Chapter 3
Elodre didn't have a clue if she was more amazed or pleased when her husband suddenly pulled her into his arms, cuddling and pressing kisses on her forehead.
Listening to his calm heartbeat, she was rather nervous. Being with her man was all she ever wanted, but the closer she got to him, the more insecure and confused she got.
Hugging her wasn't the issue, her husband was caring and loving, however, she still perceived an impending disaster. She knew deep down, he had something in his mind against her.
"Are you mad at me?" Wait. What did she just ask? The question sounded off in her ears. Wasn't she supposed to ask why he didn't finish his food, and if he was satisfied?
Cayden wasn't expecting such a question, so he hesitated briefly and threw another question, "Do you think I'm mad at you?"
"Well, yes," This would be an opportunity to say a bit of her mind to hear his. Well, if only it won't be ruinable. Plus, the way he was stroking her was giving her hope.
"Why?" He asked.
Another good question! Of course, he meant her reasons for considering him angry. "Your countenance back there…how you just left the food unfinished…without…saying a word." She seemed to be calculating her words. "When you looked at me, your eyes were blazing with rage. And…" She had many complaints to file against him but was too overwhelmed. Plus, weighing her words, she thought they'd sound off.
He hesitated again. "Baby, what's going on?"
Between Weston and her, he meant. Her hubby's countenance had changed since he had listened to the dialogue between Raiden and Weston. "Nothing." Uneasiness had begun to soar in her again. "I'm sorry, baby, I'm so sorry about Raiden…"
About Raiden?!
"About Raiden's attitude." She continued with a shaky voice. "He's just a child, hopefully, he'd outgrow these things."
He hoped so too.
Unable to hold back, she began to cry in his arms. "Believe me, baby…believe me." Her voice was broken as she wept uncontrollably. "There's nothing…there never was anything between Weston and me…I promise." Not after the night she was drunk. Oh, God! What had she done?!
Cayden couldn't help but wonder why she was weeping so much. No matter how angry he was or whatever damned difference between them, he couldn't stand it when his wife cried. No, not like this. Had he hurt her? Damn! He never in a million years wanted to do that to her. But was he to be blamed? "So, there's nothing between you both, huh?"
"Nothing…" She sobbed quiveringly.
The way she was trembling in his arms concerned him. "Hey…Hey," His voice was soft. "It's okay, baby, it's okay. Okay? I'm sorry I stressed you, I never meant to." He wiped her profuse tears with his right hand and kissed her. "You're my baby and I love you so much." Damn! His wife was way too fragile to be treated harshly. "I'm sorry."
Still, Raiden's action was so real. Cayden needs to be clarified about a few things. He was lenient only because he had not gotten any proof to back up what he was suspecting. He hoped nothing was going on for real beneath his nose because if he finds out the damned truth, only God knows what would happen. He thought.
Elodre was thinking about the same thing; only God knows what would happen.
"By the way, " Cayden said, still stroking her back. "Weston has finally gotten that contract he'd been pursuing, I'm happy for him. He might come tomorrow though."
Her heart skipped another beat. If he comes, tomorrow will be a long day then. The day she'd been afraid of.
The following morning, Cayden was the first to wake up as usual and had won his favorites, Adidas workout clothes, and gold metallic Adidas power lift shoes.
He went back to bed and kissed his wife. "My love? Baby?" He caressed her soft cheek.
She stretched and yawned as her eyes opened. The morning sun ray had sipped through the translucent curtain and the first reflection made her eyes ache. "Morning… baby…" She drawled.
"Morning, darling." Cayden smiled but his smile instantly faded into a worried look once he saw the lines of dried tears on her cheeks and her eyes were a bit puffy. "Come here, baby." Sitting on the bed, he cuddled and kissed her again. "Have you been crying?"
She looked up at him with those stormy gray eyes and he saw the sadness in them.
"Oh, Comm'n!" He said with an apologetic gaze. "Look, babe, I want you to forget about everything that happened yesterday. I'm so sorry for making you cry…can't stand it when you're like this. I love you and nothing's ever gonna change that, okay?"
"I love you too…" Always. She didn't want to talk much so another tear won't drop. Cayden doesn't know the anxieties that are clouding her mind. And she can't just deal with the fear of losing him, especially today.
They cuddled for a while before Cayden said, "Alright, baby. I'm off to the gym now."
"You are gorgeous, Cayden." She smiled at him.
"The f*ck did you call me?" He feigned a serious face.
"Cayden," She laughed.
"Why did you call me that, baby?"
"That's your name, Cayden…"
"Nah, it's not"
He doesn't like it when his wife addresses him by his first name and she knows it. She kept saying his name, laughing, and they started to play fight for a while before he left.
That was a good one! Like Weston, Cayden's sense of humor was charming.
Looking at her pale reflection in the mirror she decided to do a makeover after bathing. When both Raiden and she had taken their bath, she went back to sit before the mirror across their luxurious room.
Having Raiden around while making up was difficult as he kept touching and falling things. He even used her eye pencils and lipstick to paint his face.
Ignoring him, she continued combing her shoulder-length white stringy hair, packed it up, and used colorful clips to pin it. Her gray eyes were glinting, surrounded by long massive lashes but she brushed them with mascara. She had natural thin pink lips but chose red today, then she brushed her dark brown curved brows.
They were both dressed up, so they went downstairs. She'd prepared oatmeal for breakfast and it was already warm when they arrived.
In a couple of hours, Cayden returned from the gym all sweaty and worn out. After showering, he ate breakfast, and the day went on.
When it was noon, Elodre thought Weston wasn't coming anymore. She'd been praying against his visit since last night. And she was quite relaxed until the doorbell chimed and her heart suddenly began to slam against her chest, aching. She was so shocked, she could hardly breathe as her body began to tremble again.
Somehow, she hoped it wasn't Weston but when his ecstatic voice crammed into her ears, she almost fainted.
Thank goodness, Raiden was asleep if not God knows he'll run to him screaming dada.
Lunch was almost ready and Cayden was the one that answered the door while she was in the kitchen. As usual, it didn't take two seconds before the brothers started discussing and laughing so loud she was afraid Raiden could wake up.