Homicide cases
"The foot and finger prints in both areas, 109th in Hamburg and 94th street in Westmount looks the same." One of the detectives called Hardt said. "There is far distance between both areas, about 40km apart. How the fuck is that possible?" The second detective, Gallegos replied surprisingly.
Sheriff gave a long sigh, looking at what looked like sand which was inside a transparent bag. "Any notes, recent calls, used weapons? Anything that could give an hint of this fucking killer who just appeared out of nowhere." It was obvious he was keeping his cool.
"No notes sir." Hardt said, grabbing hard to his gun. "The only recent call was the one made to Prastina." He pointed his jaw towards Prastina who was looking like she saw a ghost. "There is a camera sir." Faulkner said from where he was typing away on his computer .
The others rushed there, rallying round the computer. The camera made some weird sounds, it's a mall. It captured the area of cashier first, there was nothing suspicious. The record moved to baby items section, there was also nothing suspicious. The monitor suddenly went blank and came on again, capturing the wine and alcohol section.
"Pause!" Gallegos shouted. Faulkner raised his brows, his fingers pressed the space bar quickly to pause it. "Give it a two seconds backward." Faulkner did as he said and that was when they saw it. The eyes of the thing looked directly at the camera in the space of a second and disappeared instantly.
"What the fuck was that?" Hardt whispered. "Its eyes looked like the size of my biggest fucking water bottle!" He completed, shockingly. Every other thing after that two seconds watch seemed blank. "Were there any survivors?" Sheriff asked. "No survivors sir." Gallegos replied. "How did the victims death look like?" He asked.
A sigh from Prastina. "Stomach and heart ripped, a bite in the neck too." Gallegos replied, giving the autopsy report to Sheriff. "It's the same as the victim in the house." Prastina whispered, her eyes widening. "It looked similar to the autopsy report of the woman in the house, sir." Gallegos gave another report to Sheriff.
"Except the fact that she seemed to have bled out few days ago, probably due to a sickness that is unknown." Faulkner said. "Any hospital records?" He asked. "There are no records sir. It suddenly looked like she hasn't visited a hospital all her 48 years in life." Faulkner chuckled.
Sheriff gave a long sigh. These homicidal cases will take a long while to be solved, he had the feeling of it being complicated. "By the way, where is Cameron Rutten?" Sheriff asked and they all looked around. None of them has seen him after he suddenly disappeared from that woman's house. Prastina sighed again, she hoped he was safe because he is unpredictable.
"He should be somewhere around, the compass is beeping so fast." Duran hurriedly got down from his car with two other guys and a lady. "Why the fuck is he around a deserted place like this?" Kevin rambled, looking around the park where there was no one.
The red haired lady scoffed, "We need to search. The beeping of the compass means he is somewhere around here." She said, walking further in the park. "Glendale, careful!" Gray, the second guy shielded her away from a landing blow.
They were face to face six guys and apparently, they were the same that attacked Cameron. "They are on black hoodies." Glendale whispered, steading her stance. "Which means...." Kevin whispered back, rolling his sleeves up. "They are like us." As soon as Gray completed, their fangs and nails became elongated.
Duran made sure he wasn't seen by the vampire stalkers. "Cameron? Rutten!" He kept on calling. The compass in his hands suddenly stopped blinking and there he was, spread out on the floor. "Cameron...." Duran whispered, crunching closer to check him. He had passed out.
"What happened to him?" The crew ran towards them. "How am I supposed to know? I met him this way." Duran replied harshly. "Fuck! He is burning hot." Kevin withdrew his hands from Cameron's neck. Without being told, Gray carried Cameron like a piece of paper on his back.
"What do you think happened to him?" Glendale's hands has never left Cameron's body ever since. "His mother was murdered." Duran answered. "Shit, he's trapped." Kevin said and Duran raised his brows. "Mikael will have to solve her case because she's an homicide." Gray scoffed with his eyes closed.
Kevin looked at him unbelievably, how can he say it like it was nothing? The car jerked frontwards, throwing all of them off balance. "What was that?" Glendale breath out hard, guiding Cameron's head from bumping against something. "I have no idea. It's like we are stuck." Duran said, trying to check what was wrong.
"It's getting really late and we have to check what's wrong with Cameron." Glendale said, gazing into the dark silent street. Duran nodded, trying to kick start the car but it wasn't working. "What the fuck is happening? There's enough fuel there." Kevin smacked his head.
Gray hissed, putting on his hood cap as he stepped out of the car. "The car is perfectly fine. Are you a bad driver?" He hissed again, pulling Duran out of the car. Duran shook his head and went to the back seat while Gray was the driver now. Gray started the car and it did work. "Yo!" Kevin directed his mockery towards Duran who scoffed.
Cameron gave a shake, it was like a shock because his entire body vibrated and suddenly, the car stopped again. "Darn it!" Gray hit the car frustratingly. "We are in the middle of nowhere man. Why is the car behaving this way?" Kevin was frustrated too.
"Guys?..." Glendale whispered, feeling Cameron's body vibrating on her thighs. "Guys!!..." She screamed, getting their attention. Cameron was shaking terribly, like he was convulsing. Duran's eyes widened when he thought he saw Cameron's wrist snap and at the same moment, the car jerked.
"I think....it's coming from him." Glendale shouted, grabbing Duran immediately. They watched as Cameron sat on the seat with his knees bent, it looked like some of his joints was dislocated. "Hello crew." Gasps of fear when he opened his eyes, they were completely red.
"Someone, do something!!!" Glendale screamed, almost entering the other side car handle. Out of panic, Duran smacked Cameron's shoulder and he passed out. They all breath out in relief. "Did you say his mother got murdered today?" Gray suddenly asks and Duran nodded.
Glendale's eyes widened, 'What is today's date?" She asked, her phone jumping in her hands. "He isn't supposed to come out on the last day on every month." Glendale said, looking at her calendar. "Whoever killed his mother intentionally made use of it to lure him out."