Ruth and Sath
Ruth and Sath are twins that were born in a family that has a high background. They were the only daughters in a house of the city lord of Masko city which is known for its wonderful knights. Being the only children of the house, they decided to continue their family's legacy by being the top knights.
Knights are usually men and it was a rare sight to see women amongst the knights. Although it was rare, that doesn't mean that it is non-existent. Ruth and Sath are the best examples. They are given respect among all the rookie knights not just because of their background but also their battle prowess.
Apart from being beautiful ladies, they are also very hardworking that they are ranked the best knight rookies of their generation beating all the male knights. Ruth was ranked the best and Sath second best. This ranking was from all the tests that they had taken since they began training and all the competitions that they had participated in.
Ruth is a girl with blonde hair and ruby eyes. She has a slim and curvaceous figure for her age of fifteen with well toned muscles. Sath has the same characteristics as that of her sister only with blue eyes instead.This was the only distinctive characteristic between the two sisters.
Currently, they were about to join the ranks of junior knights from rookie knights. This was after the hard work and dedication in their training. For one to join the ranks of a junior knight, one must first be a rookie for at least three years after which they would have to perform well in all the tests that they engage in. They must also be at the range of fifteen to seventeen years of age.
"Ruth, Sath, today is going to be the graduation ceremony for the both of you to graduate into junior knights. Today is a special day for you and as your father, after the ceremony is over, I am going to throw a big party for you before I award the both of you with the best rewards that we have," said a middle aged man to Ruth and Sath who were seated on a couch across him.
This was where the city lord dwelled. A big mansion at the heart of the city where all the activities could be found. The mansion itself is a three story building that is painted yellow and blue. The living room occupied the whole ground floor leaving only enough space for the kitchen. The room was of about three hundred meter squared. It was separated into several potions such as the dining and meeting table.
Currently in the living room where the family spends time, on one side of the middle table where there is a couch, a middle aged couple sat down together facing two beautiful teenage girls on the other side of the table. The middle aged man who was the current city lord of Masko city and also a powerful rank 8 awakener was the father to Ruth and Sath.
Alvin Tavan, the current city lord and also the guest of Honor of the knighting ceremony decided to have a talk with his precious girls. In his house, it was made a home by four family members who were his wife Lucy Tavan and his two daughters Ruth and Sath Tavan.
"A reward? That's awesome dad. I know that your rewards are always good . Now I am wondering just how good will the best reward be.What do you think Ruth?" Sath who was always enthusiastic stood up from her seat jumping up and down from joy.
Ruth who was always calm and composed only replied by nodding her head.
"Bah! What a bummer. Why are always so dull? Cheer up sometimes will you?" said Sath as she sat down.
Alvin watched the two daughters of his interact with a smile on his face. This was the best thing that he could have ever wished for! A perfect family, well that is if there is anything perfect in this world.
"Okay girls, listen up. We don't have much time and we have to go to the ceremony as soon as possible. Not only is your father and I the guests of honor but the both of you are all participants and you should be there on time before the ceremony begins," chipped in Lucy when she saw that the bickering Sath wouldn't stop spewing nonsense out of her mouth.
"Yes," the girls replied as they left to prepare themselves for the ceremony. Although they are the daughters of the city lord, the rules of the knights doesn't care about your social status. As long as you are a knight, you have to follow the code to the maximum possible or punishment would fall upon you.
An hour later, a carriage departed from the mansion and headed towards the arena where the ceremony would be held. The arena wasn't far from the mansion, only about three miles away. It didn't take long before they arrived at their destination where it was already packed to the maximum until a crowd was outside the arena with nowhere to sit. A ceremony that involves Masko's city's fairies is no small thing at all.
When the crowd spotted the carriage, cries of surprise, praise and many more filled the air as the crowd welcomed the best rookie knights and the guest of honor.
"The city lord and his family is here!" one person in the crowd shouted.
"The best rookies have arrived!"
This is going to be the best knighting ceremony ever!"
After the carriage stopped, the city lord and his family got off and greeted the crowd before heading to the arena. The city lord and his wife took their seats that had been reserved for the guests of honor while Ruth and Sath joined their fellow rookies.
An hour later, the ceremony began and all the rookies were calmed onto the stage where they were awarded with their junior knight badges and the knew suit of armor and a sword. Rookie knights only use wooden swords in their training while junior knights get a steel sword.
The ceremony went on for three good hours and finally came the time for the city lord to give his speech. He got onto the stage and his gaze travelled across the sea of people making them feel a chill down their spines. The city lord was a rank 8 awakener and he had a natural aura around him that could not be ignored.
"Ahem!" he cleared his throat making all those that were still talking to turn silent. "Thank you all for attending this knighting ceremony. A ceremony is not pleasant without the audience and thus I thank you all for availing yourselves here to support our rookie knights who have just graduated into junior knights."
"To those kids that wish to be knights, don't give up on that dream and hold onto it tightly. You know, a dream will forever remain a dream if you don't work hard to make it come true. Although I have said that you should hold onto it tightly, that doesn't mean that you should hold onto every dream you have. Although there is always nothing impossible, it may not be possible for you. So, if you can't do something, leave it alone and put all your efforts in what you can do best!" his voice that was boosted by mana travelled through the whole arena.
"Parents, support your kids to achieve their dreams. You are supposed to be the support and not the cause of their downfall. Support them just like I support my two princesses. If a girl wishes to be a knight, don't hinder her. And for those many remarks, I would like to conclude my speech by once again thanking you all for coming. The ceremony is now officially over," he said before walking back to his seat.
The crowd cheered the city lord after his speech. The ceremony ended there and people returned to their own homes. Back in the city lord's mansion, Ruth and Sath were excitedly waiting for their father to present to them the award that he had promised them. About five minutes of wait, the city lord entered the living room with two boxes, one on each hand. He then passed them to Ruth and Sath.
"There you are, my reward for you. Those two boxes have been with us since ancient times and have been passed from one generation to another and now they are in your hands." said Alvin.
"Thanks dad!" even the non-enthusiast Ruth was overwhelmed with joy when she received the box. They both then ran back to their room to open them.
In their room, they placed their swords and armor on the bed before sitting facing each other. As if by agreement, they opened the box at the same time. They then began taking out the contents of the boxes.
"Mine has a ring a dagger in a golden scabbard with a golden handle with silver stripes. And there is a book here..." stated Sath as she picked the book from the box.
"This is a skill book," said Ruth before she continued, "system awakening skill...."