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38. Santi; Lost

The crowd outside the house where our base was located was quieter. There were only a few corpses that seemed unaffected by the truck. Kayro and I moved quickly, taking down the bodies easily. It seemed like killing them had become an ingrained habit now. Even though I felt disgusted, my hands were capable of cutting the heads with a knife without feeling guilty.

Some organs were scattered, either because the body had been a living corpse for too long or perhaps the effect of the rain had caused the cells to attract fluid. I don't know. The floors were full of mud and puddles of water. The door to the room involved was damaged and was forced through by the corpse.

Footsteps were heard, making us prepare to throw the knife. Kayro stepped forward, but he fell back when the figure was Jarak. I smiled and ran with the remaining strength to hug my friend tightly.

"You're safe," said Jarak, letting go of our hug with a big smile. He saw me from upstairs and down; I'm sure he's disgusted by my appearance. But it doesn't matter; we know one way to sneak in among the crazies.


"He's on the upstairs." The distance points to the top floor. Without waiting long, I ran ignoring the pain in the scar which might not have dried yet. I can't wait to meet Bayu's twin and try to save him even though his wound might already be infected.

Entering the second floor, I was greeted by Deka. He ran but then backed away, covering his nose with both hands. His hair, now long like a girl's, swayed back and forth.

"So stinky, Santi."

Only those words were spoken, and he greeted Kayro and Jarak behind me.

Banyu there. He was lying helplessly with pale lips and a corpse-like face on the cloth-covered floor. The gleam in his eyes wasn't as bright as when he last left the base. His body, which used to be a little full, now looks very thin. His breathing was going up and down; his face also seemed to be writhing in pain.

I approached, and the cut on Banyu's left arm was very bad. There was an unpleasant odour, and the cloth covering the wound was wet with pus. My tears fell instantly, feeling guilty because I couldn't do anything. However, instead, he smiled and said,

"Where's Bayu?"

I positioned myself sitting on the floor, stroking his face, which felt hot. My clear crystal fell on his thin cheek. His right finger wiped away my tears that were still flowing; while still smiling, he said,

"It's bad when you cry like that. It's not like Santi usually does." He took a breath. "Bayu? Rianita?"

"It's in another car. They're coming here. Sorry, we're late," said Kayro, looking pitiful. "Have you eaten?"

Banyu shook his head. "I'm too lazy. Not in the mood."

Before I had time to say a word, Bayu appeared while supporting Rianita, who was just as weak as Banyu. Jarak helped Rianita to lean against the wall. The look on the quiet man's face, looking at Rianita, was clearly visible.

Yes, she is a careless girl who is currently experiencing psychological shock due to sexual violence. I don't know how Banyu and Jarak will react to knowing what Rianita has experienced, even if the girl starts to get pregnant.

Bayu approached me and handed me a bag of medical equipment from the Puskesmas. Not having time to see his twin, he immediately asked Distance and Kayro to make a wooden guardrail and move some of the things we got during the trip.

"Wait!" Jarak exclaimed, making us look towards him. "Deka? Has anyone seen Deka?"

"Wasn't that with you?" I asked.

He shook his head, his face turned pale, and immediately Distance ran, followed by Bayu and Kayro. I was in a dilemma, seeing Rianita and Banyu, who needed my care.

"Tsk, Deka..." I whispered worriedly; if the child weren't supervised, he would always leave without saying goodbye. I don't know what he's looking for out there.


I turned my head, and Banyu's signal was visible, telling me to leave.

"But you..... "

"I can still survive," he said hoarsely, "for your sake."

"San... Deka needs you more than me." Rianita's voice answered. "Go, don't let him become a victim."

I nodded, looking at Banyu's face, which was covered in sweat the size of corn kernels. I kissed his forehead affectionately, saying,

"Wait for me."

I was descending the stairs quickly even though I almost slipped because there was so much water and a blood trail. Bayu, Kayro, and Distance were outside, calling Deka's name. I stopped momentarily when I saw the cage Jarak had made for Deka's cat--the Bilu--which was supposed to be near the living room. The wooden cage had been destroyed, and the occupants were nowhere to be seen when I arrived.

Is it possible?

I shook my head, dismissing the notion that Bilu was lost and killed by the corpses and Deka still believed that his cat was safe. Outside, Kayro stood guard in front of the house fence, which corpses had bent over. He turned around with a face I couldn't read. The man's thick eyebrows furrowed, the look in his eyes now mixed.

"I told you, that kid is causing trouble!"

"He's just a child, Kay!"

Kayro's lips didn't answer, choosing to walk quickly through the housing complex randomly. I followed him breathlessly due to the pain that was still spreading. While holding my bandaged stomach with my left hand, my right hand held a knife.

We met Jarak and Bayu at the T-junction, who didn't seem to have caught Deka's trail. Jarak's eyes were red, his lips were trembling, he didn't know what he was muttering. Occasionally, he ruffled his long hair angrily. I know that Deka has become like a younger sibling to the tanned man. Between us, only Jarak and Rianita are the closest to little Deka.

"He must think Bilu is alive," said Distance in an anxious tone.

My guess is correct.

"Let's look over there first; it's not evening yet. "He won't be far, Jar," said Bayu, directing Jarak to run to the west side.

We walked along the housing complex with a fairly wide road. Several bodies were lying around, which had become skeletons scattered in rubbish bins. I stopped when I heard a growl from one of the alleys on the other block.

"Jar..." I called.

Jarak turned around when I signalled to approach the alley directly adjacent to a modern-style house. Stealthily, we stepped forward while pointing sharp weapons in case the corpses came.


Jarak exclaimed again when he found a red shoe ripped off the front. He picked up the boots, making me wonder where Deka was.

"Deka?" I called. "Where are you?"

There was no sound, but the growling became more clearly audible.

"There's blood!" Bayu exclaimed, seeing drops of blood that looked like they had just been scratched on the fence and walls.

Running distance, entering deeper into the alley. "Deka!"

My eyes widened, and I found Deka's body was lifeless, with a corpse that was greedily tearing his small body apart. The legless corpse didn't seem to care about our presence, with a mouth full of blood and intestines from Deka's stomach. I screamed; Bayu hugged me tightly to prevent me from seeing the unfortunate incident.

"Bastard!" Jarak shouted, echoing through the emptiness of the housing complex, which was a silent witness to the death of little Deka. He called, making the corpse that had been busy devouring Deka now tempted to approach him.

I turned around with tears that fell who knows how many times. Jarak brandished his crowbar and easily crushed the corpse's skull in a frenzy. It didn't stop there; he stepped on the corpse while crying, regretting that he had neglected to protect the innocent little child.

Kayro approached Jarak to let Deka be there. However, Kayro received a hard blow right in the jaw.

"You have no idea how precious he is to me!" shouted Distance sadly. "Deka....."

The man collapsed on the street, which was now covered in Deka's blood, hugging the little one's broken body with great regret.


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