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Although King Alaric and Crown Prince Alexander competed fiercely in the hunting competition, the results were surprisingly close. Both of them succeeded in showing their skill and courage in subduing the wild beasts, and when they finally returned to camp with their kill, the people were amazed at how little margin separated their victory.

When the game meat was weighed and counted, it was revealed that King Alaric was only one head ahead of Crown Prince Alexander. Nevertheless, the victory was enough to make Alaric smile with satisfaction, because it was proof that he still had unrivaled skills in the world of hunting.

Despite narrowly losing, Alexander accepted the result with great sportsmanship. He congratulates Alaric on his well-deserved victory, while in his heart he knows that their competition has only made him stronger and ready to face his responsibilities as a future leader.

In the silence of the dark night, Elara, with a pounding heart, slipped into the room of her brother, Crown Prince Alexander. The room was brightly lit by the dim light of candles, creating an atmosphere full of mystery within.

A moment after Elara entered, Alexander, who was sitting at his desk seriously, raised his head. Surprised to see his sister there in the middle of the night, he immediately asked her gently why she came.

"Elara, what brings you here at this time of night?" Alexander asked, his eyes filled with worry.

With a gaze full of determination, Elara looked at her sister. "Alexander, I have to talk to you about something important," he said in a serious voice.

Alexander nodded, gesturing for Elara to sit near him. "Of course, little brother. Tell me what's bothering you."

Elara took a deep breath, preparing herself to reveal the secret she had kept in her heart for a long time. "I have long felt uncomfortable with our relationship with Alaric's kingdom," he said slowly. "I fear that the competition between the two of you will endanger the peace between our kingdoms."

Alexander looked at Elara attentively. "I understand your concerns, Elara. But Alaric is an important ally for our kingdom. The competition between us in hunting competitions is just part of the political dynamics between countries. I am confident that we can resolve this conflict peacefully."

Elara shook her head firmly. "But, Alexander, do we have to constantly compete with each other? Wouldn't it be better if we worked together to create peace and prosperity for both our kingdoms?"

Elara's words made Alexander silent for a moment, pondering the meaning behind his sister's words. After a moment of thought, he finally nodded in agreement. "You are right, Elara. Peace and cooperation are more important than competition between us. I will try to establish a better relationship with Alaric, for the good of both our kingdoms."

Elara smiled in relief, feeling relieved that her sister listened and accepted her opinion. The two of them then continued their conversation, planning the next steps to improve relations between their kingdom and Alaric.

The secret meeting was the beginning of a positive change in political relations between Alexander's kingdom and Alaric's kingdom. With good cooperation and communication, the two kingdoms could finally achieve the peace and prosperity they desired, and avoid unnecessary conflict.

After a secret meeting with Elara, Crown Prince Alexander felt inspired to act wisely in his relations with King Alaric and his kingdom. With newfound determination, he began devising measures to strengthen relations between the two kingdoms and reduce rivalries that had the potential to harm both sides.

First of all, Alexander decided to send an official envoy to Alaric's kingdom, bringing a message of peace and cooperation from his side. The envoy will also bring an official invitation to King Alaric to hold a diplomatic meeting to discuss cooperation in various fields, including trade, defense and culture.

While the diplomatic meeting was taking place, Alexander attempted to build a strong personal relationship with King Alaric. They discussed various issues relevant to both kingdoms, exchanged opinions, and looked for points of agreement that benefited both parties.

During this process, Alexander also ensured that the interests and honor of his kingdom were well guarded. He tries to find a balance between personal interests and public interests, so that his relationship with Alaric can run harmoniously and be mutually beneficial.

Through these efforts, relations between Alexander's kingdom and Alaric's kingdom improved. The previously tense rivalry began to relax, and the two kingdoms supported each other in facing the challenges they faced.

The story of efforts for peace and cooperation between the two kingdoms spread widely, becoming an example for other kingdoms in the surrounding area. Alexander and Alaric are considered pioneers in building strong and harmonious inter-kingdom relations, which not only benefited themselves, but also the entire surrounding region.

Thus, the story of the secret meeting between Elara and Alexander not only became an important moment in the history of their royal family, but also marked the beginning of a new chapter of peace and cooperation in their region.

In the following months, efforts for peace and cooperation between Alexander's kingdom and Alaric's kingdom continued smoothly. Diplomatic exchanges between the two kingdoms became more frequent, and communications between Alexander and Alaric became more open.

During a subsequent visit to Alaric's kingdom, Alexander and Alaric decided to enter into a formal agreement to solidify their relationship. The agreement covers various aspects of cooperation, including free trade, protection against external threats, and exchange of culture and knowledge.

As a sign of the newly reached agreement, Alexander and Alaric performed a joint signing ceremony in the presence of nobles and high-ranking officials of both kingdoms. This is a symbol of their commitment to building a better future for their people.

In addition, to further strengthen personal relations between the two royal families, Alexander and Alaric agreed to hold a wedding between their family members. This plan surprised many, but was considered a brilliant move in strengthening the ties between their kingdoms.

The wedding was not only a big, festive event, but also an important moment in the history of the two kingdoms. With the joining of two powerful royal families, hopes for peace and prosperity in the region were further realized.

In the next few years, relations between Alexander's kingdom and Alaric's kingdom continued to develop, becoming one of the most successful collaborations in the history of their realm. The story of their struggle and cooperation has become a legend that continues to be remembered and passed down from generation to generation.

Thus, the secret meeting between Elara and Alexander not only changed the fate of the two kingdoms, but also provided an example of the importance of diplomacy, cooperation, and peace amidst a world full of competition and conflict.

As time went by, cooperation between Alexander's kingdom and Alaric's kingdom became closer. Trade exchanges increased, mutual defense was strengthened, and the cultures of the two kingdoms were exchanged. The two kings, Alexander and Alaric, maintained a strong friendship, respecting each other as partners and friends.

The presence of peace brought prosperity to both kingdoms. People feel the benefits through growing trade, available jobs, and maintained security. The peace that existed also brought opportunities for the development of science, arts and culture in both kingdoms.

During this time of peace, Crown Prince Alexander and Elara, his older sister, continued to collaborate to strengthen the foundations of their kingdom. They worked together on social programs to improve people's welfare and build better infrastructure for both kingdoms.

However, this success did not come without challenges. There were efforts by parties who were dissatisfied with peace between the two kingdoms, who tried to divide the existing relations. However, thanks to the wisdom and determination of Alexander and Alaric, as well as the support of their brothers, these efforts were always overcome.

About the secret meeting between Elara and Alexander, few know. However, the impact was wide and deep, not only for the relationship between their kingdoms, but also for the future of their region.

As time passed, the story of peace and cooperation between the kingdoms of Alexander and Alaric became a legend remembered by subsequent generations. And in royal history, the secret meeting remains one of the most important turning points, bringing peace, prosperity and friendship among those in charge of the throne.

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