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42. Santi; Underground

"Bayu!" Rianita and I shouted simultaneously when the large body hit the ground quite hard. Instantly, he became unconscious when we approached him.

"Bastard!" shouted Banyu, who was about to aim the gun at the source of the shot but was stopped when another bang came from somewhere.

The pulse in Bayu's neck weakened, and there was a lot of blood seeping through his shirt. I tore it open with force, and immediately I screamed; the gunshot wound that penetrated his left stomach caused quite a lot of bleeding. Bayu could have been in danger if he hadn't had surgery immediately.

"Ta! Press the wound so that a lot of blood doesn't come out; I'll take the medical kit," I said in a fast intonation; my only thought was how to get the bullet out of Bayu's stomach, whereas I was only taught how to stitch up a normal wound.

Rianita nodded quickly, pressing the gaping wound with trembling hands. Meanwhile, I ran towards the bus, but before we reached the large vehicle, we were confronted by several people consisting of five men in shabby shirts and three women, complete with their firearms. One of them managed to paralyse Kayro, Banyu, and Jarak cocked the gun, preventing me from moving. Then, Jarak walked backwards, protecting Rianita and Bayu behind me.

Several group members entered the bus, rummaging through all our supplies. I heard them cheering like they had found treasure. I wanted to cut off their heads, but Banyu, who knew what was on my mind, whispered not to do things that would worsen things.

"Hand over your weapons, or my bullet will go through his head," said the bald man wearing a black sleeveless shirt, pointing a gun at Kayro's head, whose hands were being held by two other men. I'm sure he's the boss of the group.

"I didn't come here looking for enemies, bastard!" replied Kayro, who received a raw blow to his jaw.

"Nyu, follow them," I whispered. "Bayu is dying; we can't just let Bayu die like that. We're pressed."

"You can't see my friend is about to die!" Kayro still insisted, "I brought a pregnant woman!"

They stared at each other silently, then laughed loudly, belittling Kayro's words, which sounded like a big lie.

"You can still have sex in this condition? How great is your dick!" said the shaved head.

"Fuck!" Banyu shouted, releasing a bullet at the same time as the shaved headshot of a hot seed right at Banyu's feet.

His body collapsed to the ground; Banyu's voice screamed in pain as blood flowed into a red pool around his feet—Thunderstruck as if he wanted to surrender to this unknown foreign group.

"Haven't you been taught how to respect your parents?" quipped the bald head, "take them to the basement!"

The head men moved forward, took all our weapons, then covered our eyes with cloth and tied both hands with rope. The sound of Rianita sobbing made my heart hurt; the trauma that the girl experienced had not completely healed, and this time, she experienced the same thing again. Several obscene curses escaped those dirty lips, making me growl and want to run. However, instead, I got a punch in the stomach, and in the end, they covered my mouth, too.

Do certain groups control the Monas underground route?

Go down the stairs and walk straight for two hundred steps, then turn left and walk straight for one hundred steps. The road I was on was sometimes flat, sometimes rocky; I frowned. Was it true that the underground route that was supposed to be used as an MRT route existed, even though long before this epidemic appeared, the mega project from Monas to Serang was cancelled due to a corruption case involving many officials? Countries and cities. As a result, the project, which should have been completed within five years, was hampered and abandoned. But, if I feel the texture of the road I'm walking on, I'm sure the work process is probably more than fifty per cent complete.

The sound of water drops can be heard clearly; even the voices of people and cigarette smoke dominate here. I don't know where they took us. The dungeon was very scary.

The sound of the door creaking was heard, my body was pushed roughly, and the cloth tied around my eyes was also removed. I shook my head and blinked, neutralising the light entering my retina. There wasn't enough lighting; only a few candles were left swaying in the corners of this small room.

The shaved head was no longer visible but was a man wearing a camouflage shirt like a soldier with a long-barreled weapon on his shoulder. I looked at my friends; only Kayro and Jarak were on my right side. The twins and Rianita were not there. Were they placed in a separate room, or were the twins left lying on the street waiting to die?

"Where are the three others?" I asked, echoing the narrow room.

"Bastard! Bastard!" Kayro shouted, not accepting it. "How dare you be with kids!"

Another heavy blow landed on the stubborn man's face. Kayro hissed, and I could hear his heavy breathing holding back anger.

"We're not looking for trouble with you guys," said Jarak, "we're just looking for the green zone, sir!"

"Green zone?" The man's baritone voice made me shiver a little, especially as the shadows cast by the candlelight on the wall made him look like a monster. Then he laughed out loud as if the place was just complete nonsense. "You guys are just the losers they sent, right?"

"They?" I repeated with furrowed brows. "Who? If you mean those who are pro-government, we were already killing them long before we came here."

The man turned around and squatted in front of me, bringing his face closer to me. I held my breath; the smell of cigarette smoke mixed with sweat made me want to vomit.

"What makes me believe you? Not once or twice, punks like you come for the same reason. Green zone? That's just some bullshit made up by the government! They disappeared like scared rats."

"Red MPV! We once killed two people who were looking for the whereabouts of survivors with blood type O. Please search our bags; there are HTs and maps that we took from the car!" I said.

"If he lies, you can kill me," said Jarak firmly.

"Jar! You're crazy!" Kayro exclaimed. "You're bored of life, huh?"

"Shut up!" shouted the man in camouflage clothes, then he left the room and closed the door quite hard, leaving us without a word.

I sighed, banging my head against the wall weakly. No longer able to cry over what had happened, plans that were supposed to run smoothly were finally destroyed. I thought there were no people here; I thought everything was abandoned here; everything is the opposite. At Monas,, it is like a new trap that will either end well or badly.

All I think about are my three helpless friends, Bayu dying, Rianita, who has psychological trauma, and Banyu... ah, I can't define how worried I am now. Kayro shifted his sitting position closer to me, who was silent, waiting for the armed group to fire a bullet at my head.

"Don't worry, San, we can get out of here," said Kayro, trying to calm me down.

I smiled wryly, my gaze now turned to Jarak, who was silent as if thinking about something.

"Why Jar?" I asked.

"Shut up, I'm hearing them, San."

Our reflexes covered our mouths, hearing voices outside the door. While closing my eyes, I collected all the sounds out there that were a little noisy.

"They are not the government!"

"We're on the wrong target; there's a pregnant girl, Bro. You don't want to kill an innocent baby, do you?"

"Tch! My sense of humanity has died since this epidemic hit, Boy!"

"How did they survive this far? Aren't there not many people who survived? The last group, I found them burned to the ground."

"Never mind, just search and investigate everything on the bus. I'm afraid there are eavesdroppers there. Everyone will be finished if the government finds out about our hiding here."

"So, does the green zone not exist, Jar?" I asked with increasingly dashed hopes.

Jarak shook his head weakly, while Kayro preferred to remain silent in a thousand words.

"What's the point of us fighting from the start if the government just makes up a big lie?" said Kayro.

"What we have to do now is figure out how to get out of here and move to Serang City," said Jarak. "It's just... It will be difficult; they are all stronger and more experienced like us."

"I hope... there is a miracle that will make them believe us," said Kayro. "You have a missing family, right, San?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure whether they survived."

"Jarak?" Kayro asked, turning his gaze to Jarak.

"I've given up. After Deka died, I felt like I had no hope of living anymore."

"Damn," Kayro hissed. "You two just have to wait to die if you give up like that."

A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a tall man with scars that indicated he had fought hard. Without many words, he pulled Distance roughly like dragging an animal, and then the door closed again with a bang, leaving silence between me and Kayro.


"If he dies, that's his business, not mine," said Kayro indifferently. "He chose his path, San."

I snorted; talking to Kayro was the same as provoking emotions. Ultimately, I fell silent, choosing to drown in my thoughts; who knows what happened to Jarak? I'm afraid that he would just be beheaded without a reason. Even I was worried that we would end up dying in this place without knowing what happened.

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