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39. Jarak; Burn the memories

Someone grabbed my right shoulder; it was Santi as I stared at her figure. I was still hugging this small, lifeless body tightly; Deka shouldn't have died in such a tragic way if I hadn't been carelessly watching him.

"It's getting dark. Do you want to stay here?" Kayro was seen looking around.

I started to get up; I carried Deka's body, which had not yet been destroyed.

"Hey, what are you bringing it for?" Kayro asked, and I stared at him momentarily and continued my steps into the house. Santi was seen whispering to Kayro, perhaps telling Kayro to be quiet.

They followed me into the house. Two people, Rianita and Banyu, looked at me without saying anything and then went back into their room.

It's a tough day for everyone. I took Deka's body to the back of the house. At least here, a fence prevents the undead from entering, so I put this little body down. I took off my clothes to cover my body.

Santi stood at the edge of the back door. She crossed her arms, then asked as I held the crowbar, "Want to bury him?"

I stared at her momentarily, then started digging, "He deserves a funeral."

The girl went inside; it took a few moments before she returned, carrying a hoe she got from who knows where. She stood in front of me.

"It'll be faster if we do it together, right?"

I just nodded.

Unlike what I expected, the ground here has too much gravel, making digging with just a crowbar and a rusty hoe difficult. Until night greeted us, the moonlight dimly illuminated us.

Someone approached, held my crowbar and said, "Take a break, I'll continue."

He's Kayro. I didn't care, so I continued digging.

"You're stupid, huh!? Let me help you! You have to rest!"

I was silent, staring at his face, which couldn't be seen.

"If you die silly just because you're tired, then I'll be the one in trouble too, you understand, hah!"

I started to remove my crowbar, letting Kayro hold it. My feet moved back slowly, away. The man who shouted at me began to stick the crowbar into the ground, starting to dig.

"Bayu and I are already cooking inside; I don't want to dig a grave for you two!"

Santi invited me inside. It's true; I'm hungry, tired, and have thoughts that will make me sick later. At least I shouldn't be a burden to the man who is now digging.

Bayu is seen near the burning wood. He cooks sardines in a fairly large can. Banyu lay weak, and Rianita sat down, enjoying what she was eating.

"It's already cooked; you guys just eat," Bayu said, "Let me help Kayro."

I nodded. Bayu immediately came out the back door.

The sound of two people digging could no longer be heard when I woke up. Damn it, I fell asleep while two people were making a grave for Deka.

If I look again, it's already midnight. Santi was also fast asleep, and I didn't intend to wake her. I stepped over her body, then continued until I went out the back door.

Kayro was alone, sitting weakly while wiping the sweat pouring out profusely. I don't know where Bayu is.

I was standing right at the edge of the excavation; it wasn't very clear, but this was enough to bury Deka's body. A few moments later, Bayu came by, climbing the fence.

"Ah, that's settled," said Bayu when he was already here. I'm guessing he must have killed the corpses that approached.

"How's it going, Jar?" Kayro asked. "It's better to bury it straight away, right?"

"Yes, it's better that way; you guys will already be bothered. It's better to speed things up."

I jumped slowly into the excavation while Kayro and Bayu lifted Deka's body and gave it to me. I slowly put down the body, some parts of which were destroyed. I looked again at the face, which was now pale and lifeless.

"Come on." Kayro stretched out his hand, and I welcomed him to go upstairs.

Slowly, little by little, the ground submerged this innocent child until it was completely buried. This way, Deka will rest in peace.

Santi approached, and then Rianita followed her. They were standing right next to me.

"Are you going to sleep?" Bayu asked Santi.

"Yes, let him recover," answered Santi.

"After this, I don't want to dig a grave a second time! This is enough! Understand?!" Kayro looked angry, but his words didn't make me angry. Yes, he cares, cares about us.

I squatted down, staring at the wet ground where there was the figure of a small child I considered my own little brother—the kid whose pronunciation of R isn't correct.

The child who keeps me alive until now. He whose smile makes my heart peaceful, who says he's hungry every night, then praises everything he eats. Deka, whose childhood was taken away by this virus, is still innocent.

Death can come at any time. Humans cannot avoid it completely. Well, they came without greeting. Humans can only surrender to this one matter. What we do is try to stay healthy.

"I'll go first." Kayro walked away, and Bayu followed him.

"Jarak," Santi grabbed my shoulder again; I turned to look at her. "Then, go inside; you still have to rest."

"Just go ahead," I answered. They both went into the house.

I caught up with her after a while.

All night, I couldn't close my eyes. I tried several times to stay calm, but the absence of Deka's voice calling me when he was hungry made the atmosphere different.

After treatment, Banyu's pain is not as bad as it was yesterday. Meanwhile, Banyu had just woken up, yawning as he sat rubbing his eyes. Rianita was silent, staring at the quiet view from the window. Kayro checked his belongings, equipment, such as weapons and all kinds of necessities for us to continue our journey.

Meanwhile, Santi has been busy cooking food as usual. Canned food that may be out of date in a week.

She stood with her hands on her hips, a red cloth tied around her head, and her hair flowed down to cover every fabric edge like a warrior.

"The food is ready," said Santi.

Banyu immediately approached the burnt cans. However, Santi stopped him, saying he had to pray first while hitting Banyu on the head with a small branch.

As a result, Bayu smiled slightly. I'm infected; they can make the atmosphere look like this after a night that was so emotionally draining.

"Base," Kayro responded briefly, shaking his head and putting a knife into his brown backpack.

"There aren't any tamarind vegetables, right?" Banyu asked, making Santi glance at the child with his sharp eyes. Again, the small branch was about to hit his head, but Banyu could avoid it.

I got up. I wanted to approach Rianita, but Santi stopped me and said to let him take the child.

The two of them chatted for a moment before Rianita finally wanted to eat what had been prepared. We all enjoyed it—especially Banyu, who was the first to finish the food.

"Banyu," said Kayro to the child, who still looked weak. "You can walk, right?"

"Shall we leave now?" I took it straight.

"Of course," Kayro answered, then he looked back at Banyu, who was thinking.

"No problem." Banyu smiled with his pale face.

"Is it true that you can do it?" Santi asked Banyu.

"Yeah, I'm healthy."

"Okay then, I've prepared the equipment. Banyu doesn't need anything, Bayu brings that big bag, and Rianita doesn't need anything. Santi brings the bag filled with food, and you..." Kayro looked at me before continuing his words. "Bring that brown backpack."

Brown bags, apart from weapons such as knives, also contain canned food or bottled drinks. Honestly, this is quite heavy.

"We should just bring what we need, right, Kay?" Santi asked after seeing what Kayro had prepared.

"This is all we need, San."

"What if suddenly there's a group of corpses? It's hard for us to run, you know," complained Banyu.

"Then don't run into a mob, understand?"

"Up to you." Banyu looked a little annoyed. He walked away grumbling, "Fuck, when did he become leader."

"We can still use the car; there are reportedly enough materials for the trip even though it didn't reach our destination. If we have too much to bring, please choose again which one you need to bring the most," explained Kayro, "I don't mean to control you, but when This is just me still thinking straight, you understand, right?"

We were silent after those words, choosing to obey what Kayro said. It's true what he said. Kayro doesn't look sad and remains normal after yesterday's incident.

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