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Chapter 46

On a bright morning, sunlight dances around the palace's majestic grounds, creating interesting shadows between the towering marble columns. Amidst the hustle and bustle of preparations, King Alaric stood tall, leading their group firmly and enthusiastically.

With a dashing outfit and a sparkling crown on his head, Alaric gave an uplifting message to the members of the royal family. "Today is an important day for our kingdom," he said in a resonant voice. "We will show the world our strength and unity as one united family."

Queen Isabella, who was standing next to him, greeted Alaric's words with a warm smile. With a graceful demeanor and calm command, he leads the group with characteristic tact. With her wise eye, she ensures that every last detail is taken care of perfectly.

Meanwhile, around them, the palace maids moved quickly, making sure that everything was ready for their departure. Luxurious hunting equipment was carefully prepared, food and drink for the journey were meticulously prepared, and gallant horses were prepared to carry them to the hunting competition.

Amidst the commotion, the atmosphere of the palace grounds was filled with enthusiasm and high spirits. Everyone was honored and proud to be able to participate in this event, which was a major event for Alaric's kingdom.

With King Alaric leading the way and Queen Isabella ensuring that all the details were taken care of, the group was ready to depart. They stepped forward with confidence and courage, ready to face the challenging adventure ahead of them, while boasting of their unity and strength as one unified royal family.

Elara, with every movement full of grace and refinement, coordinated the preparation of the hunting equipment with great precision. With his quivering hands, he ensured that the required rifles were prepared perfectly, making sure that each bullet and gun mount were in optimal condition.

Not only that, Elara also checked the condition of food and drink supplies for their trip. He carefully supervised the preparation of the backpacks containing provisions, ensuring that each food and drink was prepared according to the tastes and needs of the members of the royal family.

On the other hand, Adeline, a woman full of intelligence and dedication, incessantly checked the plans and schedule for the event. With his sharp eye, he ensured that nothing was overlooked or forgotten in the preparations. He verifies every detail, from departure schedules to planned itineraries, ensuring that everything goes according to plan with great precision.

With Elara's leadership in preparing hunting equipment and Adeline's firmness in ensuring the plan runs smoothly, the group feels confident that they are ready to face all the challenges they will encounter on their journey. The two women worked synergistically, complementing each other, bringing trust and confidence to the entire group to move forward with passion and courage.

With burning enthusiasm, King Alaric took his position on the main stage, accompanied by Queen Isabella who stood beside him. The two of them, as the main faces of Alaric's kingdom, looked proudly at the crowd present, ready to officiate the opening of the much anticipated hunting competition event.

Behind them, Elara and Adeline stood proudly, representing the power and elegance of Alaric's kingdom. Elara, with her charming looks and charming smile, radiates confidence. Meanwhile Adeline, with her firm expression and attitude full of wit, displays a strong dedication to the success of the event.

When King Alaric raised his hand in greeting, the crowd fell silent. The noisy voices died down, making room for the words their ruler would speak.

"With this, I proudly announce the official opening of Alaric's royal hunting competition!" said King Alaric in a loud voice, creating a wave of excitement among the audience.

Queen Isabella smiled gracefully beside him, adding elegance and charm to the moment. She looked at her husband with respect and support as he continued his speech, inspiring the participants to enjoy the moment and appreciate the natural beauty they were exploring.

Behind them, Elara and Adeline were also smiling, feeling proud to be part of this historic moment. They watched with rapt attention, ready to provide full support to King Alaric and Queen Isabella in running the event successfully.

With the brilliant sun shining in the blue sky, Alaric's royal hunting competition officially begins, and the royal family, together, stands as one strong unit, ready to face a challenging and impressive adventure.

With the brilliance of the rising sun shining on the palace grounds, King Alaric, bravely, stood in front of the participants and guests present to officiate the opening of the magnificent hunting competition. At his side, Queen Isabella, a graceful and wise woman, stood tall with pride, showing her support and loyalty to her husband.

Elara, with a heart full of pride and a hint of anxiety hidden behind her smile, stood behind King Alaric, watching proudly as the long-prepared event began to gain momentum. Meanwhile, beside Elara, Adeline, King Alaric's trusted advisor, looked on with confidence, ready to provide support and advice if needed.

When Alaric raised his hand to officiate the event, loud cheers and applause broke out from the enthusiastic audience. A lively atmosphere and competitive spirit warmed the palace grounds, creating a fiery energy in the air.

However, a surprise comes when one of the participants in the crowd is revealed to be Alexander, the crown prince of a neighboring kingdom. Elara, who was suddenly surprised to see the presence of her older sibling among the participants, felt mixed feelings of happiness and anxiety.

But Elara held herself bravely, realizing that the competition had to remain fair and sportsmanlike even though her siblings were participating. He decided to maintain his professionalism and continue to support all participants, including Alexander, with a fair and wise attitude.

Meanwhile, Adeline, who is watching the situation closely, plans to give wise advice to King Alaric regarding Alexsander's presence in the competition. He felt that this could affect the dynamics of the event and required special attention in handling it.

With blazing enthusiasm, King Alaric continued his speech, stating clearly that this competition was an opportunity to strengthen friendship between kingdoms and to honor hunting skills that had been passed down from generation to generation. With that, the hunting competition officially opened which would be an unforgettable event for all the kingdoms present.

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