Chapter Eight

Jenny's POV

I hate my life.

Today Gemma got to join the pack. I was so happy for her. She was great. Even though she didn't talk I loved her and would do anything for her. We were best friends after all. She was the only thing that was making my miserable life worth living. She needed me even if she didn't know it yet. I want to help her. She cuts herself. Surprised I know right? Well I found out one day when she didn't pull up her sleeve in time. She needed someone to talk or in this case write to. And I would be there for her. She's like a sister to me.

Right now I'm across the street watching her as she closed up. I needed her to go before Xavier came. He wouldn't like it. And poor fragile Gemma couldn't go against him. Who is Xavier you may ask? Well... he is my boyfriend. We started dating a few weeks before Gemma came to town while I was having some... issues. At first he was sweet, charming, caring and loving. But that was just a disguise. A wolf in sheep's clothing. A few days after Gemma started is when it begun.

He would refuse me to talk to any males. Even Patrick and his son Danny. He would beat me when I would do wrong, cut my flesh for every spoken word to males other than him. To say he was a possessive psycho was an understatement. I watched impatiently as Gemma took her goddamn time getting into the car. I love the girl but she was seriously signing my death warrant here. Once she pulled out and was out of the way, I quickly walked to the dinner. I got out the spare key and opened the door. I switched on the lights but before I could begin to prepare for Xavier a meal I felt him behind me. I tensed. Shit!

"Jenny dear, you're late. You know I hate that." He said. His disgusting breath moving some locks of my short blonde hair.

"Sorry Xavier my love." I said trying to be strong. I hated calling him that. But I knew the consequences for not doing it. His hand trailed along my thigh making me shiver in disgust. Of course he thought it was in lust.

"You know what? I think you are ready. Time has come for you to please me Jenny dear." He whispered in my ear. What?! No no no no no no noooooooo. He said I would on his birthday. I'm still a virgin no way in hell I'm getting my innocence taken by this douche.

I needed a plan a way to escape but first I had to play his game.

"Sure Xavier my love. Let me just make you your favorite smoothie to begin with." I said calmly.

"Of course Jenny dear. " he said sitting at a table.

I went to the kitchen and made a smoothie. But I put in some sleeping pills. I would make sure we didn't do anything till he passed out. I went out and handed him the drink. He drank a mouthful. Then he looked at the smoothie with frowned brows. You know when you are going down stairs and you accidentally miss a step? Then your heart stops beating for a second before it comes back full force? Well that is what I felt at that moment. He sniffed the drink and grinned.


"Well well. Looks like you Jenny dear have bravery. But not enough." He threw the drink on the wall and stalked towards me. Damn it. I have to clean that up tomorrow.

He punched me in the gut and I fell down. He started kicking and punching me. I couldn't help the tears that rolled down my cheeks.

"What do you say Jenny dear?" He hissed.

I had to apologize. Five times. "Sorry Xavier, sorry Xavier, sorry Xavier, sorry Xavier, sorry Xavier." I said while crying.

He kicked me in the ribs then picked me up by the throat saying. "Its okay baby. I forgive you." in a sickly sweet voice.

Then he slammed his lips on mine. I looked towards the door only to see Gemma standing there looking murderous. I pleaded and begged her for help using my eyes. Then I saw her lung at Xavier.

She wrapped her hands around his neck and squeezed. This made him release me and I fell to the ground. Gemma then threw him at the wall where he landed with a loud thud, knocking into some tables and chairs. Why is she making such a mess?! We have to clean that up tomorrow. Xavier looked up noticing Gemma and his eyes moved to me.

Gemma then stood protectively in front of me. Her eyes fixed on Xavier. He stood up and moved to Gemma trying to punch her but he was too slow. She ducked delivering a blow to his ribs. He hunched forward holding them. He was distracted so Gemma, bless her heart, kneeled him in the balls. He fell in the ground holding his dick and moaning in pain. She looked back at me grabbing my hand and running out of the dinner. She moved to the middle of the parking lot and motioned for me to stay there.

I nodded. She looked back at the dinner where Xavier was coming out looking furious. Gemma looked calm. And that scared me. Him too. She stalked towards him like a predator to prey. He looked frightened. Well I guess Gemma is not as fragile as I thought. She punched him in the nose then he was out like a light. She kicked him once in the ribs before going to me. She gave me a big hug. I stiffened for a moment.

This was the first time she hugged me. It was always me hugging her. Nonetheless I hugged her back. We stood there for a few moments before she pulled back. She went into the dinner and came back with her phone and started typing. I felt a ping come from my phone. She texted me.

Gem: Who was that guy and why was he abusing you?! I swear I will kill him.

"You don't have to do that." I said.

Then I told her everything. I was in tears by the end. She hugged me for sometime. Letting me cry on her shoulder.

Gem: We don't have to kill him. But who said we can't punish him. ;).

"Go on. I'm listening." I said. She smiled and motioned for me to follow her. We picked up Xavier and put him in the trunk of her car. She drove us on a dirt road in the woods. Then we got Xavier out of the trunk, dragging him into the woods. Gemma dug a hole and we buried Xavier in it up to his neck so only his face was above ground.

We took many selfies and pictures of him before going back to Gemma's car. She drove us to her apartment.

"Well bye Gemma thanks for everything." I said about to open the door but she locked them. Then she started to text me.

Gem: I know you lived with him and only had three sets of clothes being your work uniform, pajamas and the dress you went clubbing in. You can stay with me now. I don't mind. I would love to have you.

I read the text tears in my eyes. "Thank you so much." I whispered.

She grinned and nodded. We got out her snacks which consisted of sweets and chocolates. Her house was small and cute. I liked it. When we had finished putting things away I had to talk to her.

"Gemma I know about what you do to yourself." I said. She looked at me panicked. I grabbed her hand removing the gloves. Looking at the scars old and the fresh ones of today.

"Girl, I love you. Goddess knows I do but you can't do this anymore okay. I know you can heal these for them to disappear and I want to help you. I want to be here for you so you don't have to cut yourself. I will not stay here unless you allow me to help."

I looked her straight in the eye as I said these things. She had tears in her eyes but they didn't fall. She nodded, a small smile forming in her lips. She would let me help her and for that I was grateful. When I looked at her body wrapped in a towel that night I saw all her scars. Most were self inflicted. And almost all could heal if she let them. And she would. I will make sure of it. Because she saved me and I will return the favour. She also has scars from what looked like torture devices. I sighed to myself. I will help this girl even if it kills me. I slept in the bed and she ended up sleeping upstairs on the couch. That night I had the most peaceful sleep in months.

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