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That evening, Liv stood at the stove stirring a pot of stew, lost in thought. She heard the front door open but didn't turn, knowing it was Seth.

Silence fell as they both studiously avoided eye contact. The tension in the air was palpable. After a long moment, Liv spoke quietly. "Dinner will be ready soon."

Seth grunted in acknowledgment but said nothing more. He poured himself a drink and leaned against the counter, gazing out the window into the darkening yard.

Liv sighed inwardly. This standoff couldn't continue - their relationship depended on open communication, now more than ever. After plating the stew, she sat and began eating without a word.

The inviting aroma eventually drew Seth to the table. He sat across from Liv but still they didn't speak. Finally, Liv set down her spoon. "Seth, we need to talk. No more running away or fighting - just listen, please?"

Liv's heart sank as Seth continued eating in stony silence, giving no acknowledgment to her open offer. She tried again gently.

"Seth, I know you're upset. But shutting me out won't solve anything. Please, just talk to me." When he refused to look up, Liv's frustration grew.

"Fine. You may not want to hear it but I'm going to say my piece anyway." She took a breath. "This jealousy has to stop - it's destroying our marriage before it's barely begun. I care about you deeply but I can't live like this."

Still no response from Seth as he pushed food around his plate. Liv threw up her hands. "For god's sake Seth, at least look at me! The silent treatment is so immature."

That got a reaction - Seth's head snapped up, eyes blazing. But before he could speak, Liv barreled on. "No, you don't get to be angry too. For once just listen without arguing back!"

Seth's mouth closed with an almost audible click. Liv continued in a softer tone. "I'm not asking for perfection, just effort. Can we try that, please?" She held out an olive branch.

Liv had reached her breaking point with Seth's stubborn silence. She slammed her fists on the table, eyes blazing. "Dammit Seth, say something! Your childish sulking isn't solving anything."

Startled, Seth finally looked up at her outburst. But still he didn't speak, jaw clenched tight.

"No, I'm done waiting for you to grace me with a word," Liv snapped. "All I've tried to do is talk, but you refuse like you always do when things get hard."

She stood, chair scraping back angrily. "Well I have news for you - this marriage takes two willing participants. And I'm not signing up to be your verbal punching bag every time your jealousy flares."

Seth rose too, getting in her space. But Liv refused to back down, meeting his glare with one of her own. "So either you start communicating like an adult, or consider this over. The choice is yours."

A tense moment passed as they faced off, breaths heaving. Then Seth spoke in a low rumble. "You done?"

Liv raised her chin defiantly. "For now. I meant what I said - the ball is in your court. I won't sit by as a doormat."

Liv gasped as Seth suddenly gripped her waist, his icy demeanor sending a chill through her. She started to pull away but he held firm, leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"Stay away from Dylan," Seth said softly yet with an underlying edge. "I see the way he looks at you, what he's trying to do. Don't be fooled by his pretty words."

"Seth, you're hurting me," Liv said, struggling to keep her voice even. "And I can make my own decisions about who I associate with."

He ignored her protest, tightening his hold. "Dylan is poison, Liv. He'll only bring you trouble, like he always does." His breath was hot against her neck.

Liv steeled her nerves, meeting his stare evenly despite her hammering pulse. "Let. Me. Go. I told you, I won't be controlled."

Liv wrenched herself from Seth's grip, anger and hurt swirling within her. "No, I will not stand for this," she said firmly.

Seth's eyes flashed dangerously. "Liv, I'm just trying to protect you-"

"Protect me?" she cut in. "Or control me because of your own insecurities?"

Seth opened his mouth but Liv held up a hand, not finished. "I told you, I make my own choices about who I see. Dylan has been nothing but polite."

"You're blinded to what he's really after," Seth spat.

Liv shook her head sadly. "No, the only one blinded here is you. By jealousy, and lack of trust in me." She took a steadying breath.

"I want to make this marriage work, Seth, but this is too much. If we're going to make it, you need to deal with your insecurity, because I won't be a pawn to it anymore."

Seth glared, hands clenching at his sides. But Liv met his gaze evenly, unwilling to back down.

Liv stood firm as Seth glared at her, hurt and anger swirling inside. "Dylan has always been polite to me, unlike the accusations you constantly throw at him," she said.

"But I'm willing to give you what you want - I told Dylan we can't be friends anymore. Because I'm tired of you using him as an excuse to control me with your jealousy."

Seth opened his mouth but Liv kept going. "Don't you see, you're pushing me away with this behavior? I tried to compromise for you, but it's never enough. There's always some new threat that has you snarling at my heels."

Liv sighed deeply, running a hand through her hair in frustration. "Our marriage was always just an arrangement, Seth, a one-year contract to get the deal done. Then we agreed to go our separate ways."

She held up a hand as he started to protest. "I know we care for each other, but this level of possessiveness doesn't fit what we signed up for. After the year is up, we both get our freedom back."

Seth frowned, his insecurity rearing up again. "But what if I want more than that now? What if I don't want to let you go?"

Liv looked shocked by what he said. “But for now, this contract is what's binding us. So please, try to relax your grip - we still have time to figure things out."

He nodded slowly, seeing the wisdom in her words. Their marriage had started out of obligation, not passion, so his jealousy made little sense.

"Alright. For now, I'll try in what we have. And trust in you," Seth replied, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes.

As Liv and Seth continued their conversation, Liv's phone suddenly rang with an unknown number. A knot of dread formed in her stomach as she answered.

"Hello?" On the other end, the fire chief's voice came through, gravely serious.

"Ma'am, this is Chief Wilson. I'm sorry to inform you, but there appears to be a fire at your bookshop on Main Street."

Liv gasped, her free hand flying to her mouth in shock. Through the phone she could hear shouting and sirens blaring in the background.

" everyone alright?" she asked faintly, gripping Seth's arm for support. The chief sighed. "We don't know yet, the structure is still unstable. But I wanted to let you know right away."

Liv sank onto the couch in a daze as Seth rubbed her back gently. Her bookshop, her dreams, up in flames. As she thanked the chief shakily and hung up, reality started to sink in.

As Liv sat in shock, tears streaming down her face, her phone rang again. Through her sobs she saw it was Scarlet calling.

"Hello?" Liv choked out. All she heard on the other end was Scarlet's anguished crying. "It's gone, the shop is gone!" Scarlet wailed.

That was all it took for Liv to completely dissolve into heartbroken cries. Seth held her close, bewildered. "Liv, what's wrong? Talk to me please!"

But all she could do was shake her head and cry harder. Her dream, her livelihood, and Scarlet's too - all up in flames. It was all just too much.

Seth gripped her shoulders gently. "Breathe, darling. Just try to breathe." He wiped her tears, panic rising in his own voice. "You're scaring me, please tell me what's happened!"

When she finally found her voice, she relayed the news between sobs. Seth paled as the gravity of the situation hit. He pulled Liv into his arms, letting her cry on his shoulder.

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