Chapter 5

Although the atmosphere of the living room was thick with tension, Elodre and her husband managed to keep their cool.

They kept casting glances at each other. One that could read another's mind.

Watching Weston playing around with the kid, Cayden couldn't stand it when his son called his uncle Dada.

He walked to the dining, picked up one of the rock glasses from the table, and gulped down the juice with an intense glare at Weston. He pulled the chair and sat.

Nervously, Elodre got up from the dining chair across from her husband, intentionally avoiding his glare. Heart leaping in her chest, she was conscious of his steady glare upon her. The stacked plates rattled as she carried them up in her trembling hands.


Shortly, Weston's phone rang, and he picked it up.

He was on cloud nine when he hung up. Grinning, he punched the air excitedly. "Guess what guys! Guess what!!

"What?" Cayden asked curiously.

"Guys!" Weston rejoiced with a big smile. "You know what?!"

"Say the word and stop being cheesy." Cayden couldn't stifle the smile and it escaped as a brief laughter. Weston was overjoyed and his acts amused him.

"I'm now an official venture capitalist!" Weston bragged with raised shoulders and danced humorously around the living room while little Raiden came after him.

"Bravo!!" Cayden smiled.

"Money! Money! Money!" Weston let out. "We are dealing with money, bro!" He laughed. "We got cash!!" He said to Raiden who giggled as though he had a clue what Weston was talking about.

Cayden rolled his eyes and laughed.

This was a bittersweet experience for Elodre. As much as she was happy for her brother-in-law, she just couldn't help her pain. She couldn't stop worrying about what would happen next.

"I'm happy for you, Weston." This was unlike her, and that was the expression in Weston's eyes when he looked at her in such a way. If she was her normal self, she could have run to him, hugged him…probably, kissed him. Or, no, he'd kiss her. Either way, she didn't want him to question her mood, that's why she managed to talk. If he did, she wouldn't be able to handle her already-bottled emotions and might end up ruining things herself.

"Migraine, Weston. I've got a migraine." She said once she noticed Weston was about to speak. What else would he say rather than enquire why she was moody?

When she mentioned migraine, Cayden cast a questioning gaze at her, looking surprised.

"Don't ask why." She warned already.

"By the way," Weston glanced at his designer wristwatch. "I have an urgent meeting with the president and I must beat the clock. We have a contract to sign up for, and you know how that man can be sometimes."

"Oh, yeah, I lost my train of thought." Cayden smiled up at him. "Congratulations on your success in the previous contract. Man! You are getting multiple contracts at a blow. You rock!"

"Yeah, strictly business," Weston said, backing off toward the door. "Catch ya later!"

"Dada!" Raiden suddenly emerged from where only God knows, crying and running to Weston.

Elodre suddenly felt a hard knot in her gut as Cayden's eyes narrowed.

Cayden sat up as though he was ready for something.

"Don't leave me, dada!"

Oh God! Oh God, please!

The knot in her gut tightened and she began to tremble again as her heart drummed brutally in her chest. She thought it would swoop out of her mouth.

Meanwhile, Cayden was fuming and was about to flare up. Yet, he bit back the word that was floating in his head. He couldn't believe this!

"Hey, pumpkin!" Weston smiled down at Raiden and carried him on his body. "Aww! Don't cry. I'll be back soon…"

"No, you won't." Raiden robbed his left eye. "I wanna go with you…"


"Mama said you're my real dada."

Cayden blinked and looked at his wife who instantly lowered her gaze.

Oh, now she's f*ckin' ashamed! He thought furiously.

"Are you not my real dada?" The kid inquired.

"You know, Raiden…"

"You usually tell me that you're my dada, not him." With a frown, Raiden pointed at Cayden.

Weston hesitated, looking quite uncomfortable.

"Is it true, Weston?!" Although his voice was soft, fury laced the tone. "Did you ever tell him that?!"

Weston glanced at his brother with a raised brow.

"Tell me! Weston!"

Elodre flinched upon hearing his thunderous voice and profuse tears began to spill down her cheek.

"Answer me!!" Cayden said between gritted teeth. "You're my f*ckin kid brother, Weston!

Weston was confused and shocked. "Comm'n, bro."

Breathing heavily, Cayden suddenly narrowed his red blazing glare upon his wife and said in a calm angry voice, "I –trusted –you, Elodre."

"I…im…s…so…sorry….Cayden…" She whimpered.

"Shut the f*ck up! You bloody liar!" Cayden snapped, slamming the dining table. "You're sorry, huh? Why didn't you stop him, huh?!!" He yelled, his eyes trailing from her head down to her toe in an insulting manner.

She suddenly jerked away, afraid he would hit her.

Weston couldn't help his amazement, it was gleaming in his eyes while gazing at his mad brother. "This is ridiculous," He laughed.

Elodre glared at him. If she could hit him hard on his damned head she'd be glad. Dumbass!

"Do you believe that I had something with your wife, Cayden? Really? Or…you think Raiden is my damned sp*m? I'm surprised bro. You know how obsessed your son is with me, not that this is the first time."

"Because he knows deep down you're his goddamned dad!" Cayden roared. "Can you fcking count the number of times he tells me I'm not his dad?! Did I ever ask you?! Did I?! I didn't wanna pass the wrong judgment that's why I've been putting up with those bullshts!" He slammed the table as he spoke.

Her husband was extremely mad, she couldn't stand him. And she trembled violently as he yelled. His angry voice was thundering and echoing right in her eardrums.

"Ba…baby, She stuttered. "It's not what you think…"

"Really?! Elodre! Really?!" He snapped.

He suddenly approached her, grasped her right shoulder violently, and she winced. Panting in anger, he tightened his grip on her shoulder.

"You have the guts to cheat on me, Elodre!" He shook her violently. "I see why you get so clingy with no other person than Weston, your brother-in-law!" He gritted his teeth. "I now understand why you f*ckin tell me to invite him whenever I travel for work. The child was right! You cheat! Whore!"

"N…nn…no…" She wept.

"So you think I'm ain't gonna figure out the damned truth, huh?! You fooled me, woman! How did you manage to cry your loose ass off when you knew you were lying?!

His grasp upon her was hurting excruciatingly as his nails thrust into her bare skin and she shrieked. She was having a burning sensation. But he was too angry and didn't realize it.

"Enough! Brother!" Weston dropped the crying kid and swiftly ran to her rescue but Cayden violently pushed him away and he lost balance. "You're hurting her! Stop!"

He clenched onto her little jaw and she flushed red. Blowing rapidly, he shoved her, and she staggered a few steps away before regaining stamina.

Weston wanted to help…

"Don't you dare lay those hands on me!" She told him in tears. " It's all your fault. You put sleeping pills in my drink that night. And…" She broke down in tears.


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