

Three men walked in wounded. "Where is he?" A chilly voice asked from within the coven and they were all silent. "You allowed him get away....again!" Stated the obvious.

"He suddenly became stronger." Man 1 said, making sure his eyes were looking downwards. "There was something else in him that is more than the pure gene of being a vampire." Man 2 explained. "His friends too came around and fought us." Man 3 added.

A rise from from the most titled chair in the council. "And you couldn't finish them off?" The person asked. Their heads remained bowed. "We need his pure gene. We can't afford to let him go. Cameron Rutten is very important in the circle of vampires. Get his friends first and you'd be able to get him." They nodded slowly.


Cameron groaned, trying to sit up on the bed but he suddenly flinched at the sunlight coming into the room. He groaned again, opening his eyes. Why does he feel so weak? "Welcome from the land of the dead." Gray chuckled as the others also entered into the room.

"What happened?" Cameron asked, looking around the room. They gave glances at themselves. "You were out of the police station yesterday and was attacked, again." Duran explained. "What else happened?" He asked. There was silence.

Glendale quickly stood up, "Why don't you go freshen up? You still have work today and you don't want to be given a query right?" She pulled him up gently and led him to the bathroom. The moment the door of the bathroom was locked, "Why didn't you tell him?" Kevin whispered.

Glendale rolled her eyes, "Everyone knows he doesn't always have a memory of whatever happens on the day he's not supposed to step out, the last day of every month. The only thing he remembers is sleeping and waking up the next day." She explained and they nodded, that was very true.

"But what explanation do we give to what happened yesterday?" Kevin asked again. "The only explanation for the weird things that happened yesterday is simply because he was out for the first time he has been warned never to be." Glendale shrugged and Kevin nodded.

Cameron was done in the bathroom, dressed and ready to go to work. His eyes were not red anymore, they are back to the normal light blue color but they looked unusually cold. Yes, Cameron has always had that cold charisma but this seemed different.

"Do you remember yesterday's date?" Gray had to ask. "Yes. Last day of the month." Cameron didn't look at him. "Where were you yesterday?" The others wondered why Gray was asking those questions. "I remember being home, mourning my murdered mother." Cameron's eyes became very distant when he said that.

They all looked at one another. "You weren't mourning --" Glendale quickly hit his shoulder. "Off you go to work." She hushed. Cameron nodded and went out of the house, without eating anything or picking anything. "Why did you stop me? He needed to know he hasn't even mourned his mother yet." Gray frowned.

"Can't you see? Something is wrong. Something is wrong somewhere and we have to figure out." Duran said, referring to Glendale. "That wrong thing is far from just fighting the vampire freaks that are after him, it might be something far more dangerous and Cameron might be in danger." He concluded.


Once Sheriff was dozing, some of the other detectives found it as an avenue for them to get some sleep after the night shift while some has gone home to rest. The door opened and Sheriff sprang up, loading his gun. "It's just me." Cameron raised his hands, his voice laced with coldness.

"Oh really? Where were you last night? Why are you just resuming your duty?" Sheriff asked. "I was taking care of some business yesterday sir." It was his voice that woke Prastina up. "What business? The business that warrants you to leave your night shift couldn't wait?" Sheriff shouted.

On a normal day, Cameron takes a leave of every last day of the month. "It won't happen again, sir." Cameron muttered, his gaze resting on Sheriff's threateningly. Cameron walked into his office immediately. "Are you okay?" Prastina asked, standing up from her desk.

Cameron checked the documents on his desk without sparing her a glance. "You shouted at me yesterday and you look unusual today." She pointed out, staring at his beautiful face. Cameron started typing on his computer, intentionally making the keypads give a lot of noise.

He is annoying, Prastina wouldn't deny but something keeps drawing her to him. Faulkner walked the office, going to his desk. He was wearing a glove and there was a knife in his hands. "Talk to me, Mikael!" Prastina smacked the table angrily.

Cameron stood up, irritated by her behavior. He collided with Faulkner who was coming and in the process, the knife gave a cut. "Oh my God!" Prastina rushed there, taking Cameron's hands. He withdrew his hands immediately. It was a small cut but looked deep. "I'm so sorry!" Faulkner apologized, dropping the knife on the desk and trying to touch Cameron.

"Put the knife in a fucking bag, dude!" Cameron rolled his eyes, taking his second hand off the hand where the cut is. Prastina's eyes dimmed. The wound wasn't there anymore. The cut was gone. The only thing remaining is the dried blood, what? It's almost like there has been no cut there before.

Cameron sat on his chair back, frowning deeply. Prastina walked back to her desk confused. First was his roar in the victim's place yesterday and his eyes glowing like red color. Now, it's a cut wound vanishing like it was never there. Him disappearing on his shift last night was another too. She looked at his face, confusingly. It was giving her a headache.


Cameron snuck out of his office since it was their lunch period. He needed to get clues about his mother's death and the only way is sneaking into the room where her records are placed.

He entered into the room without making any sound. The large shelves arranged on all sides of the room can't be searched in just few minutes that he has. His mother just died recently, her file shouldn't be that hard to find.

Quickly, he went to the first shelf. Files of homicidal cases from 1880 to 1990 were the ones arranged there. After about eight minutes, he finally found it. "What are you doing here?" Cameron froze, he didn't turn back to look at who just spoke.

Prastina has earlier seen him go out of his office when others also stood up to go to the cafeteria. He mixed with them, she lost him. She saw him again when he came out of the restroom and then, she followed. Cameron is behaving really weird lately and with her assumptions, she needs to find out what exactly is going on with him.

"Why do you snoop your tiny little nose into my business?" Face to face with the blue eyed human, her knees wobbled and for a few seconds, she couldn't say a word. "I was just in the area and saw you snooping around instead." She fired back.

Cameron chuckled. He took his mother's file and was about to exit the place. "You are something else. I don't know what you are but you are different." Prastina whispered, looking at his back. Just in a second, Cameron whipped his head towards the door and there he was, pair of shoes - another person snooping around.

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