Chapter Four

I run and run till I reached the town. I changed behind a tree but instead of shifting to nudity, I was in a simple white dress.

'Ummm.. Winter what's with the dress?' I asked confused.

' Well... You're a white wolf. Every time you shift the dress comes with.' Well at least I'm not naked so bonus!

Step 3: Money withdrawal.

I went into the bank in town. "How can I help you miss?" The teller asked.

I'd like to withdraw all the money from Crystal Winters bank account. I wrote in a piece of paper.

She looked confused at the note.

I'm mute. I added. She nodded.

"Any relation?" She asked while searching for something.

She was my mother. I wrote.

"Oh! Okay. Fill out these forms and I'll be right with you."

It took thirty minutes to finally get the money. It was in the back pack I just bought. It was exactly 2.78 million euros. I got the money in euros instead of dollars because I was going to leave this godforsaken continent.

Step 4: Pick up.

I had about twenty minutes before they came searching for me. I needed to move. Luckily I could. I got a driver's license a few weeks ago. I also bought a car when I started to come up with this plan. I mean they expect me to run in wolf form in the forest till I drop. So I'll just do the opposite. Drive till I drop.

I found my baby in the garage I left it in. It was a white Audi q7. I wanted a black one but Winter convinced me to get white because it was the color of her fur. I had fully stocked the car. Suitcases with clothes, food, blankets and a pillow for when I slept and most importantly, snacks. I started the car and I was off.

I had booked a flight to England and got one of my mom's old friends in the military to use a war plane to deliver my car to the airport. Cool, right? I didn't use the closest airport no, I'm driving to Arizona to use their airport. The journey took two days.

I found Zhang, my mom's army friend, and have him a note that said, 'I'll see you there' and the keys. He read the note, nodded and walked off.

Step 5: Hiding out in England.

I got on the plane to England. I was tired so I slept the whole journey. When I got off the plane and got checked, I saw Zhang and he handed me my keys before walking off. I found my car got in and started my drive. To a new life.

I drove for hours till I reached a small town. After driving a few minutes into the town, I saw a little diner called 'Danny's' . It was cute. I parked, got out of the car, entered the diner and I sat in a booth by the window. A waitress came over.

"Hi there I'm Jenny. What will you have today?"

Jenny has short blonde hair and grey eyes. She had on a dark blue t shirt with Danny's written across in red. She also had on short jean skirt.

Step 6: Fit in.

I'll have some coffee. Black. And I'd like to speak with the manager about a job. My name is Gemma by the way. I wrote in a napkin.

She looked confused at the note. I'm mute I added. She nodded and went away.

Though I had money wouldn't use it much so as not be suspicious. I mean, I was new here and am buying lots and lots of things but with no real source of income. A few minutes later, she came back with my coffee. After a few sips a man sat down across from me. He had green eyes, red hair with a beard and was built like a tank. He gave off a lumberjack sort of vibe.

"Hello my name is Patrick. Jenny over there said you're lookin' for a job." I nodded . He had a thick Irish accent.

"Sorry, lassie. We don't have any more waitress spots. We're full." he said.

Not as a waitress. As a chef. I'm pretty good. I wrote down.

He debated that for a moment. "Aye we do need another chef. Lunch hour rush is too much for our current chef. She's my wife." he rubbed hid beard. "I guess you can work here. What times do you think you can do, lassie?"

I can do from 7:00am to 10:00pm for Monday to Friday. Then 9:00am to 6:00pm on Saturday and Sunday. If that's okay with you. He nodded.

"You start tomorrow. See you then." He walked away and I did a victory dance in my seat. Things were starting to look up for me.

Step 7: (the final step) Independence.

I finished my coffee left the money and a tip for Jenny on the table. I entered the car and drove through the little town. I saw an apartment building where I managed to rent a room. With a few feminine touches it was home sweet home. I managed to buy some second hand furniture. The place looked nice.

That night, I slept with a smile on my face. I was free and got my first apartment.

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