Chapter 5: The First Expansion
[Sky Castle]
With the whole castle which is sized about 150,000 square meters wide and 150 feet high, one could even say that such castle is the biggest castle in all history
Aside from its gigantic frame as if the gods were the one's living on it, such huge castle ever known is also at a constant moving speed of about 10 miles per hour towards the north, of course there is a reason for its course direction which lays about at the city of Arcana on the far north of this world
Due to that despite Asagi's adventurous personality, she still held important on her priority to return back to her old world, with that determination she then started her journey towards the far north to find a way home, straight to a foreign kingdom's territory
With the castle moving at such stable speed, the only thing that Asagi could do at the current moment was sit back and relax inside her own castle, after all in this world aircrafts such as planes and jets doesn't exist yet, thus the sky has no such thing as air traffic
On the other hand the only thing that could obstruct them are flying monsters and storms
Laying back on her huge throne chair with her wide wings being lax and Michael occasionally serving her coffee or tea from time to time, Asagi was then currently planning on expanding her territory and forces by utilizing her 25,000 credits, after all its quite lonely for the two of them to live alone such a huge castle
Opening up her system panel, she then begun surveying it all around
[Sky castle control panel]
-Flight route-
-Kingdom Expansion-
-Land Expansion-
-Army Expansion-
-Castle Defenses-
-Servant Summoning-
In an instant she then clicked unto her land expansion and inputted the length size she wanted to expand, naturally she also did such a thing towards kingdom territorial expansion, which then shows as follows
[Kingdom Expansion]
Desired expansion size 500 square meters
500 sq m = 1000 credits
[land Expansion]
Desired expansion size 1,000 square meters
1,000 sq m = 1,500 credits
do you want to apply?: y/n
Upon seeing that, she then naturally clicked on the yes button as she felt mana being extended outwards her surroundings
Of course she immediately realized that the mana used to expand her kingdom and landscape outside the castle walls, had all came from the power source right below her castle, nevertheless she felt that it was well spent
Soon after a bright light extended out from her castle walls for about 1,000 square meters before it slowly dimmed down and shows a whole plot of land, right after it another expansion stretched out from her castle walls once more for about 500 square meters which then later on shown a well paved brick flooring with houses occupying every 12 square meters
Of course such housing looks about a commoner type of house during a medieval era, as for the nobility housing, such manor or mansion, wasn't yet made since Asagi's kingdom doesn't even have a spec of any citizens yet
Of course the only citizens that the system included are the people who originally lived in this world, as for Asagi and Michael, the system regarded them as nothing but a system generated people, thus not being included as it citizens
Right after the housing area was created from the power source of the whole castle, white brick walls then begun to appear at the edge of the kingdom's territory, thus completely indicating a completed ordinary looking capital
Upon creation a series of notification once more popped out infront of her
The housing area would be automatically set in medieval period to be able to blend in the worlds current society
The remaining 500 square meters of unused land will then be transformed into a forest wherein creatures and monsters would spawn conditionally
The current credits had been deducted already
credit remaining: 22,500
Seeing those notifications Asagi then shifted her attention towards the army expansion and castle defenses
As expected the only units she could summon were bunch of angel soldiers, upon seeing that, she couldn't help but ponder whether the system wanted them to be some kind of an angel race for this world, after all everything that she summoned from the system was an angel
As for her defenses all she could only afford were castle auto turrets, which uses the castle mana to create bullets or lasers, of course such castle auto turrets were priced about 200 credit each
Nonetheless she still had a list of castle defenses listed on the system, but the auto turret is the only available defense she had at her current situation, due to that she had no choice but to select such defenses
[Army Expansion]
Number of soldiers 20 angels
20 angels = 1,500 credit
{Castle Defenses]
Selected defenses 5 Auto turrets
5 Auto turrets = 1,000 credits
do you want to apply?: y/n
Naturally Asagi clicked the yes button once more, which then followed out by the expense of mana from the power source below
Soon 5 auto turrets then appeared in different locations around the castle, whether they are on roof, walls, or ground, they were easily recognizable because of their figures and majestic huge sight
Of course such turrets were automatically polished and maintained by the system to make them operational for 24 hours, which will then take a load off for the troops of angels who were resting in a certain point in time
Right after high density mana started accumulating inside the throne room as it condensed into white blanket which covered the whole floor of the room
Soon after humanoid figures emerged from those white blanket of mana, as they solidified themselves until they formed limbs and wings, Right after when the light dimmed down, 20 freshly new angel troops appeared before Asagi and Michael
Just as expected the moment those 20 angel soldiers who are only wearing a white shirt and pants saw Michael and Asagi, they immediately recognized their ruler, in an instant they then faced towards them as every troop quickly knelt one knee in front of Asagi
"Long live your majesty"
Upon seeing these show of respect towards herself, Asagi then simply waved back as she revealed a wry smile before replying
"Well the thing is... I summoned you guys to be the warriors for this kingdom, plus we really needed some manpower here to watch over it... I hope I'm not imposing too much on you guys"
Hearing that one of the leading angel by the front then replied to her moderately
"There's nothing imposing about that your majesty, since you made us for this sole purpose, then it is only sane that we should comply... this is our purpose"
Upon receiving a reply right that moment, Asagi then somehow got a good impression on the leading angel who was a brown short haired middle aged guy, with a well trimmed beard along his face
In fact one could even say that such guy was much older than the young faced Michael in terms of appearance
With that Asagi then asked
"What's your name?"
"My name is Dalton your majesty"
Hearing that Asagi then said
"Alright! Dalton! You will be the 1st battalion captain of this 20 soldiers under the command of General Michael... is that alright?"
In that moment Dalton took a glance towards Michael, before giving a nod and replying back with a content smile
"It is as you wish your majesty"
Upon confirming that, a series of notification popped out infront of Asagi, which indicated the hierarchy of this kingdom
Angel race/1st battalion captain/subject under Michael
General class/Servant of Sky Queen Asagi/ First servant/ Angel race/ Archangel
Seeing the archangel status on Michael, Asagi then realized that he had been promoted by the system to a higher class of an angel race, due to having a subject under him and having a general class status
With that Asagi then recieved her very first Archangel under her command
Followingly after that, she then received another pop up as it suddenly appeared before her
You have accomplished the minimum requirements to establish your very own kingdom, due to that accomplishment you can now name your very own kingdom
Please insert the name below
Seeing that Asagi was slightly flabbergasted by that sudden notion, when she suddenly realized that she did have accomplished the requirements on creating a kingdom
After all she already had land, defenses, soldiers, territory, and especially a castle
But if she ever establish a kingdom, her status would then be solidified in this world as royalty, thus her every action from then on would equal to a certain changes or movement decided by the kingdom itself
With that she pondered for a bit before typing the name she wanted her kingdom to have
Of course she's the only one who could see the system notification, due to that everyone else around her can only see her waving her fingers around in the air
Nevertheless no one disturbed her, since after establishing everything for nearly a month, she had then officially became the ruler of this place
Plus no subject would ever go against the ruler who did nothing wrong at all
After inputting her desired name, the system then gave her another notification
From now on the name of your country is Azure
With the birth of Azure kingdom, you would then become one of the powerhouses of this world
Goodluck on your journey host
Seeing that Asagi smiled in content for a moment before she stated put towards Michael and the other kneeling soldiers
"From today onward our kingdom will be named Azure and you guys will be the first people of this kingdom, from this day on, this day will be known as the birth of our kingdom, remember them well"
Hearing that all angels bowed their heads as they cheered
"All hail your majesty!!!"
"All hail the sky queen!!!"
"All hail Queen Asagi!!!"
"All hail the Azure Kingdom!!!"
Upon hearing that chant Asagi simply gave a wry smile as she waved towards Michael and said
"Bring them to the armory, give them descent clothes for our troops, lead them well Michael"
At that Michael simply smiled back as he said
"You sound more like a ruler by the day your majesty, but your wish is my command"
With that Michael then pulled along Dalton and his battalion towards some place to get them properly geared up, thus leaving the throne room once more in a spacious place
With Asagi being left behind, all the tension that have been built up have already been released upon that dismissal, with that she breath in relief as she slouched back on her chair
"It feels like it was yesterday that I was working as an employee for some black company, and when I'm woke up I just became a ruler... there's even no indication that I was transported here"
Concluding up to that point, Asagi then just sigh in frustration as she massaged her forehead
At that moment she then realized that Michael would then become busy with work having a battalion under him, so she need to do something to load off some work from him
With that she then looked at her credits which only had about 20,000 and decided to summon another general class servant
Without waiting for Michael's return she then wasted her 20,000 credits for summoning a servant which would then help Michael load off some work
At that the throne room once more gleamed brightly, before a human silhoutte appeared out of it
When the light dimmed down she then saw a red spiky haired guy, with the same aura as Michael, standing before her with a cheeky grin
As for his face it was naturally also quite young like in a early 20's just like Michael
Without further ado Asagi then named him at that moment
"From now on your name would be Gabriel"
General class/Servant of Sky Queen Asagi/ Second servant/ Angel race/ Archangel