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Chapter 50

Full of ambition and indifferent to Isabella's feelings, Concubine Adeline saw this moment as a golden opportunity to realize her wish. With the fertility drug formula from her ancestor's medicinal records, Adeline plans to use the drug for herself, in the hope of getting pregnant with Alaric before Isabella.

Cleverly, Adeline devises a plan to confront Isabella personally. Under the guise of kindness, he met Isabella and gently offered help with fertility drugs. Isabella, touched by Adeline's kind act, accepts the medicine without suspicion.

Meanwhile, Adeline secretly began taking the fertility drug, in the hope of getting pregnant quickly with King Alaric. She felt confident that having Alaric's child would give her greater power at court, and perhaps even give her access to the throne.

With every hope she has, Adeline continues to pay attention to her own development. Every day, she looked forward to signs of pregnancy, hoping that her plan would succeed. He felt confident that by taking advantage of the situation, he could take over Isabella's position as queen and strengthen his position at court.

However, behind the success he dreams of, there is a big risk that he has to bear. Adeline realizes that if her secret is discovered, the consequences could be very dangerous for her. He had to be careful and alert to any possibility that could reveal his plans.

Carefully and with great hope, Adeline continued to carry out her plan, waiting with great anticipation and anxiety to see if it would succeed and lead her to her final goal.

With a strong desire to have offspring from Alaric, Concubine Adeline secretly took advantage of the situation. He used knowledge of the medicinal records of his ancestors, which included fertility drug formulas, for his own purposes.

Adeline secretly plans to take advantage of this moment. Carefully, she practiced the fertility drug formula for herself, in the hope that she would be able to conceive a child from Alaric before Isabella.

He was determined to keep his secret under lock and key, hiding the truth about his true intentions behind his actions from Alaric and Isabella's eyes. However, he was also aware of the risks involved in his actions. If his secret was revealed, it could result in damage to his reputation and also disrupt stability in the palace.

Meanwhile, Adeline continues to pretend to provide support and sympathy to Isabella for the difficulties she is facing. He attempted to keep up appearances as a loyal ally to King Alaric and Queen Isabella, while secretly championing his personal agenda.

In her heart, Adeline felt sure that her steps would bring her great power and personal gain. However, he also felt restless and tense, realizing that every step he took carried huge risks that might change everything. Cautiously, he forged ahead with his plan, ready to face the consequences of his actions, whatever they might be.

Adeline chose to share her secret with her loyal servant whom she had long trusted. He knew that having allies within the palace was important, especially in carrying out a very risky plan like this.

Carefully, Adeline took her loyal servant into her private room at night. He made sure that no one was listening or watching their conversation. Once secure, Adeline shared her plans with her servant with great caution, asking him to remain silent about this secret.

"He is the key to securing my future," Adeline said in a whisper, her eyes sparkling with ambition. "If my plan succeeds, I will gain everything. I will have descendants from Alaric, and that will give me undeniable power in this palace."

The maid, who had long been Adeline's faithful companion, listened attentively. He understood how important this plan was to his master and promised to help as best he could.

However, amidst their conversation, the servant also felt uneasy. He is aware of the great risks involved in Adeline's plans, and he is worried about the possible consequences if his secret is discovered. However, he chose to remain loyal to Adeline, ready to support her in every step she took.

With complete trust in her loyal servant, Adeline hopes that she will be a reliable ally in carrying out her dangerous plans. With the servant's help, he hopes to achieve his ambitious goals and secure his position at court, whatever the cost.

After several days of consuming fertility potions with great hope, Adeline felt confident that the time had come to implement her plan. With a pounding heart, he came to Alaric in his study, waiting for the right moment to make his request.

Adeline carefully chose her words as she seduced Alaric. She conveys her feelings gently, using her charm and charm to seduce King Alaric. She creates an intimate and passionate atmosphere, trying to make Alaric fall for her charms.

Adeline chose words filled with desire and hope, expressing her desire to bring happiness to Alaric through the presence of a child. He promises unlimited love and support, assuring Alaric that the two of them will make great parents.

Although Alaric was a little surprised by Adeline's request, he was charmed by her charm and loving message. He was honored by Adeline's desire to have children with him, and moved by the hopes and dreams they shared.

However, behind her sweet smile, Adeline has hidden motives that only she knows. In her heart, she really hoped that this intimate relationship would result in pregnancy, so that she could achieve her goal of having Alaric's offspring.

While Alaric considered her request, Adeline held her breath, waiting in hope that he would agree. In tense silence, the fate of his plans depended on the decision King Alaric would make.

With great care, Adeline chose her words carefully as she tried to seduce Alaric. She understands the importance of nuance and expression in communication, and using her soft voice and eyes radiating warmth, she gently captures Alaric's attention.

Adeline chooses seductive words with tenderness and warmth, conveying her feelings in a charming way. With a seductive smile and alluring eyes, she tried to hypnotize Alaric with her alluring presence.

He created an intimate and passionate atmosphere around them, deepening their emotional connection with every word he spoke. She let her natural charm shine through, trying to dazzle Alaric with her beauty and grace.

Every sentence she said was carefully designed to catch Alaric's attention and make him enchanted by her. Adeline understands the power of words and expressions, and she uses her skills in the art of seduction to capture Alaric's heart.

With confidence and charm, Adeline tries to melt Alaric's heart, convincing him that his desire to have children with her is right and worthwhile. He tried to embrace Alaric in his warm embrace, creating a deeper bond between them.

In these moments, Adeline shows extraordinary skill in the art of seduction. She created a magical atmosphere around them, capturing Alaric's heart with her natural gentleness and charm. And while she waited tensely for Alaric's answer, she was confident that his alluring charm would help make her plans a reality.

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