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"Dylan, this is an unpleasant surprise. To what do I owe the displeasure?" Seth said coolly.

Dylan scowled. "I'm here to warn you away from my business dealings, Seth. Back off or it'll be the worse for you."

Seth bristled at the threat. "Last I checked, free enterprise allowed competition. I suggest you leave before things turn uncivil."

Dylan took a menacing step forward but Seth stood his ground. "Mark my words, stay out of my way!"

"Enough!" Seth yelled.

Dylan shot them a venomous look but stormed from the house, slamming the door.

Seth let out a breath, tension uncoiling. As Seth rejoined Liv in the kitchen, he saw her setting their plates with steady hands, though concern lingered in her eyes.

"Who was at the door?" she asked, glancing up at him searchingly.

Seth hesitated, not wanting to worry her further. "Just one of the neighborhood children, selling raffle tickets," he replied lightly.

“Okay, let’s have breakfast,” she said.

As Seth arrived at his bustling office building, he stepped out of his sleek Rolls Royce with determination. The confrontation with Dylan was still fresh in his mind.

"Good morning, Mr. Brown," greeted his loyal secretary Jill. She took note of the steely glint in his eye.

"Jill, I need you to look into someone discreetly. Get me everything you can on Dylan Manor," Seth instructed.

Jill knew better than to question him. "Right away sir. May I ask what this is regarding?"

Seth's jaw tightened. "He seems to think he can intimidate me. I mean to show him no one threatens my family and business."

Jill nodded sagely and got to work hacking databases. Within hours she delivered a thick file. "It seems Mr. Manor has some shady dealings he wants kept secret."

Seth flipped through the documents with a gleam. "Excellent work, Jill. I believe it's time Mr. Manor learned actions have consequences."

As Seth reviewed the dossier on Dylan Manor, a plan began forming in his mind. This man clearly played dirty, and now it was time to fight back.

"Jill, I have another task for you," Seth said, looking up from the files. "Ask one of the trusted workers. Someone who can monitor Manor's movements, his associates, any shady business deals. I want to know his every move."

Jill nodded. "Consider it done, sir. May I suggest Harry Jackson? He's ex-CIA, knows how to stay invisible but get the job done. And he owes me a favor."

"Perfect. Contact him immediately and tell him this is his highest priority case. Money is no object." Seth leaned back, satisfaction creeping in.

"Also, have the lawyers draft a letter to Manor. Make it clear any further interference in my affairs will be met with severe consequences. It's time he learned not to bite the hand that feeds him."

In the evening, Seth arrived to pick up Liv, nerves getting the best of him. Meeting her family felt high stakes. ”Why am I feeling this way? Not like I’m in love with her.”

As Liv greeted him with a warm smile, he gave a curt nod, keeping emotions in check.

In the car, Liv sensed his unease. "They'll love you," she assured. But icy walls held fast.

As Seth and Liv arrived at her family home, the door swung open to reveal Liv's warm-hearted mother Jane.

"Liv, my dear!" Jane exclaimed, enveloping her daughter in a tight hug. "It's so good to see you. And who is this handsome young man with you?"

Liv beamed with pride and nodded. "Mom, this is Seth," she introduced, her voice filled with affection. "He's my husband."

Jane's eyes widened in delight as she looked at Seth. "Oh, my! Liv, you've found yourself quite the catch," she said, her voice filled with joy. "Welcome, Seth. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Seth returned Jane's smile and extended his hand. "Thank you, Jane. It's a pleasure to meet you too," he replied, his voice polite and warm. "Liv has told me so much about you and her family."

Just then, a tiny whirlwind dashed out shouting "Livvy!" It was Lily, Liv's cherubic little sister. Clutching her favorite doll, she hid behind Liv's skirt, peeking up at Seth shyly.

With a mischievous grin, Lily toddled over to Seth, her small hand reaching out to touch his face.

Liv watched anxiously, worried that Seth might not be comfortable with Lily's playful nature. But to her relief, Seth knelt down to Lily's level and engaged in a playful game of peek-a-boo.

Seth smiled and knelt down. "Well hello there! I'm Seth. Would you like to introduce me to your doll?"

Lily nodded, emerging. "Her name is Daisy." Seth pretended to shake Daisy's hand, making Lily giggle.

Jane watched the scene unfold with a wide smile, her heart warmed by the interaction. "Liv, it seems like Seth is great with kids," she commented, a hint of approval in her voice. "You've made a good choice."

Warming at the sight, Liv took Seth's arm. "It seems you have a new friend already. Come, let's get settled and catch up with Mum and Dad."

As Seth and Liv entered the home, Mark came out to greet them. His eyes widened seeing Seth, clearly in shock and fear at the unexpected encounter. “S-s-s-ir,” he stuttered.

Before Mark could say anything, Seth pulled him into a hearty hug, slapping his back. "It's good to see you, Mr. Anderson!" he said loudly for the others.

In a low voice for Mark's ears only, Seth whispered, "Say nothing about me being the boss of the Brown conglomerate, I'm Liv's husband now. Just play the part of doting father-in-law, understand?"

Mark nodded subtly. Seth released him with a grin. "You remember Liv, I'm sure. She's told me so much about step-father."

Color returned to Mark's face as he smiled nervously at Liv. "Of course, darling. I'm glad you've found happiness." His eyes conveyed deeper meaning to Seth.

Jane and Liv were confused.

“Mr Anderson and I work in the same firm,”. Seth quickly explained.

“Ooh okay,” Liv and Jane chorused.

Seth draped an arm around Liv. "Shall we eat? I'm starving!"

As the family sat down to eat, casual conversation flowed. But beneath the table, an awkward moment passed between Mark and Seth.

Seth caught Mark's eye with a meaningful look that said "We need to talk, privately." Mark gave a subtle nod of acknowledgment and worry.

In that moment a thousand questions must have raced through Mark's mind. How had his boss Seth come to be married to his step-daughter?

Seth sensed Mark's unease and discreetly sent him a message. It read "All is well, your job is safe. But if Liv finds out, you will lose your job."

Color drained from Mark’s face.

“What’s wrong with you,” Jane asked him.

“Huh? N-n-othing,” he stuttered.

Liv looked at him strangely suspecting that something was wrong.

Seth watched with a subtle smile, the picture of ease. Only one is aware of the subtle drama unfolding beneath the happy family scene.

"Dylan, this is an unpleasant surprise. To what do I owe the displeasure?" Seth said coolly.

Dylan scowled. "I'm here to warn you away from my business dealings, Seth. Back off or it'll be the worse for you."

Seth bristled at the threat. "Last I checked, free enterprise allowed competition. I suggest you leave before things turn uncivil."

Dylan took a menacing step forward but Seth stood his ground. "Mark my words, stay out of my way!"

"Enough!" Seth yelled.

Dylan shot them a venomous look but stormed from the house, slamming the door.

Seth let out a breath, tension uncoiling. As Seth rejoined Liv in the kitchen, he saw her setting their plates with steady hands, though concern lingered in her eyes.

"Who was at the door?" she asked, glancing up at him searchingly.

Seth hesitated, not wanting to worry her further. "Just one of the neighborhood children, selling raffle tickets," he replied lightly.

“Okay, let’s have breakfast,” she said.

As Seth arrived at his bustling office building, he stepped out of his sleek Rolls Royce with determination. The confrontation with Dylan was still fresh in his mind.

"Good morning, Mr. Brown," greeted his loyal secretary Jill. She took note of the steely glint in his eye.

"Jill, I need you to look into someone discreetly. Get me everything you can on Dylan Manor," Seth instructed.

Jill knew better than to question him. "Right away sir. May I ask what this is regarding?"

Seth's jaw tightened. "He seems to think he can intimidate me. I mean to show him no one threatens my family and business."

Jill nodded sagely and got to work hacking databases. Within hours she delivered a thick file. "It seems Mr. Manor has some shady dealings he wants kept secret."

Seth flipped through the documents with a gleam. "Excellent work, Jill. I believe it's time Mr. Manor learned actions have consequences."

As Seth reviewed the dossier on Dylan Manor, a plan began forming in his mind. This man clearly played dirty, and now it was time to fight back.

"Jill, I have another task for you," Seth said, looking up from the files. "Ask one of the trusted workers. Someone who can monitor Manor's movements, his associates, any shady business deals. I want to know his every move."

Jill nodded. "Consider it done, sir. May I suggest Harry Jackson? He's ex-CIA, knows how to stay invisible but get the job done. And he owes me a favor."

"Perfect. Contact him immediately and tell him this is his highest priority case. Money is no object." Seth leaned back, satisfaction creeping in.

"Also, have the lawyers draft a letter to Manor. Make it clear any further interference in my affairs will be met with severe consequences. It's time he learned not to bite the hand that feeds him."

In the evening, Seth arrived to pick up Liv, nerves getting the best of him. Meeting her family felt high stakes. ”Why am I feeling this way? Not like I’m in love with her.”

As Liv greeted him with a warm smile, he gave a curt nod, keeping emotions in check.

In the car, Liv sensed his unease. "They'll love you," she assured. But icy walls held fast.

As Seth and Liv arrived at her family home, the door swung open to reveal Liv's warm-hearted mother Jane.

"Liv, my dear!" Jane exclaimed, enveloping her daughter in a tight hug. "It's so good to see you. And who is this handsome young man with you?"

Liv beamed with pride and nodded. "Mom, this is Seth," she introduced, her voice filled with affection. "He's my husband."

Jane's eyes widened in delight as she looked at Seth. "Oh, my! Liv, you've found yourself quite the catch," she said, her voice filled with joy. "Welcome, Seth. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Seth returned Jane's smile and extended his hand. "Thank you, Jane. It's a pleasure to meet you too," he replied, his voice polite and warm. "Liv has told me so much about you and her family."

Just then, a tiny whirlwind dashed out shouting "Livvy!" It was Lily, Liv's cherubic little sister. Clutching her favorite doll, she hid behind Liv's skirt, peeking up at Seth shyly.

With a mischievous grin, Lily toddled over to Seth, her small hand reaching out to touch his face.

Liv watched anxiously, worried that Seth might not be comfortable with Lily's playful nature. But to her relief, Seth knelt down to Lily's level and engaged in a playful game of peek-a-boo.

Seth smiled and knelt down. "Well hello there! I'm Seth. Would you like to introduce me to your doll?"

Lily nodded, emerging. "Her name is Daisy." Seth pretended to shake Daisy's hand, making Lily giggle.

Jane watched the scene unfold with a wide smile, her heart warmed by the interaction. "Liv, it seems like Seth is great with kids," she commented, a hint of approval in her voice. "You've made a good choice."

Warming at the sight, Liv took Seth's arm. "It seems you have a new friend already. Come, let's get settled and catch up with Mum and Dad."

As Seth and Liv entered the home, Mark came out to greet them. His eyes widened seeing Seth, clearly in shock and fear at the unexpected encounter. “S-s-s-ir,” he stuttered.

Before Mark could say anything, Seth pulled him into a hearty hug, slapping his back. "It's good to see you, Mr. Anderson!" he said loudly for the others.

In a low voice for Mark's ears only, Seth whispered, "Say nothing about me being the boss of the Brown conglomerate, I'm Liv's husband now. Just play the part of doting father-in-law, understand?"

Mark nodded subtly. Seth released him with a grin. "You remember Liv, I'm sure. She's told me so much about step-father."

Color returned to Mark's face as he smiled nervously at Liv. "Of course, darling. I'm glad you've found happiness." His eyes conveyed deeper meaning to Seth.

Jane and Liv were confused.

“Mr Anderson and I work in the same firm,”. Seth quickly explained.

“Ooh okay,” Liv and Jane chorused.

Seth draped an arm around Liv. "Shall we eat? I'm starving!"

As the family sat down to eat, casual conversation flowed. But beneath the table, an awkward moment passed between Mark and Seth.

Seth caught Mark's eye with a meaningful look that said "We need to talk, privately." Mark gave a subtle nod of acknowledgment and worry.

In that moment a thousand questions must have raced through Mark's mind. How had his boss Seth come to be married to his step-daughter?

Seth sensed Mark's unease and discreetly sent him a message. It read "All is well, your job is safe. But if Liv finds out, you will lose your job."

Color drained from Mark’s face.

“What’s wrong with you,” Jane asked him.

“Huh? N-n-othing,” he stuttered.

Liv looked at him strangely suspecting that something was wrong.

Seth watched with a subtle smile, the picture of ease. Only one is aware of the subtle drama unfolding beneath the happy family scene.

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