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37. Santi; Alive

The crowd was still there, roaring with their hands stretched out as if to beg. They don't care about the hot sun, which can burn their skin. Ah, it seems they have forgotten what pain feels like; all they think about is how to fulfil their desire for human flesh and blood.

However, seeing that, I imagined that this was the kind of demonstrator action humans had always carried out to protest against the government, but the case is different now. They died; the crowd just asked for lumps of flesh without mercy. Looking at the three people trapped on the roof through the binoculars, I thought for a long time. I looked around and then asked Kayro,

"You know well this area, right?"

The man nodded and answered firmly, "Yes, why? Do you want to fight with your fucking bare hands again?"

He sighed, looking at me, who was still covered in bandages with wounds that had not yet dried. One hand, also wrapped in bandages, rubbed my chin, which was starting to grow beard hairs. His narrow eyes, which always cast a suspicious glance, looked straight at the group of corpses; sometimes, he licked his lips; sometimes, he also grumbled softly, just like the buzzing of bees. But for a few seconds, that annoying and sharp-mouthed figure looked charming.


I shook my head; why, at a time like this, I was hypnotised by him? I turned around, opened the truck window and saw several cars scattered around.

"How about we attract their attention with the cars?"

"Who will fish? Me?" Kayro pointed to himself as if insinuating that he was tired of fighting.

"Just me," Bayu answered as he straightened himself on the back of the chair. "But, how is Rianita?" His eyes turned to Rianita, who was still fast asleep.

"So what's your plan? I can't think anymore," Kayro snapped at me.

"Lure the bodies using this truck by tying one of them up. We block the pedals with rocks. You have explosives. How about we blow them up in the truck?" I said giving an idea.

"Just in firecrackers," said Bayu. "We used firecrackers and three kilos of LPG for yesterday's explosion. Let them burn them all at the same time."

"There are some remaining fireworks in my bag," said Kayro. "When we run out, we'll make more firecrackers later, Bay."

"We'll use what we can first. Then, we hide Bayu and Rianita in one of the cars. I saw an elf's car there. Besides, we have a lot of food and medicine in stock."

"So? both of us?" Kayro asked with raised eyebrows, which made my heart beat.

"You and I are the ones who infiltrated. Teach me to sneak between them without being noticed. Haven't you been able to do that before?" I said making Kayro nod. "Okay?"

"Okay." Kayro and Bayu answered in unison.

After moving several items into one of the silver elf cars, Kayro dragged one corpse, covered its head with a large plastic bag, and tied the two hands whose skin tissue had peeled off with rope. The rotten smell stings her nose, making Rianita expel the contents of her stomach without warning. I was wondering whether the girl was starting to show signs of pregnancy or whether it was just the disgust she showed when she saw a corpse.

The corpse struggled with a hoarse growl. It takes quite a lot of strength to paralyse a human who is no longer intelligent, and you have to be careful if you don't want to die from being bitten by him. With one push, Kayro lifted the body; there were traces of peeling skin with rotten mucus sticking to his clothes. The man cursed, throwing a punch directly at the corpse's head with a piece of wood. Of course, the corpse became even more excited, as if Kayro's blow invited his desire to pounce.

I helped him tie the body to the back of the driver's seat, while Bayu placed the stone connected to the truck's pedal. Kayro took several canned firecrackers and doused several parts of the car with gasoline, which he had stored in used bottles. He also didn't forget to tie a large firecracker to the body of the corpse. Bayu now lights a small candle and attaches it to the front of the steering wheel which is attached to a small length of cloth around the tin firecracker. He explains that the tin firecrackers and fireworks will explode when the candle runs out and the fire will spread quickly.

"Let's go to the hell," he said crookedly.

Bayu started the truck engine and then quickly closed the door. The truck moved slowly towards the corpses. We all immediately split up according to plan. Kayro pulled my arm, walking swiftly down the small alleys without making a sound.

"What are you looking for?" I asked.

He turned his head. "Look for a corpse. He said he wanted to infiltrate."

My mouth suddenly just made an 'oh' sound. Kayro whistled, hitting the fences of the house to invite them. And right, five corpses were running towards us like they had found new prey. Kayro seemed to find the energy; his hand skillfully pierced the human skull. Even mercilessly, stabbing repeatedly into the same hole until blood and brain splattered.

I shuddered in horror, but Kayro looked so calm when the lifeless bodies collapsed to the ground a second time. I followed Kayro, crouching as his two blood-stained hands removed the corpse's clothing no matter what cloth he stripped from the woman's body.

"For you!" he said briefly, giving me an orange T-shirt with no colour or smell. Kayro stood up and forcefully pulled down the black leggings until some of the corpse's flesh was torn easily.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed, holding back my nausea. Of course, tearing the flesh creates an unpleasant aroma. Kayro gave me the pants and said,

"Hurry up and use it. This is the only way we can infiltrate."

My eyebrows rose, accepting the two used clothes hesitantly. Oh, damn! Water at times like this is very difficult to get; I'm sure my sweat will mix with the smell of the corpse. But wait a minute! I was silent for a long time, looking into the man's curt eyes. If my sweat mixed with the smell of corpses, wouldn't we be easily recognised by them?

A grin appeared on Kayro's thin lips. "Did you just understand?"

I nod my head and chuckle. Kayro is clever, too, I thought.

"How do you know?" I asked, wearing the used clothes.

Ah! It doesn't smell good. It's worse than the trash in the landfill. Some mucus probably came from corpse organs and skin stuck to the cloth, making me vomit. But I hold back as much as possible because this is the only way.

"It wasn't on purpose when Bayu and I attacked a thug's house to save you."

Kayro's last words stunned me. The rush of blood in my body flows again to fill every cell. I could hear my heartbeat and how pounding it was when I heard Kayro's words.

Kayro got up, wearing an old shirt torn at the chest and right arm. There was quite a lot of blood splatter, which had dried for a long time. Then, he wore grey pipe pants with the same fate. I glanced at the naked corpse under Kayro's feet; who knows what he experienced before becoming a cannibal creature? I'm sure he's going through something really bad.

Then Kayro's two fingers touched my face after he had picked up a puddle of mud left over from last night's rain, which was mixed with blood and spilt brains from the corpse. He rubbed it across my cheeks and forehead. I held my breath; the smell was really bad. It wasn't the rancid smell of fresh blood anymore; maybe it was the smell of rotting flesh that had been submerged in water for months.

He also did the same thing to his face. Then, rub the remaining mud into his hair. He looked more like a corpse than a homeless man.

"Now. Prepare your weapons!" Kayro ordered. "Are you still in pain?"

I nod my head. However, Feri's treatment at home still leaves traces that can be felt today. Luckily, he was already a corpse.

"But I can hold it in a little."

Kayro approached, lowering his gaze slightly to meet mine. I could see the reflection of my face which was full of mud, blushing so embarrassed. The man stroked my cheek gently, sending millions of electrical signals to my body. I just reflexively moved backwards, if he kept doing that, I was afraid my heart would explode.

"You're also my responsibility, San." Kayro straightened his body.

"Rianita needs you more."

He fell silent. His lips were pursed so tightly that his jaw was visibly tightened. There was dislike in his eyes, but guilt was also implied. I don't know what was on that guy's mind.

"Come on, Kay. Banyu must have been waiting too long," I said, stepping ahead of him carrying a sharp knife.

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