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chapter 49

In palace meetings attended by nobles, tension was palpable when sensitive topics were discussed. The nobles, who represented the kingdom's interests and political stability, began to pressure King Alaric to immediately have a crown prince.

They expressed their concerns about the future of the kingdom which may be threatened if there is no direct heir to continue the royal lineage. The royals believe that the presence of a crown prince is key to ensuring the continued political stability and security of the kingdom in the future.

These demands of the nobles arose not only from a desire to ensure the continuity of the dynasty, but also out of concern over the instability that might arise if there was no clear heir to take over the throne one day. They see the presence of a crown prince as a guarantee to maintain the unity and strength of the kingdom in facing future challenges.

King Alaric, although feeling pressured by the pressure, also felt a dilemma. She felt responsible for ensuring the stability of the kingdom, but was also aware that issues of infertility and pregnancy were something beyond her control. However, in an effort to maintain the trust and support of the nobility, he promised to pay attention to those needs.

The tensions between King Alaric and the nobles reflect deeper tensions among political interests, power, and tradition.

When Queen Isabella heard King Alaric's strong insistence on the need for offspring, feelings of sadness and disappointment filled her heart. Although she too felt oppressed by the pressure of having an heir, Isabella also understood how difficult her husband's situation was.

Isabella felt sad because this pressure put an additional burden on Alaric, who was already quite burdened with his duties and responsibilities as a king. She knew that Alaric was already fighting hard to maintain the stability of the kingdom, and this insistence only added pressure to her husband.

Besides that, Isabella also felt sad because she couldn't give Alaric what he wanted. Even though she had tried in every way to give Alaric an offspring, the infertility problem she was facing had made her feel hopeless and helpless.

However, behind her feelings of sadness, Isabella also felt oppressed by guilt. She felt that her inability to provide Alaric with an heir was a personal failure that caused her husband's disappointment and added stress to their relationship.

Isabella had seen how hard Alaric worked, tirelessly, to maintain the stability and prosperity of the kingdom. He spent much time and energy negotiating with nobles, resolving disputes, and making difficult decisions in the interests of his people. And now, the urge to have children only adds to that already heavy burden.

Sometimes, when night fell, Isabella would see Alaric sitting alone in his study, his face filled with exhaustion and deep concern. She could feel the emotional burden her husband was experiencing, and it touched her heart too. He felt sad that he couldn't soften the burden, that he couldn't give Alaric what he wanted easily.

However, even though she felt sad, Isabella also felt proud of Alaric. Proud of his dedication and steadfastness as a king, as well as his commitment to maintaining the integrity and happiness of their kingdom. Isabella knows that Alaric is a strong leader, and she will continue to be by his side, supporting him in every step he takes, even if it means facing heavy pressure and challenges.

The presence of Isabella, who was gloomy and depressed because of the pressure to have children, made Alaric feel even more helpless. Every time he saw his wife looking depressed and full of worry, his heart felt a deep sense of helplessness.

Alaric felt crushed by the enormous responsibility of being a king, and when he realized how difficult the situation Isabella was facing, his feelings became even more sad. He longed to be able to lighten Isabella's burden, but at the same time, he also felt unable to give her the answer she wanted.

Every time their infertility problem becomes a topic of discussion, Alaric feels helpless and frustrated because he cannot offer a satisfactory solution. He felt trapped in a cycle of uncertainty and hopelessness, because there was nothing he could do to change the situation.

Seeing Isabella slumped made Alaric feel like a failure. As a husband and a king, he felt responsible to provide support and happiness for his wife. However, his inability to fulfill Isabella's wishes makes him feel like he has failed in fulfilling his role.

Seeing Isabella who was sad and down, Alaric felt devastated to see his wife in such a state. Even though they felt helpless in overcoming the infertility problems they faced, Alaric was determined to provide full support to Isabella.

Gently, Alaric approached Isabella and hugged her tightly. He let Isabella lean against him, letting her feel the warmth and strength of her husband's touch. "My darling," whispered Alaric in a gentle voice, "we will get through this together. You are not alone, we will find a way through all of this."

Alaric didn't try to give Isabella false promises or false hopes. He knew that this problem couldn't be resolved easily, but he wanted Isabella to know that he would never leave her alone. He would always be there by her side, ready to support and comfort Isabella every step of their journey.

In his arms, Isabella felt a rare calm and trust. Even though the problems they faced were difficult, with Alaric's presence by her side, she felt stronger to face them. Together, they form a strong and sincere bond, and no obstacle can separate them.

Alaric promised to remain Isabella's support and loyal companion, no matter what happened. He vows to stay by her side, supporting and loving her unconditionally. And in that embrace, Isabella felt safe, felt that there was nothing they couldn't face as long as they were together.

In Alaric's arms, Isabella felt comforted and protected. Even though they were faced with great challenges, Alaric's presence gave him the calm and strength to continue moving forward.

Over the days that followed that moment, Alaric and Isabella drew closer to each other. They spend time together, share stories, and find happiness in their company. Alaric tried to divert Isabella's mind from her sadness, taking her out for a walk in the palace gardens or providing pleasant entertainment.

Not only that, Alaric also tries to strengthen their relationship with open and loving communication. She listened attentively when Isabella shared her feelings and concerns, and attempted to provide the support and understanding she needed.

One clear night, under a starry sky, Alaric took Isabella to the palace balcony. They sat side by side, holding each other's hands, while enjoying the beautiful view before their eyes. Alaric then spoke softly to Isabella, expressing his boundless love and his belief that they would overcome all obstacles together.

Isabella, even though she still felt sad, was touched by Alaric's care and affection. She felt supported and appreciated as her life partner, and Alaric's faith gave her the strength to keep fighting through the difficult times they faced.

In moments like these, Alaric and Isabella find strength in their love for each other. They realized that by uniting, they could overcome any obstacle, even the most difficult ones. And although they may be faced with tough trials, the love and support they have for each other will always carry them through those difficult times.

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