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41. Jarak; Containers

Who still thinks about love when the world is dying?

This afternoon, with my own eyes. I saw Banyu kissing Santi. The incident was visible because it was still daylight. How could they still have time to do something as useless as kissing?

I shook my head when Santi saw me, then walked away from where I was standing. Wait a minute, why should I be angry? Why should I hate their actions? Even though I wasn't harmed at all.


Kayro didn't return until tonight; fuel is already hard to get this time. I opened the living room door, and Rianita sat back, staring out the window; as usual, she was daydreaming. Unfortunately, being pregnant is not a good situation for the current situation.

I took the backpack I had to carry and left the house. Rianita followed me. Outside, Santi is talking to Kayro, who is refuelling the car.

Banyu approached me while reaching into his trouser pocket. He lit a cigarette and then smoked it deliciously.

"You think we'll reach Monas, don't you?" Banyu asked with his eyes still looking at Santi and Kayro.

I was silent for a moment, then I answered when Banyu nudged my arm, "I don't know, maybe I'll die in the middle of the road?"

Banyu looked at me with a frown. I left him and walked towards the car. I don't want to talk too much; saving my energy for the unexpected things that will come later is better.

Banyu is not good at hiding what he is feeling. It was clear on his face that, for some reason, he seemed disappointed; sometimes, he daydreamed for a moment while smoking his cigarette.

"They're coming again; whoever they are, please finish off that corpse," Kayro said firmly.

In front of you, you can see a corpse with one leg being dragged walking closer. I grabbed the crowbar, ready to finish off the damn corpse, but...

"Leave it, just me." Banyu was already walking first with his right hand tightly gripping a shiny kitchen knife.

"Hey! Be careful, Nyu!" I shouted, then was greeted with his raised left hand as he continued to walk towards the corpse.

Banyu easily killed the corpse. Well, the corpse has weakened, its body shape has dried up, and it has no flesh. He returned while cleaning the knife from red stains onto a cloth.

The atmosphere tonight is quite bright. It doesn't look like it's going to rain, if I guess, maybe around noon now.

"Come on, we're leaving now." Kayro patted my shoulder. He also immediately got into the car.

Bayu drove, Rianita beside him, and I was in the back seat with Kayro. Meanwhile, Santi and Banyu are in the middle seat.

Our journey started, and several corpses were chasing us; sometimes, we ran into them or had to go down to finish them. Cars and motorbikes were scattered on the road; we avoided them even though sometimes we had to clean them up by towing them with our vehicle.

Luckily, we didn't meet a single human. Only there weren't too many corpses. Until morning appeared in the east, it looked beautiful with its colours.

It is in front of Gambir Station, on Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur. We had to stop and continue on foot to the end of the road to change the car, which we couldn't take because of the permanent traffic jam.

We checked several cars, and Bayu found them; we could use one bus even though we had to look for fuel from several other vehicles. This process took quite a long time; in fact, several corpses often approached even though we managed to kill them.

After that, we passed right in front of the Merdeka Palace. From there, it can be seen that it can no longer be used as a place to live. Some corpses even ran quickly. If Bayu doesn't speed up this bus, then we will be finished.

We can see the golden peak of the National Monument from a distance. We continued until we were at a fence that should have had strong discipline; now it had collapsed with several dead bodies with a bad smell.

If I remember correctly, there should be lots of trees here. However, now it's not like that; on the contrary, it's something we didn't expect.

Neatly arranged containers surround Monas. As if someone deliberately set it to be used as a guardrail, is this what is called a green zone?

There is no way to get in there. Kayro got out of the bus, looking up at the container we couldn't climb. I went down, and then the others followed.

The sun is now half out. However, the clouds that previously looked bright have now changed as if this place did not want our arrival.

"We have to go inside, right?" Banyu asked while smoking again.

"By the way, it's high, you know." Bayu didn't look enthusiastic. He scratched his head while looking around.

Kayro shook his head. As if he knew how to get in, he said, "We can use the height of this bus to climb."

Right, why didn't I think like that? And it's true, here, the only one who is still thinking is Kayro.

Bayu slowly brought the bus closer to the container. He got off when he did.

"Jar, you can climb, right?" Kayro asked me. I need to nod to answer it.

Kayro squatted down right at the edge of the bus, then told me to climb onto his shoulders.

"You can't do it if it's just the two of you. Let me climb to the top. I can climb, too." Bayu looks proud of himself. "Climb first, Jar. Later, I'll climb on your shoulders."

"Okay," I answered while climbing Kayro's shoulders. After that, Bayu rose on both of us until he stood on my shoulders. And with this, I remember the competition that was held once a year; it was similar to areca climbing.

Bayu managed to get on the bus. One more task. It is namely climbing into that large container. It's not difficult to do that.

"Be careful!" Banyu shouted.

"Don't worry, I can do it," answered Bayu. He stood on the container and then was silent for a moment.

"How?" Kayro asked. We all now looked up to see Bayu standing up there.

"There's nothing there! It's empty; it looks like the green zone is just a fairy tale!" Bayu shouted with his face looking at us below.

"There are no undead?" I asked.

"Nothing!" Bayu looked back in there."

"How's Monas?" Rianita asked. "What do you mean there isn't anyone?!"

"No. There aren't any!" Bayu answered again.

"Come down, Yu! I want to see for myself; help me up!" Kayro said.

However, when I squatted down for Kayro to climb on my shoulders, we were silent; we didn't expect this.

A loud sound was heard, and not long after that, Bayu's body fell, hitting the ground hard right in front of Santi and Rianita.

Water droplets began to fall. What happened?

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