Magell's Report
Ch. 595 Preparing to send off
Ch. 596 Midnight Launch
Ch. 597 First day of the journey, an artist starts to bloom.
Ch. 598 Drawing Birds and Fish
Ch. 599 Reporting Back
Ch. 600 South Beach
Ch. 601 Three Colored Lilly
Ch. 602 Past the water, Purple Jasmine
Ch. 603 The Fog
Ch. 604 Acting on Rosebud's crazy Plan
Ch. 605 Beyond the fog
Ch. 606 From the shadows
Ch. 607 Awakening in a clump of flowers
Ch. 608 Adjusting
Ch. 609 News from the dwarven kingdom
Ch. 610 Dreamweaver
Ch. 611 Dreamweaver 2
Ch. 612 Young Dryad
Ch. 613 A Dwarf, bird, and a tree
Ch. 614 Chatting all day makes one hungry
Ch. 616 Tree talk, and exploring holes
Ch. 615 An Emperor stands amongst the trees
Ch. 617 Traces in trees
Ch. 618 Empress' Expedition
Ch. 619 Planting a deed tree
Ch. 620 Sometimes Dreams
Ch. 621 A sticky situation
Ch. 622 A nessasary change
Ch. 623 A nessasary change 2
Ch. 624 Like the winds
Ch. 625 This Queen
Ch. 626 For better or worse
Ch. 627 Ancient Murals
Ch. 628 Prophecy, or coincidence?
Ch.629 Feast and settling in
Ch. 630 Reunion
Ch. 631 Fate of the fae
Ch. 632 Hiding in the Dark
Ch. 633 The Seen and Unseen
Ch. 634 Big Changes for small people
Ch. 635 New and Old part 1
Ch. 636 New and Old part 2
Ch. 637 New and Old part 3
Ch. 638 Almost to quite
Ch. 639 Gathering Storm
Ch. 640 Battening down the hatches
Ch.641 Through wind and rain
Ch. 642 Under Dark Clouds
Ch. 643 The last brick
Ch. 644 First Dwarven Summit
Ch. 645 Fall of A Peach
Ch. 646 Pointing more than fingers
Ch. 647 Trigger Points
Ch. 648 Hardly Rockheads
Ch. 649 Big Boom
Ch. 650 Prophesied Chaos
Ch. 651 Standoff of the three
Ch. 652 Almost Interrupted (R-18)
Ch. 653 Official Stance
Ch. 654 Traces of Influence?
Ch. 655 Movements of mages
Ch. 656 Bloody Dawn
Ch. 657 Savage Moon
Ch. 678 Thorns
Ch. 659 Prison of Forgotten Time
Ch. 660 A foolish act and unrelenting anger
Ch. 561Emperor makes his move
Ch. 662 Making Peace
Ch. 663 Chasing threads
Ch. 664 Master of Mages
Ch. 665 A Grand Play
Ch. 666 Injured
Ch. 667 Beginning of a new age
Ch. 668 Reemergence
Ch. 669 Emperor's Return
Ch. 670 The Voices speak once more
Birth of a sandstorm
Ch. 672 Announcing the birth of...

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Read with Bonus
Ch. 633 The Seen and Unseen
Only seen by the innermost inner circle of the remaining mage hierarchy the mixture of magical creature and virgin apprentice blood that was sucked up by the ancient branch made for an extremely special and rather large sacrifice to power the oldest and most heavily guarded secret rite and spell i...
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