Chapter 4
What hurt her most was the fact that her anxieties were too high, such that she could hardly identify her main problem. And the fear in her could put her in more trouble. Now that Weston is around, she needs to be more cautious than ever. She won't let it show. Oh God! She was…
"Hey, pretty!"
Flinching, she gasped in shock upon hearing that voice, and the cooking spoon flew from her hand rattling in the sink. Then she lifted a glare at him. "Jeez! Wes…Weston! You scare the life outta me!" Her heart was banging rapidly, and her hands were trembling.
"Oops!" He chuckled. "My bad, baby girl…"
"Don't you dare call me that! My husband is around!" She snapped, irritated by his charming smile. But she felt remorse just after speaking.
Weston would never take offense, he was still smiling down at her, looking sexy as usual, raising a brow.
She sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Weston. You know I find it annoying when someone does that." Well, only when she's edgy. Damn! Her breath was still unsteady. "What are you doing here? I mean, how have you been?"
Instead of answering her, he gently pulled her shaky hands and hugged her. "Why are you so nervous?"
Was it obvious?! Oh, he didn't know why? Damn! She was so confused.
Considering that Cayden might walk into the kitchen, she said, "I'm just feverish, not nervous." Her voice was steady. "Let me continue cooking, lunch will be ready soon." She pulled away from him and forced a nervous smile.
Weston seemed to read her mind. She could see it glinting in his blue eyes. "Please, leave… I'll join you guys soon."
Shaking his head slightly, he smirked and asked, "Where's my lil pumpkin?"
Raiden. "He's napping." She answered, opening the pot on the stove, and as small billows of smoke puffed out, the toasty waffle smell wafted through the kitchen.
"Let me go get him…"
"No!" Her eyes were fierce and full of panic. "He…he'd refused to nap, so I…I managed to force him today. But I'll go get him later, please."
Bobbing slightly, he smiled, shrugged, and walked out.
Soon, the idea of locking Raiden's room to prevent him from coming downstairs crossed her mind. That might make sense. Elodre was miserable and afraid, she thought it would work.
But another pang of anxiety suddenly crossed her mind again. How long would she lock Raiden in the room? Weston wouldn't mind sleeping over and would keep asking after the kid, especially during lunch.
Ugh! She heaved a sigh of distress and walked out of the kitchen to the kid's room.
Raiden was still asleep when she popped her head into the room, then she quickly locked the door. Unwilling to give this a second thought, she hesitantly walked down the stairs to the kitchen, ignoring the brothers' hearty laughter and jokes as she passed.
A few minutes later she emerged from the kitchen with a large tray of flavorful cheese and waffles, three rock glasses, and an orange juice.
"Whoa! Whoa!" Weston grinned as Elodre dropped the tray on the table. "Man! This delicacy is epic! Good girl!"
Elodre rolled her eyes and headed off to the kitchen while Cayden laughed.
While they were eating, she couldn't take her gaze off the guys. The only difference between them was that Cayden had shoulder-length center-parted raven hair, while Weston's was long, curled, and brown. They both had ice-blue eyes and thin red lips. But Cayden had bigger muscles.
"By the way," Cayden said with amusement gleaming in his eyes. "What about Raiden?"
"He's still napping," Elodre answered and sipped her drink. "I'm gonna prepare his food when he's awake."
After a while, they were discussing sports when Raiden's sharp deafening cry crammed into the living room, interrupting them, and her heart instantly leaped. Gazing up at the guys, she saw the amazement in their eyes.
"He's awake!" The guys chorused.
She was about to get up when Cayden suddenly arose from his chair and hopped up the stairs as the boy kept screaming.
What!! Oh my God! Oh my God! Elodre's eyes widened. Her heart was thumping violently in her chest, coupled with a brutal spinning sensation in her head. At this point, she was dumbfounded. Cayden was going to find out that she had locked the kid in his room. And the fear that it would ruin everything made her eyes burn again.
His deep voice intruded on her thoughts and she shuddered.
"Give me the f*ckin' key, now!" Fury laced his raised voice, glaring fiercely at her.
His sudden change of mood startled her.
Furiously snatching the key from her trembling right hand, he accidentally bruised her with his nails yet he hopped up the stairs again.
"Did you lock Raiden in his room?" Raising a brow, Weston asked with a soft curious tone. "Why the hell did you do that?"
She slowly lifted her watery gaze, and Weston gasped in surprise. Profuse tears had spilled over her pale cheeks
"Hey, hey," He instantly drew his chair to hers and held her jaw in his big hand. "What's wrong, baby?"
Once Cayden had opened the door, he was amazed when the crying kid ran into his arms.
"Oh, I'm so sorry my boy." He said and pressed kisses on his fragile forehead.
When the child became calm, he carried him out.
Arriving in the living room, Cayden found his wife in Weston's arms then a pang of rage and jealousy suddenly swept up his body as he gritted his teeth and his hand clenched in a fist.
"Dada! Dada!"
Elodre jerked away from Weston in shock as she heard Raiden's voice and Weston cast a surprised gaze at her.
"Dada!" Raiden was struggling hard to get away from Cayden's arms. "Dada!"
Once Raiden got down from Cayden's arms, he ran giggling heartily to Weston who cuddled him with a grin.
Cayden has never been so shocked his whole life until now. Watching how Raiden accepted Weston over him infuriated him.
Elodre's heart skipped many beats, now it was thumping violently against her chest.
Although Raiden had been fussing about Weston, Cayden had never sat to compare them but now he was. Sitting on a sofa, he figured out that both the kid and his brother looked alike. They both had brown hair. And for the first time, he was convinced.