Read with BonusRead with Bonus

chapter 23

As Liv and Scarlet walked through the park to clear their heads, Scarlet spotted a familiar face on a park bench. "Dylan, hey!" she called out.

Dylan turned and smiled at the approaching women. "Scarlet, Liv, good to see you both. Though I heard about the fire, I'm sorry to hear about it."

Liv nodded sadly. "It's been tough, but we're staying positive." Scarlet then jumped in, ever the chatterbox.

"We're looking for temp jobs until the shop reopens. Know anything?" Dylan raised an eyebrow, intrigued.

"As it happens, my company is expanding and I need a new assistant. It pays well, full benefits." He handed Liv his card. "Think about it, the position is yours if you want."

Liv hesitated - such a prestigious job could set them up well. But working for Dylan felt too similar to being rescued.

"It's very kind of you Dylan, but rebuilding the shop is important to us. We'll find our way." Scarlet looked disappointed but didn't argue.

Dylan smiled understandingly. "The offer stands if you change your mind. In the meantime, let me know if you need anything at all."

Scarlet's frustration was evident as Dylan walked away. "Liv, why did you turn that down? That job would have set us up!"

Liv sighed. "It didn't feel right, relying on handouts."

Scarlet flared up. "Seth can't provide for you either right now. Why are you trying so hard to keep up appearances for a man?"

Her words stung, but Liv kept calm. "Our relationship means more than money or appearances, Scarlet. It's about supporting each other through hard times."

"Even if it hurts your own progress?" Scarlet shot back. "You could've had career stability, but chose pride over practicality."

Liv took Scarlet's hands. "I know you're stressed, but please trust I'm doing what feels right for me, Seth and our future. He's proven he's here for the long haul."

Scarlet deflated, guilt replacing anger. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to question your relationship. I'm just scared for us and said things I didn't mean."

Liv hugged her tight. "It's okay, I understand. But we'll get through this together, without shortcuts. Our dream is worth fighting for through thick and thin."

Scarlet nodded, reassured. With patience and teamwork, their bookshop would blossom in due time.

When Liv got home, she mulled over Scarlet's words. As much as she believed in rebuilding with Seth, practical concerns remained.

With a deep breath, Liv called Dylan's number. He answered promptly. "Dylan, it's Liv. I've reconsidered your offer - if it's still available, Scarlet and I would be grateful for the position."

"Wonderful news!" Dylan replied warmly. "When can you start?"

"There is one condition," Liv continued. "Seth has been so supportive through this difficult time. While I appreciate your help, I can't jeopardize my marriage. You'll need to maintain a strictly professional distance."

Dylan understood completely. "Of course, your relationship is none of my concern. As long as you both are happy and taken care of, that's what matters most."

Liv was glad Dylan understood her need to keep things professional. But another concern lingered - how to explain this new job to Seth without revealing Dylan's involvement.

Her husband worked so hard to support them, Liv didn't want him feeling as though he'd failed. An idea came to her.

"Dylan, would you mind if I don't disclose that you're my employer? Seth has been under a lot of stress, I don't want to add to it."

Dylan nodded. "Of course, your personal life is your business. I can have my assistant Jennifer act as your direct contact instead."

Relieved, Liv thanked him. She'd tell Seth an old family friend named Jennifer had come into some money and offered Liv and Scarlet administrative roles. It wasn't a total lie, just omitting Dylan's name.

At the living room, Liv broke the news, emphasizing how grateful she was for the chance. Seth's smile didn't fully reach his eyes, but he hugged her tight.

"I'm proud of you for powering through this."

Seth was overjoyed for Liv getting a job, secretly relieved it eased his guilt over providing. But he still wanted to help discreetly. That night, he made a call.

"Jake, it's Seth. Listen, I have a construction project I need to start ASAP but Liv can't know I'm involved..."

He explained Liv and Scarlet's bookshop fire, their dreams of rebuilding. "I know you owe me a favor - could you take point on the job, using my company's crews? Bill me privately so Liv stays in the dark."

"Consider it done, buddy," Jake replied. "We'll get the permits rushed and break ground within the week."

The next morning, Liv was surprised to see work had already started clearing the rubble. "That was fast! I wonder who's overseeing it..."

Seth shrugged, feigning ignorance. "Must be an angel looking out for you." He smiled, knowing the real angels were friends like Jake.

The women arrived at Dylan's company building, nerves setting in. After checking in, they sat to wait.

"Try to relax, I'm sure it'll be fine," Liv reassured Scarlet, who was fidgeting.

Soon, Dylan's assistant Jennifer emerged. "Liv and Scarlet? Come on back."

She led them to a conference room, where Dylan smiled warmly. "Thanks for coming in on short notice. Please, have a seat."

As the interview began, Liv and Scarlet did their best to highlight their customer service skills from running the bookshop. Dylan asked thoughtful questions, listening intently to their answers.

By the end, both women were more at ease. Dylan shook their hands, saying, "I'm confident you'd both be great additions to the team. Background checks take a week - I'll be in touch soon."

Out in the hall, Scarlet let out a breath. "Think we did okay?" Liv laughed. "I say our chances look good. Fingers crossed we both get the positions!"

A few days later, Dylan phoned with good news - the jobs were theirs if they wanted them. Relieved and grateful, Liv and Scarlet eagerly accepted. It seemed their hard work was paying off at last. Stay tuned to see how they adjust to their new roles!

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