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Seth arrived at his office, ready to start another day leading the company. But before diving into work, there was an important matter he needed to address. "Mark, could you come to my office for a moment?" he said into the intercom.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. "Come in," Seth called.

Mark opened the door and entered, greeting Seth politely as always. "You wanted to see me?"

Seth gestured for Mark to take a seat across from him. Leaning forward, Seth fixed Mark with a stern look. "I'll get right to the point. I know Liv is your daughter, and the history between our families. While I appreciate you welcoming me into your family, there are still things Liv doesn't need to know."

Mark shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "I understand, but she's my step daughter. I don't want to keep secrets from her."

“Stop pretending, I know you don’t really care about her, you pushed her into marriage,” Seth said sternly.

“Sir, she’s still my step daughter,” Mark replied nervously.

"And I respect that," Seth replied. "But revealing my true identity could jeopardize the life we've built. This is a warning - you say anything about who I really am or where I came from, and you'll lose your job here. Do I make myself clear?"

A tense silence fell before Mark nodded reluctantly. "Crystal clear. You have my word, I won't tell Liv the full story."

"I'm glad we understand each other. You're dismissed - get to work." With that, Seth turned back to his computer, leaving Mark to see himself out of the office with confusion and unease swirling in his mind.

Got it, thanks for providing that additional context. Here's a continuation incorporating that detail:

Liv hummed to herself as she put the finishing touches on dinner. Though she and Seth had their ups and downs, she was determined to ignite the spark in their marriage again.

She learnt that Seth's favorite color is red, she decided to wear a red dress, knowing how it accentuated her figure. After curling her hair and applying subtle makeup, Liv did a twirl in front of the mirror, feeling confident.

The door opened as she was setting the table. "Seth, perfect timing!" Liv called with a smile, walking over to greet him. But the smile fell from her face when she saw the stony expression on Seth's.

"What's wrong?" she asked, suddenly self-conscious in the revealing dress. Seth's eyes roamed over her before meeting her gaze. "Where have you been all day?" he asked lowly.

Liv sighed. "I told you, long shift at the bookshop. I wanted to surprise you with dinner to reconnect. Why are you acting so strange?"

Seth took a menacing step forward. "Don't play coy with me. I know about your sneaky moves with Dylan." Liv's face paled in shock. "What? That's ridiculous, Seth - "

But Seth wasn't listening. Grabbing Liv's arm, he dragged her towards the bedroom as she cried out in protest.

Seth shoved Liv inside and slammed the door, his eyes burning with rage. "Don't lie to me anymore," he growled. Liv rubbed her arm where he had grabbed her, fear and confusion swirling in her eyes. "I'm not lying, I swear. Where is this coming from?"

"I know you've been sneaking around with Dylan behind my back," Seth spat. Liv shook her head vehemently. "No, Seth, it isn't true! Mark is a friend to me."

Seth laughed humorlessly. "Is that what you tell him when you're in his bed? I'm not as foolish as you think." Liv's eyes welled with tears of frustration. "Please, you have to believe me. I would never betray you!"

Seeing her tears, some of the fight seemed to leave Seth. He turned away, running a hand through his hair. In a quieter voice, he said, "Then...explain what I saw at the bookshop today."

Liv froze, realization dawning on her face. She slowly approached Seth, laying a hesitant hand on his arm. "Seth stop being possessive, we will just be married for sometime."

Seth sighed heavily, finally meeting her eyes. He left the room.

Liv sat on the edge of the bed, head in her hands, tears streaming down her face. She didn't look up when she heard her phone ringing.

"Liv dear," came the gentle voice of Nana. Overcome, Liv couldn't find the words to respond.

"Oh my child, what's happened?" She said with concern.

Liv tried to steady her breathing enough to speak. "It's S-Seth," she managed to get out between sobs. "Another fight. He's been so p-possessive and jealous lately."

Nana said soothingly. "Shh, let it all out. Tell Nana what happened this time." So Liv recounted the evening's disturbing events - Seth's accusations, his threatening behavior behind the closed door.

Nana tutted disapprovingly. "That boy has always struggled with his temper. But this level of suspicion and control is unacceptable." She said in anger.

"You do not deserve to feel afraid in your own home, child. Something must be done before this dark path leads somewhere even more troubling." Nana's wise voice met Liv's with care and reassurance.

"Stay here as long as you need. We'll get through this, I promise."

The next morning, tension still hung thick in the air. Liv and Seth emerged from their bedroom at the same time but said nothing, avoiding each other's gaze.

As Liv made her way downstairs, lost in thought, she didn't see the untied shoelace in her path. Her foot caught and she stumbled, bracing herself to fall.

But strong hands caught her arms, steadying her. She looked up to see Seth, concern in his eyes despite the unease between them. "Careful," was all he said, helping her regain her balance.

Liv nodded her thanks, heart pounding from more than just the near fall. An awkward silence fell as they stood there, an invisible wall between them.

Clearing her throat, Liv started to speak but Seth cut her off. "I...wanted to apologize. For last night. I shouldn't have lost my temper or accused you." His pride was making the words difficult.

Surprised, Liv searched his face and saw only sincerity.

Liv met Seth's gaze with a steely resolve. "I accept your apology, but things need to change."

Seth frowned. "What do you mean?"

"The jealousy, the accusations - it stops now. I'm tired of constantly having to reassure you and prove my loyalty. You can't keep hurting me like this." Liv's voice wavered with emotion.

Seth opened his mouth to respond but Liv held up a hand. "No, let me finish. Seth, but I won't live in fear of your temper or surveillance anymore. It's not healthy for either of us."

She took a deep breath. "I think some time apart will do us good. Help you sort through whatever is causing this possessiveness. And me, to heal."

Seth reached for her arm but Liv stepped back. "Please don't make this harder. I'm staying with Nana for a while."

With tears in her eyes, she turned and walked away, leaving Seth alone with his swirling thoughts.

As soon as Liv walked away, Seth's mind began racing. Something didn't feel right. Then it hit him - Liv was on her way to discover the truth.

He hurriedly called Nana. "No time to explain, you need to get to the second house now. Liv is headed your way and she's going to find out."

Nana understood immediately. "I'll intercept her and stall. You head her off - gently. This isn't how she deserves to learn the truth." They hung up and sprang into action.

Seth sped to Nana's, hoping to intercept Liv first. As he pulled up, she was just getting out of her car. "Liv, wait - please hear me out."

She eyed him warily. "What is it now?"

"Don’t go yet, Nana is not around." He led her inside.

“Get out of my way!”

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