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40. Santi; Magic Words

"Your wound is starting to dry up," I said as I cleaned Banyu's wound, which was now much better than the day before. The pus and unpleasant smell have disappeared, and the redness around the cut is gradually fading; now, I wait for the wound tissue to merge completely.

Banyu nodded without any words coming out of his lips. Instead, he looked at me so closely that I turned away, embarrassed. His twin's words at that time were still ringing in his head as if what Kayro did to me would affect Banyu.

"Okay, I'm going to Rianita," I said goodbye, pointing to Rianita who was sitting alone under the mango tree in the yard with the iron fence.

Before I left, Banyu held my arm. "Wait... I have something to tell you. But later..."

I turned around, and his gaze felt different. There was something he wanted to say, but I couldn't guess. I nodded my head and smiled faintly without saying a word. I was also confused about how to respond when he suddenly behaved strangely like this. He loosened the hand holding my arm, implying to approach Rianita.

Apart from that, who knows how many weeks or maybe months, the atmosphere has been very different since Deka's death. Travelling without small children felt like it; sometimes, I accidentally called Deka to offer him some bread. Unfortunately, when I remember that tragic incident, I can only remain silent with an empty heart.

Death will always come, but humans should not be sad about existing disasters. We have to keep going, continuing the mission that was postponed. Even though we were able to make Distance smile, I could still catch the look on her face that really missed the figure of the child with hair like a coconut shell. The long-haired man remained silent and only spoke when we asked him to communicate.

Likewise, Rianita, originally the most talkative and annoying, now prefers to be silent and daydream. Sometimes, I saw her crying alone until his narrow eyes swelled and only said it was fine when we asked. Like now, she was sitting alone, staring at an iron fence whose paint had peeled off. In front of the wall, we set up a trap made of sharpened bamboo, which was erected at a slight angle so that when a corpse approached, the tip of the bamboo would immediately pierce the neck and penetrate the head.

The breeze at the end of the rainy season felt stinging on my skin. I looked up; the sun shone brightly, indicating that the world was still fine, even though death was always before my eyes. Rianita turned her head, realising my presence; she smiled faintly as she wiped away the traces of tears that had not yet dried on her cheeks.

I squatted on her left side while taking out the candy I got from the supermarket with Kayro yesterday. Rianita accepted it and then opened the package of lemon-flavoured candy in silence.

"How do you feel?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders with her eyes looking towards the deserted street. "Feel like a dumb ass."

Her hands stroked her stomach, which now looked even more bulging compared to her slightly thin body. She looked at me; the sparkle in her eyes showed that living in a condition like this was the same as dying.

In the end, I found out that Rianita was pregnant; who knows whose sperm managed to grow a small fetus in her womb? If the world were still normal, of course, every woman would eagerly await the baby's arrival. But, now, even she doesn't know how to support her child if the world is now more bleak and cruel than in reality. We didn't even know how far along she was in her pregnancy, and we also didn't know how to assist with the birth.

"Sometimes I just want to die, San," he said softly. "But... I remember, in this body, it's not just my life."

The tears flowed again, and Rianita's slightly pale lips trembled. She looked up at the rustling of mango leaves, which felt cool with the sunlight penetrating between them. I hugged Rianita's body, giving her strength even though I was sure this wouldn't last forever. For me, strength only comes from within a person if they want to survive the problems they face.

Unfortunately, not everyone can survive, and I realised that Rianita was two years younger than me. She was the youngest here; yesterday's events shook her soul.

"Hey, I'm here. You're not alone, Ta; if you don't want to feel alive, I beg you to fight for your child."

"But... can I? I'm still young; I don't know anything, San. I... I..."

"Don't worry, I know how to look after babies. It's just that we have to find a doctor to check your health."

"Thank you, San, you... are a good girl."

I nodded. "In this crazy world, it's rare to find someone sane, Ta."

In the afternoon, before continuing our journey, we gathered in the living room with a wide-open map on a teak wood table that still looked shiny even though it was no longer inhabited. Kayro looked thoughtful as he held a red marker, looking at the areas we had passed; the voice from the photophone could still be heard mentioning several people marked as those with blood type O.

"We're almost close," said Kayro, drawing a circle to the Jakarta National Monument point. "From the information I heard, this is the main gate to the green zone."

"Isn't the green zone in the city of Serang? Besides, it's far from Monas; it doesn't make sense," I said.

"It makes sense if they have an underground route," said Bayu, still staring straight at the routes on the map.

"There is indeed an underground space at Mona's, but I'm not sure they have a subway line," said Rianita. "Moreover, the MRT line only stops at Bundaran HI station; if you go to Serang, it's impossible; the last line is only in Kalideres."

"Let's just try. We'll never know what's inside Monas if we don't try first, right?" said Jarak, who had been silent all this time. "After all, we can't wait too long and wait for the people in the green zone to die one by one as their experiment."

We nodded; what Jarak said was true. We can't wait any longer; many missions still need to be completed, including the mystery of why only those with blood type O are used as vaccine experimental material.

"Okay, we'll leave tonight. I'll get a few litres of fuel first," said Kayro as he folded the map, putting it in his backpack.

"I'll come," I suggested.

Kayor sighed and rolled his eyes. "It's like there's no one else. It's just me and Bayu. You can do anything else, cook or something, Girl."

It isn't very pleasant to be a person!

"San!" Banyu called, waving his hand as if telling me to approach him.

He walked out while Rianita chose to prepare supplies for the trip. I followed Banyu's steps from behind, occasionally seeing the man stroking the bandage around his arm. He stopped, then turned around and said,

"I like you."


It took some time until finally, my body froze, with a numb tongue unable to respond to Banyu's sudden words. I didn't expect something like this to happen; feelings of liking emerged as time passed. But this is a wild world; maybe it's just a false feeling that comes from having fewer and fewer people. I thought perhaps we were the only ones here.

"Maybe this is crazy."

I nodded reflexively; there were no suitable words I could say to him.

"But, I've been thinking about this for a long time. Especially when I was dying, I only thought about you, San. I don't want to die in vain before saying this."

Suddenly, Bayu's words rang in his ears again. Banyu needs me, as if I am his guardian angel, even though I am here because of Kayro. I bit my lower lip, unable to look at the curly-haired man. Banyu is charming, brave and kind, really different from the annoying Kayro, who makes me want to beat him up at any time.

"I... I... don't know what to say, Nyu. You know, I never have time to think about heart-to-hearts. We seem to have been driven crazy by all this, besides... I still have to care for Rianita and the feelings of Distance who is still grieving. I don't think so--"

My words just evaporated when Banyu suddenly kissed my forehead without warning. I almost fell because the bones in both legs suddenly gave way until Banyu grabbed my arms. We both locked eyes with each other; his face was so close to mine that my nose was forced to stop breathing momentarily.

The image of Kayro kissing me suddenly came; I shook my head and pushed Banyu's body back several steps. My heart was pounding just remembering Kayro's expression at that time, why he suddenly appeared when he wasn't in front of me.

"I want us to be like this," I said with a fast intonation. My chest felt tight. I don't know whether this was the effect of Banyu's words and him kissing my forehead or because Kayro suddenly flashed into my head. "Our friendship... I can't turn it into a feeling. I'm sorry, Nyu."

There was disappointment on his face. However, he just nodded with a faint smile. He looked down as if complete defeat was in his hands. He turned around, walking quickly without saying a word. I groaned, feeling guilty for breaking his heart. But those feelings couldn't be forced, even in such a situation. Everything is not yet conducive.

Before I entered the house, I accidentally caught Jarak glued to the left side of the house. He stood behind a mango tree with his gaze unreadable. I was embarrassed. Could it be that he had heard my conversation with Banyu?

"Jar..." I called.

He didn't answer. Instead, he just walked away carrying sharpened bamboo sticks and a knife in both hands. He left without saying goodbye to me.

Why is everything so strange?

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